A concrete structure or screed made in the yard often has to be protected from external influences of moisture, frost and sun.
Therefore, the question arises how to properly strengthen the outer layer of the specified material, make it moisture resistant, strong and durable. For this, a special technology is used, such as concrete ironing. This process is in many cases necessary during construction.

After the concrete work is completed, water will soon appear on the surfaces. This is due to the fact that the heavy components of the specified material - cement, sand and crushed stone - sink down, displacing water. As a rule, in this case, the top layer becomes sandy and less durable due to a decrease in the concentration of cement. And in order to protect and strengthen it from water and other atmospheric and physical influences, a technology is used - concrete ironing.
The quality of this process depends on compliance with certain requirements and, above all, the top layer of this material must not be allowed to dry out. Before ironing, it must be damp and not exposed to direct sunlight.

In general, this process is simple. At home, you can iron concrete with your own hands. The main thing is that you need to know what methods exist for carrying out the specified process and what material to use in this case.
There are two ways to make this protective coating. The first is the ironing of concrete with cement sifted on a sieve. This is the "dry" method of this process. There is also a "wet" method - sifted cement, diluted with water with the addition of liquid glass or sodium aluminate. The mixture may also contain other impurities and additives that improve moisture resistance and coating strength.
In the first case, using dry cement, you can add quartz powder for strength. In this way, ironing of concrete of horizontal surfaces is performed. In this case, the cement is poured into a fine sieve and evenly sprinkled onto the freshly laid concrete, tapping on the sieve. The indicated layer must be within three millimeters.

Then, with a spatula or a special smoothing trowel, the dry mixture is compacted over the entire surface of the concrete. The cement absorbs moisture from the surface.fresh concrete and turns into batter. Now this mixture is smeared to a smooth glossy surface over the entire area of the horizontal concrete screed.
Another method is used on surfaces from which dry cement can fall. In this case, use the "wet" method. To do this, it is necessary to sift the cement first into a container and prepare the mixture by adding water and various strengthening impurities and moisture-protective components.

Then, with a spatula, this mixture is applied to the concrete surface with a layer of the same thickness as in the first method. You also need to smooth it evenly with a trowel.
The wet method is considered more moisture resistant and durable. It can also be used on horizontal surfaces of fresh concrete. This method is the most efficient.
If ironing concrete is done in a place where direct sunlight is possible, then it is better to plan the work so that it is done after sunset, in the evening.