Growing bamboo in water at home, care, reproduction, disease

Growing bamboo in water at home, care, reproduction, disease
Growing bamboo in water at home, care, reproduction, disease

Decorative bamboo can be called the most fashionable plant today. Its popularity among home interior designers is growing every year. Unusual stems attract attention and give a lot of reasons for imagination. Bamboo is most commonly grown in water. Home care with this method is quite simple and accessible to any beginner.

Distinguishing Features

Popular Bamboo Lucky
Popular Bamboo Lucky

This plant has a rather unusual appearance. Despite its name, the house bamboo used in the design is actually a type of dracaena. Bamboo at home (the photo shows this) looks pretty attractive. It grows equally well both in soil and in ordinary water. It has a bare stem of a rich green hue. Leaves are at the top of the plant. The home interior is often decorated with spiral-shaped bamboo, in which the shoots grow in zigzags. According to Eastern mythology, thisthe plant can bring good luck in any endeavor. No wonder the spiral bamboo is called the tree of happiness. How to grow bamboo at home?

Water preparation

Bamboo Lucky at home looks perfect in any vase with water. For this plant, purified or distilled water is specially prepared, which is brought to an acceptable temperature. To grow bamboo in water, home care must meet the requirements of this plant. For example, it is recommended to completely change the liquid in a vase every fifteen days. Experienced flower growers prepare melt water from ordinary tap water. To do this, a plastic bottle with liquid is placed in the freezer and then thawed.

Lighting and temperature

Watering and lighting
Watering and lighting

When growing bamboo Lucky, care at home is not difficult. This is a fairly thermophilic plant, which extremely poorly tolerates temperatures below eighteen degrees. Due to a cold snap, a fungus may appear in bamboo in water. But this plant perfectly withstands hot weather.

To grow bamboo spiral, care at home must be meticulous. One of the main conditions is the presence of clean water in the vase. In case of its deficiency, bamboo leaves turn yellow and dry. It is undesirable to put this plant in direct sunlight. Ideal for bamboo is close proximity to the window, but subject to the presence of curtains. The lack of light negatively affects the shape of the flower, as it slows down its development.and leads to deformation of the stem.

Feeding and moisture

How to grow bamboo
How to grow bamboo

At home, bamboo can grow up to two meters in water. Fertilizer is added only to clean water. Experienced flower growers advise feeding bamboo every sixty or seventy days. As a fertilizer, it is best to use a regular indoor flower kit containing nitrogen. In winter, it is recommended to spray the leaves and moisten the stem. For convenience, as a rule, use a spray gun. You can also purchase a humidifier. This southern plant is very fond of moisture and warmth. Therefore, the task of the owner is to provide his pet with the necessary conditions.

Dust must not be allowed to build up on the leaves and stem of the plant, as it leads to wilting and unhe althy appearance. In addition, a container with crushed stone is usually placed under the vase with Lucky bamboo and water is poured. Moreover, the liquid remains at such a level that the drainage does not disappear under water.

Bamboo in the ground

If desired, this plant can be moved to the soil. Some gardeners believe that the popular sander spiral bamboo does much better in the ground than in the water. The soil is selected the simplest, which is intended for growing dracaena. Plants are fed every three months, and the soil is moistened as the top layer dries.

Pruning and crown shaping

How to care
How to care

In order to create the necessary shape, cropping is occasionally carried out. For example, most often at homefrom bamboo in water, the lower branches and thin shoots are removed. The shape of the bush can be created using soda tows, which are used to pull the stem in the right places. In addition, it is required to remove dried shoots in time so as not to spoil the appearance. Usually the formation of bamboo occurs at the initial stage of its growth.

Cultivation of bamboo in water


Home care also involves breeding this amazing plant. There are several ways. Bamboo reproduces well by the root method, but cuttings are still considered the easiest. If the first method requires a complete transplant of the plant, then for the second it is enough just to cut the stalk without removing the bamboo from the soil. For a flower growing in water, both methods are usually good.

Planting cuttings

How to plant bamboo at home? The shoots are cut with a knife and immediately transferred to a glass of clean water. The cutting must have a node from which the leaves will emanate. In order for the roots to appear as quickly as possible, special growth stimulants are used. For example, Kornevin has proven itself well. It should be added according to the instructions. After a short time, you can see the first roots. The stalk is planted in a permanent place after thirty or forty-five days.

