The porch for the house as a design is a raised platform located in front of the front door. There are usually several steps leading to the site.

Usually the porch is made of the same material as the whole house. But it happens that a wooden porch is attached to a brick house, or vice versa. I must say that such a device for the main entrance is traditional for northern housing and is both a functional and decorative element of the house. The porch will save the area in front of the entrance from rain, mud and other troubles of our weather.
It can be very difficult to choose how to build a porch for a house, photos of various options for its device will help in deciding the design. It can be equipped with railings, a canopy, it can even play the role of a terrace if its dimensions are large enough. There are two ways to build a front entrance. One of them is very common. This is when the porch is attached to an already built house. Due to the difference in pressure on the ground, such a structure often moves away from the house, or a skew appears, which is usually clearly visible from the side. The best is the second option, when the house and the porch are one. It can be with or without a canopy, as well aswood, brick, metal and concrete.

Porch for home - wooden version
The wood version is the most common. Wood for the construction of country houses is used very often. Accordingly, the porch for a wooden house is also built, as a rule, from wood. The modern wooden porch is now made mainly of timber. The ideal material for it is larch, spruce and pine are also suitable. To protect the wood from getting wet, the entire structure must be proliferated and painted with special paint. There can be one staircase, or two stairs can be made from opposite sides. The roof at the porch can be a separate element, or it can be integral with the roof of the whole house. It is better not to make the flooring near the wooden porch dense, since water will leave the porch faster through the cracks. For the same reason, the flooring is made with an inconspicuous slope, otherwise in winter the water accumulated on the porch will quickly turn into ice. You can make various decorative elements. Wood is a very convenient material for making various decorations. The wooden porch for the house has a very cozy look. In addition, a wooden building is usually cheaper than any other structure. The disadvantage is its short life.

Other options
The porch of a wooden house made of bricks is more rare. It looks solid and lasts much longer than wood, as brick easily endures all weather troubles. Butthe cost of such a porch will be very high.
Very rare - a metal porch near a wooden house. Although it has many advantages: it is light, does not require a foundation, is quite durable, and if it is also decorated with forged elements, then it is very decorative. Such a porch for the house will require fairly frequent painting updates.
A concrete porch is a common option for a brick or block home.