Wiring diagram in a private house: types, features and expert advice

Wiring diagram in a private house: types, features and expert advice
Wiring diagram in a private house: types, features and expert advice

Electrical wiring in private homes, their owners very often stretch with their own hands. In principle, the procedure is not particularly complicated if you have some experience. However, when electrifying a country house, of course, certain technologies and safety rules must be observed. Otherwise, the network in the house will subsequently begin to overload, overheat, which can lead to sparks, short circuits and, as a result, to a fire or electric shock to people.


The wiring diagram in a private house should be developed, therefore, as carefully as possible. The network installed in a private house should eventually be:

  • designed for long trouble-free operation;
  • provided with all necessary protection devices against electric shock of people living in the building, short circuit, power surges;
  • provided with devices that increase the comfort of living in the house;

Also the power grid in the house, of coursehowever, it should be designed to connect all the devices necessary for residents.


How to make a project

Of course, before you start laying wires in a private house, as well as installing various kinds of regulating and controlling equipment, you need to develop a network diagram and make all the necessary calculations. When drawing up a project for the electrification of a private house, usually:

  • determined with the type of network (single-phase/two-phase);
  • distribute devices along the lines and calculate network parameters;
  • determined by the location of shields, sockets, switches, basic household appliances.

At the final stage, they draw the actual wiring diagram in a private house and draw up a work plan.

Main types of systems

According to Russian law, it is allowed to lay both single-phase and three-phase networks in private houses. At the same time, in buildings up to 100 m22, if they do not use electric heating equipment, experts recommend equipping the first type of system.

Three-phase wiring in a private house is usually mounted if its area exceeds 100 m2. Also, this scheme is suitable for buildings furnished with a large number of various kinds of powerful household appliances. Typically, such systems are also installed if the owner of the house plans to use some kind of energy-intensive equipment directly on the site. For example, machine tools and sawmills ingarage.

How to organize appliances into groups

This procedure must be followed when developing a wiring diagram in a private house. In each group, when drafting the project, the result should be devices that will subsequently be connected in parallel to the same wire coming from the shield.

With such distribution, separate individual lines are usually allocated for powerful household equipment. Thus, in private homes, for example, modern washing machines, dishwashers, electric cookers, etc. are connected.

Wiring diagram
Wiring diagram

For less powerful devices, groups can be formed according to the following criteria:

  • location in the house, for example, a separate line can be allocated for each room;
  • by type of consumer - sockets, lighting, stoves, etc.

Each line in the house, both individual and group, is subsequently equipped with a separate RCD and circuit breaker.

An example of wiring in a private house

In modern private homes, in most cases, the following scheme for distributing appliances into groups is used:

  • sockets for living rooms;
  • points for powerful kitchen equipment;
  • sockets for heating equipment;
  • lighting (often done piecemeal with several lines);
  • connection of especially dangerous devices (usually in wet rooms);
  • sockets for utility rooms (garage, basement).

Like thiswiring in a private house in the photo below is presented to the attention of the reader (shield with lines).

How to mount the electrical network
How to mount the electrical network

Calculation of power and current

To determine the required network power of a private house, you need to know the characteristics of all those devices that will be used in it in the future. This indicator is calculated for the electrical system in several stages:

  • make a list of appliances and electrical equipment used in the home;
  • opposite each device indicate its power in accordance with the data obtained from the data sheet.

Then calculate the total power of lighting devices. To perform this procedure, a very simple technique is used. The power of all light bulbs and fixtures used in the house is simply multiplied by their number. The result is rounded up.

At the next stage, add up the power of all other appliances in the house. The previously found value for lighting is added to the result obtained. Then the result is rounded up again, and also increased by 10-20%. The figure obtained after performing all these calculations is taken as the required indicator of the power of the home electrical network.