Root planting

Using a sharp knife, a process with leaves is separated. It is extremely important not to damage the root of the process, since its further existence will depend on this. Cut points must be lubricateda special tool designed for processing sections of garden plants. For example, the garden variety "Gardener" has proven itself well. It is a soft paste that disinfects and promotes healing at the same time.

And also in special stores you can buy a garden var "Bee" based on bee products and putty "Blagosad", which is based on antifungal components. With root propagation, plants are somewhat updated and rejuvenated. Dividing the root is beneficial for them, as it avoids drying of the root processes.

What diseases bamboo

decorative bamboo
decorative bamboo

Most often fungal mold attacks this plant. And also often bamboo is attacked by pests such as aphids or mites. At the first symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to do a complete treatment of the leaves, trunk and root of the plant. It is taken out of the water and sprayed with a special chemical solution designed for dracaena. Sometimes the disease affects bamboo so badly that it is recommended to get rid of it.

If you wish, you can try to cut off the surviving cuttings, treat them with chemicals and put them in a glass of water. Next, the cutting is closely monitored and, if there are no signs of the disease, the process is left. It should be borne in mind that a flower cured after a fungus sometimes loses its shape, so many flower growers prefer to get rid of the mother stem, leaving only he althy cuttings.

How to avoid getting sick

For dracaena to whichbamboo belongs, bacterial and viral diseases are extremely dangerous. In order to prevent the occurrence of the disease, it is recommended to do prevention in advance. For example, it is advisable to keep new flowers in quarantine for some time away from other house plants. Thoroughly disinfect all tools before and after working with a new flower. Incisions must be processed with garden pitches. To grow he althy bamboo in water, home care must be complete.

Types of diseases

Reproduction methods
Reproduction methods

If a coating similar to flour has formed on the leaves, this means that powdery mildew has affected the plants. Brown spots indicate the presence of gray rot, and the yellow color of the leaf plate indicates brown rot. A fairly common bacteriosis affects the stem and tips of the leaf plate. A brown ulcer appears on the trunk, and watery stains appear on the ends of the leaves. For the treatment of all fungal diseases, there are special preparations that can be purchased at any flower shop. Their appearance is most often caused by poor quality water and the cool temperature of the room where the flower is kept.

How to make a bamboo spiral

This plant has enough elastic stems to create any design solution from them. When caring for bamboo at home, very often there is a desire to make the stem of this flower curly. Usually proceed as follows. Prepare a paper box with several side holes. Vase withput the plant inside the box and open one of the side holes. The stem begins to reach for the light and thus grows at an angle. Next, open the hole on the other side so that the barrel goes in the opposite direction.

And you can also take a stick from any material and strengthen it next to the stem. With the help of harnesses, the growth of the stem is directed around the stick. Thus, during growth, it wriggles and forms a spiral. An excellent option would be to purchase a special flask in the form of a spiral. The shoot is placed inside the flask, which itself indicates the trajectory of its growth.

Unfortunately, it is rare to see flowering bamboo at home. It has small but pretty inflorescences, painted white. The shape of the inflorescences is paniculate.

Bamboo varieties

Among the indoor varieties of this plant, the following are distinguished:

  • Bamboo is small in size and grows like a bush called Kumasaza. It has a zigzag and slightly flattened trunk.
  • Bamboo Lucky spiral is the most common variety of homemade bamboo.
  • Extremely flexible Muriel, reaching up to two and a half meters in height. It is quite cold hardy and suitable for growing in the garden.
  • Bamboo Layered - the tallest of all. It can also be grown indoors if ceiling height allows.
  • A cultivar called Variegated has spotted leaves and is barely one meter high.
  • The variety that has a silver stem with a glossy surface is called Brilliant.
  • BambooThe bluish is the smallest among all varieties. Its dimensions barely reach half a meter.

According to Feng Shui, it is desirable to place a pot of bamboo on the east, south or southeast side. Moreover, bamboo, placed in the eastern part of the apartment, will bring good luck in personal life, and in the south - fame and recognition of friends. If you need to correct the financial situation, then the plant is best placed on the southeast side.
