Walls in the toilet: design options, choice of materials

Walls in the toilet: design options, choice of materials
Walls in the toilet: design options, choice of materials

The toilet is the smallest room in the house, but every owner wants it to look no worse than the rest of the rooms. Today, a huge number of materials are used for its decoration, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. What options for wall cladding in the toilet are available today and what are their features will be discussed in this article.

What criteria should bathroom wall decoration meet?

To materials for finishing surfaces in the toilet put forward increased requirements. They must withstand wet cleaning using aggressive detergents. Preference is given to smooth options that do not accumulate bacteria.

wallpaper for toilet walls
wallpaper for toilet walls

The visual component is also important. The walls in the toilet should be in harmony with the decoration of the bathroom and the entire apartment.

An important role is played by the complexity of the installation of the selected material. Not every family can afford to involve specialists in the work, so facing in such casescarried out by the owners of the house.

Let's consider all possible finishes, their properties, installation method and cost.


The cheapest and easiest way to finish the walls in the toilet is to wallpaper. Roll canvases look great and are affordable. It will not be difficult even for a novice master to decorate the walls on his own in this way, however, this material also has certain disadvantages:

  • roll sheets are not resistant to moisture;
  • have a short service life;
  • fix well only on even and prepared surfaces.

For the design of the bathroom, you can choose only washable non-woven base. They are more resistant to wet cleaning.

rolled finish on the walls of the toilet
rolled finish on the walls of the toilet

It should also be taken into account that if damage occurs, the entire strip has to be changed. Through the hole formed, moisture enters the surface of the wall, the adhesive composition loses its properties, the lining disappears. If the canvas is not replaced in time, fungus and mold may appear.

Plastic panels

The second place in the ranking of the most affordable finishes is occupied by plastic panels. It is possible to create a rather interesting design of a bathroom with a toilet. Modern panels are characterized by rich colors and a variety of patterns. Tile, marble and stone look options are available to give the impression of an expensive finish.

The main advantages of the material include:

  • long termservices;
  • moisture resistant;
  • ease of installation;
  • affordability;
  • wide range;
  • the ability to install without leveling the surface.

Repair the toilet room using panels, any owner can. To do this, you just need to install the starting and finishing rails (at the corners of the room, under the ceiling, along the floor), fix them on the wall and assemble the cladding according to the finished frame.

As for the disadvantages, these include the possibility of abrasion of the pattern as a result of the use of powder cleaners. It is also worth mentioning the synthetic origin of the material, which indicates its fire hazard.

The rest of the plastic panels for the walls in the toilet proved to be good. At a low cost, they have a fairly presentable appearance, which is very important with a modest budget.

Use of coloring compositions

You can decorate the surfaces in the bathroom with paint in an original way. This option is also available to anyone, but remember that you can only choose moisture resistant for work.

To make the painted walls in the toilet look attractive, you can play with a combination of bright colors. Geometric shapes, large drawings or small fragments will perfectly decorate the room.

toilet wall paint
toilet wall paint

If we talk about the merits of this method of finishing, it is primarily cheap. In addition, painted walls lend themselves well to sanitization, longretain their original appearance. The disadvantages include only the ease of finishing and the need to level the walls before starting work.

Installing laminate on the wall in the toilet: the pros and cons

The use of laminated panels to decorate the walls of the bathroom is now especially popular. When choosing a design, you can play with the direction of the finish, with a combination of two different shades of laminate and the use of several materials.

Laminate on the wall in the toilet can be used as the main finish, or it can serve as an addition to plaster, paint or liquid wallpaper. In any of the options, the room looks fashionable and original. However, before choosing panels, it is worth considering the specifics and microclimate of the room.

toilet walls with laminate
toilet walls with laminate

Since laminated cladding is made from sawdust, it is quite sensitive to moisture. Frequent wet cleaning is prohibited. Laminate walls can accumulate odors, which can also be considered a disadvantage.

As for installation, it is extremely simple. There are adhesive options on the walls, so it will not be difficult to do the cladding on your own. The panels are fixed to each other in special grooves, and are held on the surface with the help of an adhesive composition. If there are large irregularities on the wall, it will be difficult to lay the laminate, it is better to smooth the base first.

Decorative plaster

In newfangled design projects, wall decoration in the toilet with decorative plaster is quite common. This material allows you to createunique design and bring to life the most non-standard ideas.

toilet wall paneling
toilet wall paneling

In the past few years, manufacturers of plaster mixtures have improved their products. Now you can purchase moisture-resistant materials for the bathroom.

The advantages of this finishing option include:

  • large selection of colors;
  • the ability to choose the manner of applying the composition, which allows you to create various patterns;
  • moisture resistant;
  • can be cleaned with a brush and detergents;
  • presentable appearance.

Speaking of disadvantages, it is worth paying attention to the porosity of the lining, which leads to the accumulation of bacteria. You can not ignore the cost of decorative materials for walls in the toilet and work on their application to the surface. After all, it is quite difficult to install plaster on your own, especially if the master has no skills.

