Mounting rail: fixing wall cabinets

Mounting rail: fixing wall cabinets
Mounting rail: fixing wall cabinets

Cabinet furniture is of great importance in home improvement. It is convenient to use, practical, does not require special skills for self-assembly, and is light in weight, so it can be installed on the floor or attached to the wall.

Today there are also a lot of furniture fittings that can make an ordinary cabinet not just a box with a door, but become comfortable furniture in use. One of these is the wall cabinet mounting rail, which can be easily attached to the wall.


There are several ways to hang a kitchen cabinet. The mounting rail will be the best convenient option for mounting to the wall. The advantage of the installation rail is that it is available in different lengths, which makes it easy to choose the right furniture mount.

mounting rail
mounting rail

The mounting rail is a perforated metal strip with a special protruding part, for which the wall cabinet is attached. It is not possible to make a tire on your own, so resorting to artisanalproduction is not worth it, especially since the cost of the slats is low.

Benefits of rail mounting

Unlike other ways of hanging cabinets on the wall, galvanized mounting rail has a number of advantages. Firstly, the installation becomes very simple and easy, due to the metal rail, you can adjust the height. When fastening, you do not need to hold the cabinet while the screw is tightened or the hole is drilled.

Mounting rail galvanized
Mounting rail galvanized

Ease of use is that the bar is pre-attached to the wall, and hooks are mounted to the back of the cabinet. Further actions are hanging without much effort.

Secondly, the mounting rail can be divided into sections of the required length, which will allow you to install furniture at different heights, if necessary. And thirdly, saving time and labor costs. The job of attaching the cabinet can be done alone.

Mounting Features

Any job should involve planning. Therefore, before installing the furniture, you should make all the calculations, outline the place for attaching the planks, drilling holes.

It is also recommended to carry out hanging after repairs, completion of electrical work and wallpapering, i.e. installation of cabinets using planks is an independent and final process.

Mounting rail for wall cabinets
Mounting rail for wall cabinets

Mostly, the mounting rail comes with the furniture. There are also self-tapping screws, dowels for fastening, which are designed for a specific weight of the kitchen cabinet.

Ifthe bar is purchased separately, then you should pay attention to the quality of workmanship, the strength of the metal, so that the product meets the requirements of reliability. You should not save on the length and number of planks, because during operation the weight of the cabinet can tear out the fasteners from the wall or break off the hooks if they are not enough.

It is also worth focusing on mounting the hooks to the back of the cabinet, because a secure fit is very important for a kitchen unit.
