Adhesive for linoleum "Tarkett": characteristics, application

Adhesive for linoleum "Tarkett": characteristics, application
Adhesive for linoleum "Tarkett": characteristics, application

Tarkett Linoleum Adhesive is one of the most reliable, cost-effective and affordable methods of fixing this popular flooring. There are many varieties of linoleum, which differ in thickness, rigidity and other important characteristics. For each type, it is necessary to choose the appropriate type of glue that will satisfy all needs. A huge selection of different types of adhesive for Tarkett linoleum can confuse an inexperienced buyer, but this is only at first glance. Each type of floor covering has its own suitable type of fixing. It is also important to take into account the features of the room where the linoleum will be laid.

Types of glue and its features

Characteristics of adhesive for flooring is determined not only by the brand manufacturer. It is also necessary to take into account the type of material that is planned to be laid. Depending on the type of linoleum, the adhesive is divided into the following types:

  • for natural base coat;
  • santistatic backing;
  • for semi-commercial linoleum;
  • for single-layer linoleum, it is also called homogeneous;
  • for commercial;
  • to the concrete floor.

Customers should be careful when purchasing glue during the cold season. Exposure to frost during transport or storage may impair performance. Some types of adhesive for Tarkett linoleum include special additives, thanks to which the composition acquires frost resistance. This species does not lose its excellent qualities even in the harshest conditions.

How to lay linoleum
How to lay linoleum

Glue composition

In addition to the type of floor and the materials that make up the floor covering, you must take into account the composition of the adhesive. This is easy to do if you study the instructions: it contains a list of significant conditions. The composition of the adhesive for Tarkett linoleum can be as follows:

  • dispersive, that is, based on water;
  • based on epoxy resin and polyurethane that chemically react when mixed to provide a strong bond.

Often, linoleum, made without a base or with a base of fabric, is laid on coumarone rubber glue. This composition is explosive, so all work must be carried out exclusively by professional builders with experience in such activities.

Alkyd and PVC coating can be glued with a special bituminous mastic. Acrylic glue is the safest, but it is not suitablefor all types of floors and coverings.

Linoleum in the kitchen
Linoleum in the kitchen

When choosing the right adhesive, you should focus on the types of linoleum and floor. The composition of the adhesive for different materials varies significantly, therefore, for reliable bonding, it is necessary to ensure that all parameters match.

Advantages of adhesive for linoleum "Tarkett"

The important advantages of glue from this brand include:

  • excellent moisture resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • no toxic ingredients;
  • fast drying;
  • reliable fixation of linoleum on the floor.

This adhesive is effective when bonding textured surfaces.

Surface types

The surface of the floor on which it is planned to lay linoleum may have moisture-absorbing properties. Concrete, cement, wood have such characteristics. Metal, polymer screed and some other types of water do not absorb. Depending on the parameters of the base, you should choose different types of glue. In rooms where the floor area exceeds 20 sq. m, you should use glue on the entire surface to prevent the formation of wrinkles. It should also be done in areas where there is high traffic.

Linoleum indoors
Linoleum indoors

Methods for gluing canvases

Laying linoleum and fixing it with glue is not difficult. Only one main point should be remembered: the canvas should lie flat, and there should be no accumulation of air under it, otherwise the finished floor will becomebubbling and bubbling. Using the Tarkett adhesive for linoleum joints, it is easy to fasten the seam of individual canvases. If the room is spacious, then one panel will not be enough. Also in this case, you should familiarize yourself with modern technologies for this type of work.

Linoleum laying
Linoleum laying

When laying Tarkett linoleum on a concrete floor, glue may not be used. Seams can be joined using hot welding. The master uses a building hair dryer with a special nozzle and forms paths into which the welding cord is then laid. This method of fixing the canvases requires additional attention: the cord must be from the same collection as the linoleum, or it must match as closely as possible in color. When exposed to high temperature, the cord melts and is securely fixed in the track, firmly fastening both sheets.

Linoleum with stone imitation
Linoleum with stone imitation

Another method is often used to join seams: the so-called cold welding. Adhesive for semi-commercial linoleum "Tarkett" serves for such an operation. Other types of linoleum with a soft texture can also be fastened in this way. You can connect the canvases of the new linoleum or glue the old peeled coating.

Features of gluing linoleum with antistatic properties

Anti-static linoleum is a special coating that has the ability to neutralize accumulated static electricity. It occurs when walking, rubbing furniture on the floor, turning on a largeamount of computer and office equipment. For most types of Tarkett antistatic linoleum, the most common adhesive will be required. However, a special thin-scattering and thin-conductive coating will require a special adhesive composition. To select the correct option, the buyer should carefully read the instructions on the package.