If you are a happy owner of a house in the village or a large country cottage, then, of course, you will have to deal with the organization of water supply and the arrangement of a source of clean drinking water. If there is already a well, but the water has a large amount of impurities, then you need to take care of the device of the filtration system. This is what this article will be about.
Why do you need a well water filter?
If your well is not artesian, which is very rare, then the liquid may contain not only sand particles, but also soil impurities, microorganisms and heavy metal elements. The filtration system is able to purify the water entering the water supply and make it potable. Drinking poor quality water every day can lead to serious he alth problems, so take water purification seriously.
As for the filter that is placed directly into the well,then its main task is to get rid of water from small particles of rock, sand, lime and clay. Water purification will extend the life of pumping equipment, as well as increase the life of the cleaning devices that are in the house.

Before choosing a filter for water purification from a well, you need to give a water sample for chemical analysis to the laboratory. Only after that it will become clear which treatment system to install. Water after the first stage of purification will not yet become drinkable. In order to normalize water hardness and reduce mineralization, additional treatment is required. It is at this stage that the concentration of iron, magnesium, zinc and other fine impurities decreases.
Purchasable filter options
Filters that are installed directly into the well are sold in hardware stores. The finished version remains only to be installed in place. Here are examples of the most popular filters that are used to purify water in a well, and additional treatment options that are located in the house itself.
- Filter for wells with stainless mesh. Length - 2 m, width - 125 mm, wall thickness - 5 mm. Price - 6200 rub.
- Slotted well filter. Length - 2 m, width - 125 mm, wall thickness - 5 mm. It is a casing plastic pipe with applied horizontal holes. Price - 3000 rub.
- Deironing filter based on reaction with oxygen. Suitable for cottages and houses with low water consumption. Price - from 9000 rubles.
Prices for well water filtershigh enough. While making them with your own hands is not so difficult. Consider the manufacturing technology of some options for filtration systems at home.
What do you need to make a filter with your own hands?
To make a filter for a well, you will need the following tools:
- marking pencil;
- drill with drill bits;
- circular saw;
- sandpaper;
From materials, prepare a two-meter steel pipe, stainless steel wire and brass mesh.
Diy perforated filter
The price of a filter for wells is quite high, despite the simplicity of the design. In order for a home-made filter not to be inferior in efficiency to the purchased version, it is necessary to observe all the technological subtleties in the independent manufacture of this device.

The filter will be based on a steel pipe, plastic can also be used, but it should not contain impurities harmful to he alth. The perforated section should occupy 25% of the entire length of the pipe. On the one hand, step back 40-50 cm, a sump will be located here. Make markings for future holes. The distance between them should not exceed 2 cm. It is better to arrange the holes in a checkerboard pattern. Use a drill to drill holes and clean them. Close the bottom of the pipe with a wooden plug. Wrap the pipe with mesh. The filter is ready for installation. It is better to use a steel pipe, it will be much more reliable and durable than plastic.
Do-it-yourself slot filter
The manufacturing technology of the slotted filter is similar to the previous version. We will also need a steel pipe. We outline the segments along which we will saw through the cracks with a grinder. We arrange them horizontally in a checkerboard pattern. The thickness of the gap is selected based on the fractions prevailing in the rock. There should be no dead zone at the top of the filter.

To increase the rigidity of the pipe frame, it is necessary to wind the stainless wire in 2 cm increments along the pipe spiral. In some places, at a distance of 50 cm, solder the wire to the pipe. From above we close the filter with a brass mesh and install the structure in the well.
High iron content in water
Iron is a vital element for human life. It is found in small amounts in foods such as meat, fish, some fruits, and legumes. Iron must also be contained in drinking water, sanitary standards allow the presence of 0.3 mg / l. If there is an increased content of this element in the water, then iron will begin to be deposited in the human body. With an average daily intake of 1.5-2 liters of very hard water, serious he alth problems can arise. Let's list some of them.
- slight discoloration of the skin, they begin to take on a yellowish color;
- skin irritation, peeling, allergic reactions;
- enlarged liver;
- sluggish state, weakness, fatigue;
- arrhythmia;
- disruption of the digestive system;
- loss of attention, impaired memory.
With long-term use of hard water, iron begins to be deposited in vital organs: the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland, heart. This can lead to serious illnesses. If the water in the well contains no more than 3 mg / l, then it should be purified only to improve the taste characteristics, since this is the maximum allowable rate for drinking water.
The reason for the appearance of a high concentration of iron in water is the location of mineral rocks, such as red, brown and magnetic iron ore, in the deep layers of the earth. To determine the amount of iron in water, it is necessary to take a sample to a chemical laboratory.
Water aeration
The essence of the aeration process is to purify water from iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide. During aeration, oxidative reactions occur, as a result of which insoluble substances are formed, which are extracted from the water in the next stage of purification.
In industrial plants, the oxidation process takes place in large tanks, and a compressor is used, thanks to which the process is faster. During the reaction, ferrous iron contained in water, when reacted with oxygen, is converted into ferric iron, which precipitates in the form of rust.

