What is Borax from cockroaches?

What is Borax from cockroaches?
What is Borax from cockroaches?

Residents of high-rise buildings are familiar with problems with parasitic insects in the kitchen and not only. Old houses, especially those with a garbage chute, often become a haven for cockroaches. Red Prussians are incredibly prolific and spread throughout the house in a few weeks, as soon as they enter the basement or garbage canal. In addition, they are distinguished by incredible vitality.

It is very difficult to fight cockroach settlements, besides, strong drugs must be used for this. One of the most effective is Borax from cockroaches. It helps to quickly get rid of uninvited guests.

Cockroaches are carriers of many infectious diseases
Cockroaches are carriers of many infectious diseases

What is Borax?

This powdered agent, widely used in the fight against insects, has long been used in European countries, including Russia. The basis of the powder is boric acid, which has a detrimental effect on cockroaches and prevents their reproduction in the premises. The substance is an intestinal insecticide, but it also works withcontact of the insect with the powder. The packaging of the drug is a dense package weighing 200 g. It can also be packed in a cardboard box.

The cost of the product is low, which makes it recognizable and in demand. Effective action is proven by positive customer reviews. With the help of the drug "Borax" it will be possible to get rid of cockroaches and other insects in a few days.

The bait of sugar and Borax powder will quickly attract insects
The bait of sugar and Borax powder will quickly attract insects

Powder Description

According to the instructions, "Borax" is a poorly soluble white substance, odorless. During hydrolysis, an alkaline reaction occurs, so if you put the powder in hot water, it will begin to dissolve.

The hazard class of the product is the third, this makes it possible to use it in residential areas. It is effectively used in places of public catering, educational institutions, clinics and hospitals. The drug is considered safe, but you should still avoid direct contact with it.

If you carefully study the composition, you can understand what Borax is. The main component of the product is borax, which contains s alts of boric acid: anhydrous tetraborate and sodium decahydrate. They have a toxic effect on the body of pests.

This powder is not a highly toxic substance. But to keep pets and children safe, it should only be poured into inaccessible places: cracks, cracks in the floor, or narrow gaps between furniture and walls.

The drug "Borax" is an effective tool in the fight against cockroaches
The drug "Borax" is an effective tool in the fight against cockroaches

Action "Borax"

The drug acts as a paralyzing agent. When an individual comes into contact with it, the poisoning process begins to operate. The insect carries the poison on the antennae and paws to the places where the greatest number of pests accumulate. One cockroach is able to spread Borax powder throughout the premises, as a result of which several dozen representatives of the species may die.

The defeat falls on the system of nerve fibers of the insect, which leads to its complete paralysis. After contact with the powder or bait, the poisoning of the individual begins, the drug penetrates into the insect and kills it. When a cockroach infects a colony, within a few days the number of pests decreases several times. But you should follow the manufacturer's recommendations and do not wash off the powder for three weeks.

Using Borax

To effectively breed arthropod lodgers, you should know their habits and favorite places where colonies are most common. They usually prefer to live in warm places. For example, behind the stove, sink or on the floor under the furniture, in the kitchen or bathroom behind the appliances and the toilet. Access to food and food is one of the main conditions for arranging a colony. Studying the instructions and understanding what Borax is, you need to take into account its certain share of toxicity.

Sprinkle places where cockroaches accumulate with a thin layer of the drug. It is not recommended to wash the floor and walls after treatment for 21 days, throughout this period the substance continues to actively fight againstpests.

Image "Borax" kills a cockroach within a few hours
Image "Borax" kills a cockroach within a few hours


There are some rules when working with the drug. You need to contact him only with gloves and a respirator. To avoid getting borax vapor into the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary to prepare baits in well-ventilated areas. Inhalation or contact with the skin carries a certain amount of danger, since the active substance is excreted from the body for a long time.

The cumulative properties of tetraborate carry a certain risk for humans. Contact with mucous membranes may cause headache, dizziness, shortness of breath and irritation. Wash thoroughly where the substance interacts with the skin and integument.

Store the rest of the powder out of the reach of children and pets.

Powder products most used in the fight against insects
Powder products most used in the fight against insects

Advice on the use of the drug "Borax"

Before you start processing the corners and walls of the apartment, you need to mix the powder with sugar. A sweet treat will serve as bait and will quickly attract mustachioed gluttons. The next step is to dilute the powder in warm water in a ratio of 1:10, with this solution all surfaces and walls should be treated, except for the hob and the table used for cooking.

Another effective way is to prepare balls with powder, boiled yolk and potatoes. They should be laid out in the habitats of cockroaches and in the corners of the room. This option is suitableonly if there are no animals in the apartment. It is very important to close access to water for insects at the beginning of disinfection at home. You must first turn off the taps and wipe dry the bathroom and sinks. Before use, you must once again read the instructions in detail in order to understand what Borax is.