Dieffenbachia: varieties, homeland of the plant, features of growing at home

Dieffenbachia: varieties, homeland of the plant, features of growing at home
Dieffenbachia: varieties, homeland of the plant, features of growing at home

Today, in the collections of indoor plant lovers you can see many representatives of exotic flora. One of them, undoubtedly, is dieffenbachia. The plant attracts with a spectacular decorative look and simple care. We will talk about the varieties and features of growing dieffenbachia at home in this article.

Designers appreciate this exotic guest. They are happy to use it in interior design - the luxurious coloring of large spreading leaves effectively emphasizes the design of the room. It is especially recommended to place dieffenbachia in offices, because, according to legend, the plant favors businessmen, fills the room with positive energy and activates brain activity.

Varieties of dieffenbachia
Varieties of dieffenbachia

History and name

Evergreen exotic plant belonging to the aroid family has a 150-year history. This family includes not only 30 species of dieffenbachia, but also philodendron, monstera, alocasia, anthurium and others. Where did dieffenbachia come from? The homeland of the plant is North and South America, and therefore it is not surprising that the culture prefers a humid and warm climate.

The genus got its name in honor of Joseph Dieffenbach, the chief gardener of the Imperial Palace in Vienna. After the discovery of America, merchants and travelers were fascinated by this plant and often took it to other continents, where it quickly gained popularity due to its unpretentiousness. In its homeland, the dieffenbachia plant is considered an evergreen perennial shrub.

Dieffenbachia at home
Dieffenbachia at home

External Features

This flower is grown for its foliage. The stems are unbranched, erect, powerful and juicy. The leaves, slightly hanging on the petioles, can reach a length of 25 to 40 cm. Depending on the variety, the leaf blades can be green, with various cream, yellow and white markings, in rare cases even almost white, framed along the edge with a thin green border.

Blossoming dieffenbachia is not common in indoor floriculture, although experienced owners claim that when ideal conditions are created, the plant blooms every year. The inflorescence is in the form of an ear, it opens from the axil of the leaf. The flowers are white or greenish, odorless. Experts recommend cutting the peduncle so that the formation of seeds does not take away the strength of the plant.

blooming dieffenbachia
blooming dieffenbachia

Another feature of the plant is its poisonous juice, which is released from the damaged stem and leaves. In case of contact with mucousnose, mouth, eyes, skin may cause dermatitis or burns. In this regard, it is not recommended to put a flower in the children's room, and it is also not advisable to plant it in the presence of pets.

Dieffenbachia varieties

As we have already said, more than 30 species of this plant are known. In form, they are divided into two almost equal groups: tree-like and bushy.

  • The tree-like form has a strong and powerful stem without branches. In the course of development, the plant sheds the lower leaves, and soon the silhouette of the plant resembles a palm tree. This type should include dieffenbachia painted, lovely, for example.
  • Bush. Plants of this group have many stems, and the leaves are located close to the soil. The plant looks like a bush.


The leaves of Dieffenbachia adorable, compared to many other species, are elongated and have a less pronounced rounded shape. Reminds herringbone light pattern along the lateral veins on the leaf plate. The contrast of the background and dark green edges makes the plant very attractive. Good lighting makes the pattern even brighter and more noticeable. If elongated spots, white stripes, strokes occupy most of the sheet, this type is called "Tropical snow".

dieffenbachia spotted
dieffenbachia spotted


Sometimes this variety of dieffenbachia is called painted. This is one of the most popular species in indoor floriculture. Many hybrids have been bred on its basis, which, in addition to the combination of colors, differ in the texture of the leaf plates. They areembossed, embossed or smooth, glossy or matte.

Dieffenbachia Seguin

A variety that looks like a spotted one. But its leaf plate is wider, with fewer white spots. This variety has no more than 9-12 lateral veins, while the spotted one has much more.

In culture, the most common variety is linear, which is distinguished by a rounded base of the leaf blade, as well as a green-white striped petiole. The dark green leaf blade is covered with light green spots that are randomly scattered along the main vein. The birthplace of this flower is Venezuela.

Dieffenbachia Seguina"
Dieffenbachia Seguina"


Dwarf plant, the stem of which is only 50 cm high and about 2 cm in diameter is covered with dark green leaves separated by a central white vein. The elliptical leaf plate can be up to 35 cm long and about 15 cm wide. The leaves are held on short, pale petioles with a purple tint.

Flowering dieffenbachia Leopold is found in indoor floriculture much more often than other species. Under a white coverlet 17 cm long, there is an inflorescence in the form of an ear no more than 9 cm long. The plant comes from Costa Rica.


This is a fast growing plant variety. In height, this species can reach two meters. Large oval leaves can be 40 cm long and 15 cm wide. They are painted in rich green. The pattern consists of a combination of white clear stripes and irregularly shaped spots. Dieffenbachia motley needs diffused light. It is advisable to place the plant at a distance of two meters from the window.