The basis of the installation will be a large tank made of food-grade plastic. Water will enter the tank through the solenoid valve. It doesn't have to be small, becauseyou need a good pressure, then the water will fill the tank faster. The flow of liquid is carried out by means of a spray, this is how oxygen saturation occurs. You also need to install a compressor, you can use the aquarium version.
The use of purified water from the tank is allowed up to a certain mark. Approximately 25% of the container volume should remain. Remember that sediment is concentrated at the bottom. For domestic purposes, such an installation is not very convenient to use, since a lot of space is required to locate the necessary equipment.
Water treatment with chlorine is needed in order to purify the liquid from microorganisms, viruses and bacteria that can be the causative agents of serious diseases. Chlorine treatment of the water container should take place for at least 30 minutes. The amount of chlorine and its derivatives is calculated in accordance with the standards that are regulated by the "Instruction for Controlling the Disinfection of Domestic and Drinking Water". The temperature and chemical composition of the liquid are also taken into account. With a high concentration of organic impurities, iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide, the amount of chlorine can be increased.

Sodium hypochlorite is used to clean the well with chlorine. Tablets of this substance are placed in a special device that simultaneously introduces calcium hypochlorite into the water. Purification is carried out not only to improve the quality of water, but also to rid the liquid of iron bacteria that clog the well and reduce the permeability of water throughdepth filter holes.
This purification technology is one of the most effective methods for obtaining drinking life-giving moisture. Such iron filters for wells are used not only in industrial treatment plants, but also in private areas for country houses. Due to its chemical properties, ozone is able to react with an overwhelming number of elements, oxidizing them to insoluble precipitates. During the cleaning process, ozone neutralizes bacteria and microorganisms without disturbing the acid-base balance.
The device for ozonation is similar in structure to the aeration plant, but the process is distinguished by its multi-stage and complexity. The filter for water from a well in the house includes a generator in which ozone is produced from oxygen in the air. Such a generator cannot be assembled with your own hands, you can only buy it. Ozonizers vary in performance, the faster the incoming water is processed, the more expensive the installation.

Water enters the tank to which the generator tube is connected. According to a timer, usually at night, the generator and ozonizer turn on and introduce ozone, which is distributed throughout the entire tank capacity. The timer is programmed, as a rule, for 2 hours. At this time, the process of oxidation of suspended metal particles and the neutralization of bacteria, viruses and other organisms takes place. Water from the tank is passed through an additional filter, which retains the sediment.
Catalytic method
This method is based on the applicationchemically active reagents that react with metals contained in the water column, forming complex water-insoluble compounds. The installation is presented in the form of various filters for cleaning wells from iron, which have an internal porous structure impregnated with the necessary reagents.
One of the most common synthetic minerals for catalytic purification is Birm. This porous substance easily removes iron and other metals from water. The use of this mineral together with chlorination technology is unacceptable, as the material begins to lose its properties when in contact with chlorine.

Damper is a mineral that contains particles of copper and silver in its composition, which enhance the catalytic properties of the material. The substance conducts a thorough cleaning of the liquid from metals. MFO-47 is another novelty in the field of production of catalytic sorbents. For the production of this substance, quartz sand, dolomite and expanded clay are used. Water filters from iron wells not only cope with metals, but also disinfect the liquid, killing bacteria and microorganisms.
Filter reviews
For submersible filters, preference should be given to the perforated version. According to consumer reviews, the slotted filter needs to be cleaned more often, as it silts up faster. If we consider the filters that are in the house itself and play the role of after-treatment, then the most winning models on the market will be as follows:
- "Source Bio SE-10".
- Coolmart CM-101-CCA.
- "Barrier Smart".
- "Gryphon Geyser".
- Brita Aluna XL.
When choosing a filtration system, the main criterion should be the chemical and biological analysis of water.
In closing
The method of water purification is selected individually, based on the biochemical examination of the water sample. Remember that cleaning should take place in several stages, starting from the cavity of the well itself and ending with the treatment facilities inside the house. After installing all the filters, it is necessary to re-analyze the water.