Waterproofing "Mapey": scope and composition

Waterproofing "Mapey": scope and composition
Waterproofing "Mapey": scope and composition

Mapey is an enterprise that acts as a world leader in the manufacture and sale of building materials. She began her work in 1937 in Italy. Already today, the concern owns more than fifty factories that operate in various countries around the globe.

Product range

In the company's product range, you can find more than 1000 items, which allows you to solve the most complex problems in construction. As an example, Mapey waterproofing, which is intended for professional use, can be considered. This brand's waterproofing materials are:

  • epoxy waterproofing;
  • bituminous waterproofing;
  • waterproof cords and tapes;
  • polyurethane waterproofing;
  • cement-based waterproofing.
mapei waterproofing
mapei waterproofing

Scope of application

Mapey waterproofing has proven itself excellently in the construction of various structures, swimming pools, andas well as residential and industrial buildings. The materials can be used for internal and external insulation of basements, foundations, bathrooms and shower rooms, as well as communication channels, balconies, showers and terraces.

Material acts as a reliable protection for various structures such as plaster, plasterboard and ceramic tiles. Waterproofing "Mapey" has found its wide distribution in the field of industry, it is used to isolate the concrete surfaces of tanks, transport facilities, chimneys, concrete and brick tanks, as well as drinking water tanks. The described waterproofing is able to perfectly protect concrete, which is covered with cracks during shrinkage. This can happen as a result of water infiltration or exposure to aggressive agents, as well as contact with sea water and s alt.

Waterproofing composition

Mapey waterproofing is a two-component composition, among the ingredients of which is component A and liquid component B. In the first case, we are talking about a mixture of fine aggregate, special additives and cement binder, while in the second - about synthetic water- dispersion polymers. To obtain a homogeneous mass, the components must be mixed, and the solution can be applied to vertical and horizontal substrates using a spatula.

coating waterproofing mapey
coating waterproofing mapey

The synthetic resins in the composition are of excellent quality, so they remain waterproof and elastic under arbitrarily difficult conditions, whichtrue even if the pressure reaches 1.5 bar.

Recommended Materials

Mapey coating waterproofing has high elasticity, perfectly adheres to different surfaces, including:

  • ceramics;
  • masonry;
  • marble;
  • concrete.

These characteristics, combined with resistance to solar radiation, allow the material to be used even in industrial regions, the conditions of which are characterized by air pollution. Quite often, waterproofing of this manufacturer is also used in coastal areas, the air of which contains a large amount of s alts.

mapei elastic waterproofing
mapei elastic waterproofing

Varieties of Mapey waterproofing

Waterproofing "Mapey" two-component is characterized by the absence of shrinkage, it can be used without prior application of a primer. The material is presented in two varieties, each of which has a special purpose. If the surface is going to be negatively or positively affected by water, the work should be carried out with Mapelastic Foundation. But for substrates that are under positive water pressure, Mapelastic Smart is usually used.

Recommendations for use

In order to achieve a positive result when using the described waterproofing, it is recommended to apply it in a thin layer up to 2 mm. If you increase this figure, then elasticity may be impaired. Do not start work if the thermometer drops below +8°С.

No extraneous ingredients such as water or cement need to be added to the solution, and after application, the layer must be protected from water ingress. Such recommendations must be followed throughout the day. "Mapey" is a waterproofing that can be used to work with flat roofs or terraces.

two-component waterproofing mapei rostov-on-don
two-component waterproofing mapei rostov-on-don

Usage nuances

If it is not planned to lay tiles on them, then the surfaces should be supplemented with deflectors, one will be enough for 25 m2. However, the final amount will depend on the level of humidity at the surface. These actions are recommended for waterproofing surfaces that are highly absorbent. Among them are screeds, lightweight with expanded polystyrene or expanded clay.

Applying technology

Mapey waterproofing, the application of which must be carried out according to the instructions, is applied on previously prepared bases. Care should be taken to ensure that the surface is free from damage and cracks, is strong and clean. Before starting work, the base is moistened. When preparing the solution, the liquid component must be placed in a container, adding the dry ingredient. The composition is mixed using a mechanical stirrer, which is set to low speed. This condition is important to avoid saturation of the solution with air bubbles.

