Kalanchoe pinnate - description of the species, medicinal properties and use

Kalanchoe pinnate - description of the species, medicinal properties and use
Kalanchoe pinnate - description of the species, medicinal properties and use

In the modern world, there are a huge number of plants that are used to treat various ailments. Many today know that Kalanchoe pinnate has healing properties. This flower has become quite widespread among flower growers and is often found on the windowsills of city apartments. But can this plant really cure diseases? Let's try to understand this issue.

True or myth?

Kalanchoe at home
Kalanchoe at home

Kalanchoe pinnate is widely used in folk medicine. Experts began to use the healing properties of this flower only in the 60s of the last century. The experiments carried out confirmed that the plant can indeed be used for the preparation of medicines. Kalanchoe juice is taken as the main component for the preparation of ointments for burns and wounds.


Before consideringtreatment of Kalanchoe pinnate, it would be nice to know what this flower looks like. It has a straight stem with oval-shaped leaves. They have small notches at the ends. Many flower growers are interested in how Kalanchoe pinnate blooms. Purple or red buds appear on the plant.

Useful properties

As previously mentioned, Kalanchoe pinnate has many healing properties.

The leaves of this plant contain the following components:

  • ash;
  • tannins;
  • polysaccharides;
  • kaempferol;
  • quercetin;
  • acetic acid;
  • malic acid;
  • citric acid;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin P;
  • magnesium;
  • aluminum;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • potassium.

It has already been proven that the juice of this species of Kalanchoe has a hemostatic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tonic and wound-healing effect. Preparations with its content can be used in the treatment of burns, ulcers, furunculosis, varicose veins, cracks in the skin, inflammation of the mucous membranes, diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Also, medicines, which include Kalanchoe juice, are used in dentistry for inflammation of the gums, periodontal disease, gingivitis. Another area of use of this miracle cure is otolaryngology. Kalanchoe juice is effective in the treatment of tonsillitis, otitis, sinusitis. In ophthalmology, it is excellent for corneal erosion, eyelid inflammation and keratitis. In addition, Kalanchoe juice produces an excellent effect in the treatmenttrophic ulcers, purulent-necrotic processes, bedsores.

Use in traditional medicine

kalanchoe in a pot
kalanchoe in a pot

Can I use Kalanchoe pinnate on my own? The medicinal properties of this plant are actively used in folk medicine today. For the preparation of medicines, the ground part of the plant is usually taken. The stems can be up to half a meter long. Various parts of the plant can be used to treat diseases. As a rule, it is crushed leaves or juice.

Healing plant juice

How can Kalanchoe pinnate be used? Pharmacognosy has long been studying the medicinal properties of this culture. In folk medicine, Kalanchoe juice is recommended to be taken orally, as well as dripped into the ears and nose. It can also be used to prepare medicines for stomach ulcers and tuberculosis. You can easily prepare Kalanchoe pinnate juice at home. To do this, cut the leaves and stems, rinse them well and leave for a week in the refrigerator. After this period of time, the blanks can be crushed and juiced.

The resulting composition is left for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. When the juice settles, it will need to be filtered. For the treatment of ulcers, the prepared medicine should be taken 20 minutes before meals three times a day for a teaspoon. For tuberculosis, the juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3 and taken twice a day for half a teaspoon. The medicine is stored in the refrigerator. Kalanchoe juice for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is recommended to be taken three times a day for a teaspoon. For the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, it is necessary to do rinsing with juice.

You can also prepare special eye drops. To do this, two tablespoons of Kalanchoe juice are poured into 250 ml of hot water and boiled for three minutes. The resulting broth should be washed with eyes. With inflammation of the ears, it is also recommended to use the juice of a medicinal culture. It is instilled three times a day, two drops. Perfectly helps Kalanchoe juice and chronic rhinitis. To prepare the medicine, the leaves are crushed, the ichor is squeezed out of them and filtered. The resulting drops must be instilled into the nose four times a day. The prepared medicine cannot be stored for a long time. It is generally recommended to make a new composition every day.


kalanchoe leaves
kalanchoe leaves

It is worth noting that people prone to nosebleeds should not use pure Kalanchoe juice. The composition must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. For children, drops are generally prepared according to other recipes. The younger the child, the weaker the decoction must be made. It is enough to take a few Kalanchoe leaves, pour them with half a liter of water, bring to a boil and insist for an hour. Such a decoction has a mild effect on the mucous membranes and cleans the respiratory tract well. Every day for the child you need to prepare a new composition. For the treatment of young children, Kalanchoe juice should be used with extreme caution, as it can cause serious complications.

Can the plant be added to food?

It is believed that in the leaves of Kalanchoe there are substances thatstrengthening immunity. Therefore, in some sources, they are recommended to be eaten when the body is depleted, as well as to restore strength after serious illnesses. You can even find whole recipes for salads, which contain Kalanchoe pinnate leaves. You can season this snack with lemon juice or vegetable oil. Kalanchoe is recommended to chew with angina.

