In the modern world, it is a real pleasure to make repairs and ennoble the home and the territory around. A wide range of various products, the latest developments in the fields of construction and design, and other advantages make this job easier. Progress has not bypassed the roofs, the design of attic windows and chimneys.
The chimney head is not only aesthetically necessary, but also carries a large functional load. The variety of shapes, materials, mounting methods make the heads a recognizable detail, but they also improve the performance of the heating system.
Chimney cap functionality
The cap over the chimney pipe has many varieties. But their functions are similar:
- Improve chimney draft. The head of a brick chimney is designed in such a way that the draft is increased due to external air flows.
- Protecting the pipe from external precipitation, debris and flame fading.
- Prevention of pressure drops in the chimney, normalization of existing pressure for more efficient operation of the heatingsystem.

Thus, installing a cap on a chimney pipe is not just a whim, but an important detail of the entire heating system. When choosing this element, you should remember that it, like any device, has its own nuances.
Types of chimney caps
For each type of fuel it is worth choosing your own cap. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are currently four options:
- The most common and common type is an umbrella. Now it has many different shapes, it can be flat, convex, rounded, etc. The most important thing is to pay attention to workmanship.
- Cap with a hip roof. This is a fairly powerful, large element. This species is characterized by slopes of a triangular or trapezoidal shape.
- Flipover cap. It can be of any shape. As a rule, it differs in that various decorative elements, weathercocks, are installed on top of it. This is a convenient headband to use.
- Deflector - the most common chimney head for rooms requiring increased draft.

It is important to pay attention to the material from which the headband is made. But the material of the chimney is no less important. The correct and efficient operation of the heating system depends on a competent combination and accounting for the type of fuel. If a new project is being developed for heating, it is necessary to take into account the fuel before building a chimney. If the system is ready, changeadapted fuel to another type is not recommended.
What to lay the chimney from?
When designing a chimney structure, it is necessary to take into account many factors that it provides, for example:
- Material and location of the pipe.
- Required draft, shape, section, height and thermal insulation of the chimney.
- Chimney through the floor and through the roof.
- Location of roof cap and design features.
If it is gas heating, it is preferable to use stainless steel for the chimney. This material, resistant to high temperatures, is not subject to most types of corrosion, weighs little and is quite durable, unlike galvanized steel. For solid fuels, this option is completely unsuitable. The temperature will be many times higher, and the steel will not withstand such pressure for a long time.
Also, the so-called sandwich chimneys are made from a steel pipe, when the pipe is covered with an additional layer of thermal insulation, which allows such an element to be installed not only indoors, but also outside.

The ceramic chimney is very durable, but there are high requirements for installing one. First of all, you need to make sure that the foundation of the house is designed for the weight of such a channel. Then you should make sure that the layout of the room will allow you to make the pipe strictly vertical, since only this position guarantees good traction. Suitable for almost any fuel, as it is considered the strongest and most durable.
The most expensive inexecution - coaxial chimney. It is the most modern. Supplied in modules, assembly is super-fast and uncomplicated. The main benefit is increased security. It is also versatile and suitable for a variety of fuels.
Brick chimneys are not recommended for gas heating, the draft of a heavy and massive structure will be small, and regular cleaning is required. At the same time, the service life is short. But it is ideal for a solid fuel boiler.
Having decided on the chimney and fuel, do not forget that the latter can change. Therefore, it is better to choose the most versatile chimney. With this in the future, you can replace the boiler, without additional modifications.
Material of production
The leader in terms of durability and aesthetics is copper. However, it should be borne in mind that with a chimney cap made of copper, it is necessary to ensure a perfectly correct installation and use only copper fasteners. Indeed, in combination with another metal, copper oxidizes very quickly.

The head on a brick chimney pipe is very often made of steel. This material is less durable than copper, but it is several times cheaper. Such a head is perfect for a sandwich chimney. But it is important to choose steel. By the way, the head of the coaxial chimney is made of aluminum.
Other models
Zinc-titanium alloy elements are no less common. They are similar to copper heads both in terms of technical and external characteristics. But they also require proper installation.
Relativelynew model on the market - polymer models. However, they have already proven to be very fragile.
When choosing a cap, it is important to remember that the main thing is not external characteristics, but technical ones. It is not necessary to install painted heads for boilers with dry fuel. They do not withstand high temperatures, quickly change color, and the paint begins to peel off.
Modern models have various gadgets, such as spark arresters, a built-in deflector, various decorations and weather vanes.

It should be noted that the shape is important not only to improve the quality of the chimney, but also so that during precipitation, water does not freeze along the edges of the head, and snow does not accumulate at the sides. Therefore, it is better to purchase models with sloping edges that sufficiently cover the edges of the chimney.
How to place a cap on the roof?
When designing a heating system with a chimney, it is very important to observe safety precautions. In such projects, neglecting the rules is dangerous not only for your own life, but also for the lives of all the inhabitants of the premises. When designing, it is important to consider the weight of the system. This is necessary in order for the foundation of the room to withstand the load. The features of the fuel and the chimney, the withdrawal of the latter and the placement of the cap on the roof of the house are taken into account. It is important to know these points:
- If the roof ridges are made of flammable materials, the chimney must be taken out at least one and a half meters.
- When the distance of the chimney from the roof ridge is one and a half meters or less, the headmust be installed at least 50 centimeters higher.
- When the chimney on the roof is higher than a meter, it is necessary to install extensions. Otherwise, the chimney will be unstable.
There are many rules, but they must be followed for the safety of one's own and family.

Advice from the masters for installing the headband with their own hands
Having some knowledge and skills, it is quite possible not only to install, but also to create a headband with your own hands. If you didn’t have to work with something like that, it’s better to call the master.
When installing the cap, you need to consider its compatibility with the chimney, in terms of functionality and size. The fusion of the chimney and the base of the head must be gap-free, strong and compatible in terms of specifications.
It is easiest to install steel caps yourself. In modern construction, the chimney almost always has a standard size, under which it is easy to choose a head.

In work, it is important to observe safety precautions and safety measures, secure the ladder, have the necessary tools, and it is best to use additional insurance (cable) during work.
Before installing the head, it is better to disassemble it, and before starting work, understand the principle, and only after that proceed with the operation. Standard hoods have the 3 most important parts: base, diffuser and umbrella. The base is attached to the chimney pipe with special bolted fasteners. It needs to be fairly stable.fully tighten the bolts. Then a deflector is installed, and then an umbrella.
Minor details require significant attention. Remember that you should not save on trifles. As a rule, the performance of the entire element depends on them.