A well-cultivated field is an effective way to control pests

A well-cultivated field is an effective way to control pests
A well-cultivated field is an effective way to control pests

A well-cultivated field makes it possible to increase crop yields, get rid of weeds, and prevent soil erosion.

Fall and pre-plant processing of the field

To determine the right way to cultivate the soil, you need to consider:

  • composition and density of the soil;
  • terrain;
  • contaminated area;
  • crop that occupied the field in the previous year.

Processing happens in autumn (autumn) and pre-planting (spring).

cultivated field
cultivated field

Before ploughing, the soil is stubbled. At the same time, the vegetation remaining after harvesting is crushed and immersed in the ground along with weeds that have grown stronger after harvesting. Soon, some of the remaining grains germinate, covering the cultivated field with a green carpet. What is the name of the method of their destruction? Provocation. After all, shoots provoked by peeling will disappear after plowing. And grains that have not risen, falling deep into the ground, lose their germination capacity in 4-5 years (some in 2 years).

Usually the field is disced once, but if the predecessor was perennial grass, then you need to go twice in different directions.

Light soils are plowed in early September. Heavy -at the beginning of August. Fields with a slope greater than 7 degrees are cultivated across the slope so that the soil is not washed away by water flows.

In spring, the field is fertilized and loosened: harrowed, cultivated and plowed. Organic matter is added after thawing the earth by 10 cm and the area is treated with disks. Mineral fertilizers - before plowing or loosening. At the same time, the treated field gets rid of the surface crust, reducing the evaporation of moisture. Some of the weeds die. Fertilizers go where the plant's root system will subsequently develop.

How to deal with perennial weeds

To control weeds with a long rhizome (pink thistle, bindweed), use the method of exhaustion. The roots of plants are systematically pruned. On a personal plot, this can be done manually. It is more difficult to apply this method on the field, especially with early autumn plowing.

processed field. What is the name of
processed field. What is the name of

Not so long ago we managed to overcome the creeping couch grass, covering the cultivated field with hard stems. What is the name of this radical method? Suffocation. Wheatgrass deserves it, because its shoots grow with terrible force. It turns out that at a depth of 20 cm, the germination of rhizomes almost stops. If the field is disked and plowed with skimmers during active growth, this annoying weed will be significantly reduced.

How do weed fields work

These methods are quite effective. But if in the spring, for some reason, you have a poorly cultivated field, then all the weeds will remain. fight themwill have to use herbicides, which are divided into:

  • selective;
  • non-selective.

Selective only affects weeds. Cultivated plants are not damaged. Can be applied to the treated field after the germination of the main crop.

How are fields treated for weeds?
How are fields treated for weeds?

Non-selective affect all plants that have been hit, except for genetically modified ones. Till a field that only grows weeds after harvest or in early spring.

The following continuous herbicides are distinguished:

  • contact;
  • system.

Contact only affects the part of the plant where the herbicide has entered. They quickly destroy annual weeds. In systemic, the active substance gradually moves to the points of growth, causing their death. Well removes couch grass, sow thistle.

Weed control is costly and troublesome. But the result is worth it.