Growing a healing flower at home

healing Kalanchoe
healing Kalanchoe

Is it possible to grow Kalanchoe pinnate on my windowsill? Home care for this flower does not require much effort. And as a result, you will get not only a plant with excellent decorative characteristics, but also a medicinal product. The pinnate Kalanchoe originates from such a warm country as Madagascar. This is a fairly unpretentious houseplant. It can be easily grown at home. You just need to follow a couple of simple rules. If you take proper care of the flower, it will surely delight you with bright pink inflorescences.

Reproduction, appearance

What does Kalanchoe pinnate look like? Description of the species may look like this: it is a herbaceous evergreen perennial plant from the Crassulaceae family.

The peculiarity of this plant is considered to be an amazing ability to reproduce. How is Kalanchoe pinnate divided? Reproduction at home can be carried out both by pieces of leaves and cuttings. In addition, brood buds form at the edge of the leaf of the plant. Of these, directly on the mother leaves can be formednew shoots. It is for this reason that Kalanchoe is classified as a pseudo-viviparous plant.

How to water?

Kalanchoe in folk medicine
Kalanchoe in folk medicine

Kalanchoe Degremont and Kalanchoe pinnate originate from warm tropical countries. But, despite this, plants do not tolerate excess moisture. Roots can start to rot and the whole plant will suffer.

How to properly water Kalanchoe at home? Experienced flower growers suggest using the following irrigation scheme. In summer, the flower is watered with cool water so that it does not fall on the stem. The fact is that the Kalanchoe trunk does not absorb moisture, and if it gets in, it can begin to rot. Watering the flower should be moderate. The soil should be moist, but never wet. You need to make sure that water does not leak out. If you accidentally poured, then the pan must be freed from the liquid. And remember: a little underfilling in this case is much better than an excess of moisture. The plant perfectly tolerates the absence of watering for a couple of days. It has its own supply of liquid. In autumn, the flower should be watered less often than in summer. In no case should water remain in the pan. Watering should be carried out only when necessary. Wait until the soil is completely dry. For irrigation, use settled water at room temperature.


flowering kalanchoe
flowering kalanchoe

How to properly place Kalanchoe pinnate in a room? Caring for this plant necessarily provides for the creation of proper lighting. A flower constantly needs sunshinelight. In the morning and until lunchtime, the culture can be kept on a windowsill with direct sunlight. After lunch, it is recommended to move Kalanchoe to the shade. In this way, you can create a feeling of night in the flower.

If you cannot constantly rearrange the plant, then the problem can be solved by using a scarf or scarf. It is enough just to cover the healing culture with a cloth. After lunch, the plant ceases to perceive sunlight. Ultraviolet rays at this time will only harm the plant. In the winter season, when the daylight hours are shorter, you can leave Kalanchoe pinnate on the windowsill all the time.

Temperature and humidity

The plant feels most comfortable at temperatures from 17 to 19 degrees. Even if the thermometer drops to 5-6 degrees, nothing bad will happen. But with the onset of heat, the flower begins to absorb too much liquid. Since the plant is not able to absorb so much moisture, various diseases can develop.

As for humidity, a high level of Kalanchoe is contraindicated. As previously mentioned, excess water only harms the plant. Moisture can enter through the stems and leaves, thereby creating excess fluid in the stem. As a result, mold and fungus appear. Therefore, the air in the room where Kalanchoe pinnate is located must be dry.

Feeding and fertilizer

How to properly supply Kalanchoe with nutrients? The fact is that the flower does not tolerate fertilizers well. The plant is quite unpretentious. But if you start to see signs of a shortagenutrients, you can try using succulent fertilizers. In no case should the soil be fertilized during the cold season. Even if Kalanchoe began to wither, there is no need to load the roots with various additives. It is best to feed and fertilize the plant during the period of time from late spring to mid-summer. Experienced flower growers recommend giving the crop in question half as much fertilizer as indicated on the package. Even this amount of Kalanchoe is more than enough.

How to transplant?

This is a very important process and should be taken seriously. Since Kalanchoe grows quickly enough, it often needs to be transplanted. Usually this procedure is carried out in late spring. It is at this time that the plant is in its most active phase. Everything happens as follows. Together with a small amount of soil, Kalanchoe must be removed from the old pot and transplanted into a new container. After transplanting, the plant will adapt for some time. The main thing is that the new and old soil have the same composition. During adaptation, the plant will need top dressing. The flower will finally take root somewhere in a week. When choosing a pot, it is better to give preference to deep and wide.

In conclusion

kalanchoe breeding
kalanchoe breeding

Kalanchoe is a favorite plant among flower growers in our country. In city apartments, you can often see Kalanchoe pinnate and Degremont. The differences between these two varieties are mainly in appearance. These plants gained great popularity thanks tohis unpretentiousness. Caring for a flower is very simple: it is enough just to water it from time to time as the soil dries out, to provide it with the right lighting and temperature conditions. The main thing is not to allow excess moisture, as this can lead to the development of various diseases and root rot.

Many seek to grow Kalanchoe because of its medicinal properties. The stems and leaves of this plant are widely used in folk medicine to eliminate burns, wounds and lesions of the mucous membranes. Also, Kalanchoe juice is very effective in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. The healing properties of this plant have been proven by a number of scientific studies.