A magnificent guest from Peru with a thick and strong stem, one meter long. The stem is densely covered with a lush cap of leaves up to 60 cm long and about 40 cm wide. Oval leaves are evenly colored in rich green. Leaf veins are much lighter than the general background, the central strip is especially prominent. When growing dieffenbachia large-leaved, it needs warmth and moderate watering. The only drawback of this species is the pungent and rather unpleasant smell.


Another popular variety of Dieffenbachia, which came to us from the rainforests of South America. This species grows up to two meters in length. Large, oblong leaves are located on a strong stem, which are white closer to the middle, a green border runs along the edge. With age, white spots disappear from the leaves of Dieffenbachia large-leaved. Camille develops quickly - a new leaf grows within a week. In a ventilated area, protected from drafts, a shaded corner will be the best place for this plant.

Dieffenbachia Camille
Dieffenbachia Camille


Shrub plant with a strong, thick and branched stem. The long (up to 35 cm) leaves located on it are in the shape of an ellipse, and in some varieties they are oblong or heart-shaped, as a rule, they are painted in rich green. The entire leaf plate of Dieffenbachia Oersted is crossed by a light stripe. This plant must be transplanted every two years and dorejuvenating pruning. In addition, this flower loves spraying and well-lit places, however, direct sunlight should not fall on it. Temperatures below +15 °C and drafts are undesirable for him.

Growing dieffenbachia

These plants do not cause any problems even for beginner growers. For their cultivation, it is important to create comfortable, as close to natural conditions as possible, and listen to the recommendations of specialists.

Growing dieffenbachia
Growing dieffenbachia

Indoor temperature

The first dieffenbachia that came to Europe needed warm conditions when kept indoors. Species and varieties that appeared later develop perfectly at a temperature of +18 ° C. It must be remembered that the higher the temperature of the content, the more moisture the plant will need. In winter, the temperature should be lowered to +15 °C, at which development slows down and the flower enters a dormant period.

What soil do you need?

When growing dieffenbachia, it is desirable to use a substrate that meets the biological requirements of the plant. A ready-made soil mixture intended for plants of the Aroniev family is suitable for her. The plant develops well in soil with neutral acidity, consisting of leafy soil, sand and peat, taken one part and four parts of soddy land.


In summer, the plant is watered in such a way as to completely wet the earthen lump, but before the next moistening, the surface of the soil should dry out a little. Do not allow water to stand in the pan. Frequencywatering in winter depends on the air temperature in the room where the plant is kept. For irrigation, it is necessary to use settled water. It is desirable that it be at room temperature.


Dieffenbachia, unlike most indoor plants, feels comfortable not in well-lit places, but in shaded places, protected from direct sunlight. When growing this flower in full shade, the plant can slow down its development, and the direct rays of the sun (especially during the daytime) will leave burns on the leaves. Dieffenbachia must be accustomed to changing light conditions gradually. In this case, there will be no problems with either a shady flower arrangement or when grown in diffused sunlight.

It is necessary to regularly rotate the plant pots around their own axis so that they develop symmetrically and do not reach for the light source.


Dieffenbachia needs to be fed. During the growing season, liquid complex fertilizers are applied to the soil twice a month at half the dosage indicated in the instructions. In the cold season, when the flower stops its development, it is fed once a month. The flower is responsive to organic and mineral supplements.

Dieffenbachia transplant

Young plants (up to three years old) are transplanted in the spring every year, when they become cramped in the old pot and need to change the soil to fresh. After a transplant in two to three weeks, the plant completely occupies the entire volume of the pot with its powerful root system. For this plant, you need to use a pot withfairly large drainage holes. The small volume of the pot hinders the development of this species.


For propagation of dieffenbachia, apical cuttings no longer than 12 cm long are used. They must be cut only with a disinfected sharp knife, and after trimming, it is imperative to treat the cut points with an antiseptic. To do this, use wood or activated charcoal, crushed into powder.

Remove the lower leaves from the cutting to reduce moisture loss and dip it into the rooting powder ("Kornevin") with the lower end, then place it in moist soil. Place the pot with the handle in a warm place (+21 ° C) and cover with a glass jar on top to create the effect of a greenhouse. Every day, the plant should be ventilated by removing the jar for about half an hour. Rooting occurs in a month and a half.

Precautions and advice from growers

We mentioned that dieffenbachia juice (the variety does not matter) is poisonous, it can cause severe allergic reactions - skin irritations, burns of mucous membranes. After each contact with the juice of a flower, hands should be thoroughly washed, and all agrotechnical measures should be carried out with gloves. If your family has very small children or pets, wait a little with the establishment of this plant.

A flower in room conditions can live for a very long time, but with age, the lower part of its stems becomes bare and becomes less attractive. Timely change the flower to a fresh one, using apical cuttings for this.

The plant perfectly cleans the room, which contains air from harmful impurities, such as xylene and toluene. This beautiful and not too demanding plant will perfectly fit into any interior and will delight all households with its unusual look for a long time.