Liquid wallpaper

When choosing a material for the walls of the bathroom, it is worth considering the use of liquid wallpaper. This option has an acceptable cost and is characterized by a presentable appearance. Cotton and cellulose fibers combined with mica create surfaces of incredible beauty.

toilet wall decoration with liquid wallpaper
toilet wall decoration with liquid wallpaper

The possibility of using several colors on one wall at the same time allows you to create an original and unique design of a bathroom with a toilet. Additional advantages of this finishing option include:

  • the ability of the composition to fill small cracks in the walls;
  • resistance to building shrinkage cracking;
  • can be applied to uneven surfaces;
  • ease of use in rooms with many corners;
  • easy installation;
  • the ability to replace damaged coatings in certain areas without having to change the entire canvas;
  • long service life.

To prevent the walls in the toilet from absorbing odors and moisture, liquid wallpaper is recommended to be covered with a layer of colorless varnish. This will save the finish from damage and keep it in its original form for a long time.

Ceramic tiles

Wall cladding with ceramic tiles or mosaics has been a standard approach to bathroom remodeling for over 50 years. Owners of their own homes know that if you lay tiles on the walls in the toilet once, you can forget about repairs for many years.

Ceramic products are excellent in use and demonstrate the following advantages:

  • durability;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ability to withstand regular sanitization;
  • lack of ability to accumulate odors;
  • resistance to mechanical stress.

The range of ceramic tiles today is huge. Finding a cladding for every taste and budget is not difficult. The trendy design of the elements allows you to create real pieces of art on the walls. Although this design method also has disadvantages.

finishingwalls in the toilet tiles
finishingwalls in the toilet tiles

Only a trained master will be able to lay tiles on the wall in the toilet. It will be difficult for beginners to join the seams, correctly position the products in the inner and outer corners.

Installation of ceramics is considered a wet and dirty job that takes a lot of time. Particular attention should be paid to surface preparation. So that one day the cladding does not collapse from the walls, it is laid on a treated base.

Work is performed according to the following technology:

  1. Walls must be plastered, puttied and covered with several layers of primer mixture.
  2. Next, the tiles are fixed to the adhesive. Special plastic or aluminum rails are installed in the corners.
  3. When the glue has dried sufficiently, the master performs grouting between the elements.
  4. If pipes and sewer risers are located in the bathroom, laying tiles behind them is quite problematic. They are pre-sewn up with drywall boxes and only then they start finishing.

If the installation was carried out strictly according to the technology, the finished lining will last a long time.

Sheathing walls with drywall

When the condition of the surfaces in the bathroom leaves much to be desired, they have to be smoothed with plaster. Recently, dirty and laborious work has been replaced by gypsum sheeting. Drywall toilet walls are perfectly smooth, they can be finished with any materials.

To prevent the newly laid cladding from swelling and failing, you should usemoisture resistant types of sheets. They can be treated with a primer and coated with any finishing material.

Installation of drywall can be carried out on the assembled frame of metal profiles and directly on the wall using mounting foam. In the first case, the fixation will be as reliable as possible, but the frame will reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe room by 10 - 15 cm on each side.

If the room is already small, it is better to use the second mounting option. But in this case, heavy cladding like ceramic tiles and mosaics should not be placed on the wall.

Cost of materials

The financial component is especially important when choosing materials for the walls in the toilet. The cost of each type of finish may vary slightly in different regions of Russia, but the average figure can be determined.

So, the price tag of 1 m2 facing from moisture resistant wallpaper starts from 90 rubles. The price is for simple design canvases (excluding installation work).

The cost of the simplest varieties of plastic panels starts from 100 rubles per square. Options with a more complex and interesting pattern will cost much more.

For the services of a master in the installation of plastic rails on the walls, the owners will have to pay from 300 to 450 rubles per square meter.

liquid wallpaper on the walls of the toilet
liquid wallpaper on the walls of the toilet

Moisture-resistant paint will cost less than all options. The cost of 1 m2 - 30 - 40 rubles. You will have to pay a little more for the unusual color of the walls in the toilet. The services of masters in painting surfaces are estimated at 150 rubles persquare.

laminate flooring in the toilet
laminate flooring in the toilet

The price tag of laminated panels starts from 350 rubles per square. Since the material on the walls is not amenable to mechanical stress, you can purchase the simplest options. The cost of installing a laminate is 250 rubles per square meter.

Services for applying decorative plaster will cost homeowners from 650 rubles per square. The final cost may differ significantly due to the complexity of the pattern and depending on the chosen technology for applying the composition. The materials themselves are very diverse, so it is impossible to voice the average cost.

decorating the walls of the toilet with decorative plaster
decorating the walls of the toilet with decorative plaster

High quality ceramic tiles cost from 600 rubles per square. To this amount should be added the cost of purchasing glue, mounting brackets and grout.

Services for wall cladding will cost the owners 650 - 850 rubles. The final price tag is affected by the number of corners in the room and the method of arrangement of the elements. You will have to pay for the mosaic from 1300 rubles per square.

Summing up

The modern market is overflowing with materials that are ideal for wall decoration in the toilet. To make the right choice, you should highlight the main criteria that the finish must meet.

If the owner focuses on the hygiene of surfaces, it is better to give preference to ceramics and paint. If appearance comes first, it is worth considering laminate and decorative plaster. And if the main goal is savings, you can useroll finishing or its liquid counterparts. Their use will not entail additional costs, and the appearance of the room will be very presentable. So the choice is yours.