The mixture is stirred for several minutes until smooth, the powder should not settle at the bottom of the container. Before filling the pump with solution, it is importantmake sure that there are no lumps in it and that it is completely homogeneous. Application can be done with a spray gun or by hand. Waterproofing will keep viability within 60 minutes. All subsequent layers should be applied only after the previous ones have dried, the layer thickness should not be more than 1 mm.

waterproofing mapei mapelastic
waterproofing mapei mapelastic

Additional information about Mapelastic waterproofing

Mapelastik waterproofing has become more and more popular lately. "Mapey" is a two-component waterproofing, which can be purchased for 4500 rubles. For this price, you will receive 32 kg of material that is resistant to de-icing s alts, CO2, chlorides and sulfates. Use the material to process retaining walls and precast concrete elements that will be buried in the ground.

Quite often the material is used for surfaces that have been plastered with gypsum and cement-based compounds. Suitable material for waterproof plywood, as well as drywall. Two-component "Mapey" waterproofing is applied in 2 layers. Rostov-on-Don offers this material at the above price.

waterproofing mapei mesh
waterproofing mapei mesh

In the first layer it is necessary to lay a reinforcing mesh, which is resistant to alkalis. The second layer can be applied after the first has dried. A waterproofing tape is glued at the interface points, while waterproofing plasters are applied at the outlets of pipes and drains. In the first case, we are talking about wall connections withfloor or wall to wall. Reinforcing elements after drying of the first layer are covered with a second layer of material. Once the surface is dry, you can start laying tiles.

Mapey waterproofing product for professional use. "Mapelastic" has the form of a gray powder, the specific gravity of which is 1.4 g/cm3. Specifications are based on waterproofing at temperatures within +23°C and relative humidity of 50% or less.

For mixing it is necessary to use a proportion of 3 to 1 (respectively, components A and B). Thus, for 24 kg of the first ingredient, 8 kg of the second will be needed.

It is recommended to use the composition at temperatures from +5 to +35 °С. After 28 days at +23°C, the stretchability of the mixture is reached. At the same time, the humidity should not fall below +50%.

If you plan to carry out manual application of the material, then the consumption will be 1.7 kg/m2. With the machine method, the consumption increases to 2.2 kg/m2. "Mapei elastic" - waterproofing, which should not be applied in a layer thicker than 2 mm in one layer. When using waterproofing to repair bases that will come into contact with drinking water during operation, after hardening, the material must be washed several times with warm water, the temperature of which will be 40 °C.

Additional application tips

If you plan to waterproof concrete, then its surface must first be checked for strength. The base is cleaned of the remnants of cement laitance, and dust can be removed manually or mechanically. If there is a substrate that is contaminated with grease or oil, sandblasting or water washing can be used for cleaning.

Rust must be well removed from the surface, and damaged parts are pre-repaired with special compounds. If you have to work with surfaces that absorb water well, then before starting work, the base must be saturated with liquid. Mapei waterproofing, the mesh with which it is used, must be applied to surfaces previously cleaned of paint, grease and wax, and if it is a cement plaster, then it should be kept for a week for each centimeter of thickness.

mapelastic mapei two-component waterproofing
mapelastic mapei two-component waterproofing

After completion of work, contaminated tools are washed in water, this must be done before the composition hardens. If all this has already happened, then the working tool is cleaned mechanically. Manual preparation is not recommended. This is especially true if large surfaces are to be treated.


When it is planned to work with the method of manual application of waterproofing, a smooth trowel should be used to form the first layer. The second coat must be applied in such a way that the total thickness does not exceed 2 mm.

When treating balconies, terraces and swimming pools, fiberglass mesh is installed in the fresh first layer. The dimensions of its cells should be as follows: 4,5 x 4 mm. This mesh is recommended for application if there are large cracks on the surface, as well as if the base will be subjected to heavy loads.