Cable routing
Cable routing

Demand factor

Wiring diagrams in private houses of a small area are usually used the simplest. Using the method described above, it is allowed to calculate the required network capacity only for such buildings. For a cottage of considerableareas usually perform more accurate calculations. In this case, among other things, the demand factor is taken into account.

Total power of appliances Until 14 20 30 40 50 60 70 and above
Demand factor 0, 8 0, 65 0, 6 0, 55 0, 5 0, 48 0, 45

To carry out an accurate calculation, the resulting approximate result is simply multiplied by the coefficient found in the table.

Load current

When developing a wiring diagram in a private house with your own hands, you should decide in advance on this indicator. For private residential buildings, the load current, as well as the power of the network, is calculated quite easily. To determine this parameter in a single-phase 220 V system, the formula is used:

I=4, 5Pt, where Pt is the maximum network power in kilowatts.

For example, with Pt=5 kW, the load current will be 4.5 x 5=22.5 A. It is this current that will flow through the phase wire in the 220 V home network in the future.

In 380 V networks, the formula is usually used to determine this indicator:

I=P / (1, 73Ucos φ), where P - power, U - voltage, cos φ - power factor by the ratio of reactive and active componentsload resistance. For home three-phase systems, cos φ in most cases is taken equal to 0.95.

Instrument layout

At the next stage, when drawing up a project, a detailed plan of the house is drawn with the arrangement of furniture. On such a diagram, the location is then marked:

  • outlets;
  • switches;
  • shield.

Proper wiring in a private house can only be considered if the residents, after its implementation, will be able to use all electrical appliances with maximum comfort. Sockets in modern private houses are usually located at a distance of 30 cm from the floor in blocks. At the same time, they are mounted, of course, closer to the electrical appliances themselves - a TV, a computer.

In the kitchen, the socket block is most often mounted above the countertop. The exception in this case is the sockets for the refrigerator or electric stove. Such sockets are usually located behind these devices 30 cm from the floor. Switches in private homes are usually mounted next to interior doors at the level of their handles. In any case, according to the rules, at least one socket must be provided in modern private houses for 6 m2 of the floor space.

After the locations of the connection sockets are selected, the actual wiring diagram in a private house is drawn on the plan, allocating a separate line for each group of devices, according to the project. Each such branch in the drawing is marked with a pencil of a certain color.

Which cables to buy

Having drawn up the wiring diagrama private house with your own hands, you can proceed with the installation, in fact, of the network itself. For the power supply system of a country building, of course, among other things, you will need to choose the most suitable equipment, as well as cables. This will guarantee a long uninterrupted operation of the network, as well as its security for the residents of the house.

Three-core cable
Three-core cable

First of all, the owner of a suburban building will need to decide on the cables. Until recently, only cheap aluminum wiring was installed in private houses. However, today, for laying electrical networks in residential suburban buildings, in most cases, more reliable and durable copper cables are chosen. At the same time, owners of private houses usually purchase three-core wires of this type.

Expert advice on cable selection

Experienced electricians in our time advise owners of country houses to purchase domestic reliable wires with VVG-fr insulation or imported NYM fire-resistant ones for laying around the premises. To connect powerful equipment, it is recommended to buy cables of this type marked 3 x 4.

Cable core diameters for individual powerful electrical appliances and group lines can be selected using a special table.

Cable table
Cable table

Selection of outlets

Wiring rules in a private house must be observed exactly. All sorts of standards imply, of course, some requirements for sockets for connecting electrical appliances. For powerful equipment, sockets are supposed to be selected according tomaximum starting current. This indicator can be found in the data sheet of a specific household appliance.

Modern industry produces sockets of two main types:

  • external - for such devices, the body sticks out of the wall;
  • internal - built into the wall.

In most cases, domestic sockets are currently being installed in private homes. Such connection sockets look more harmonious in modern interiors.

Wiring connections

It is recommended, of course, to do the electrical wiring in a private house, before finishing. This will make it easy to route the wires properly with a minimum of connections. However, to connect the cables during the installation of the electrical network, of course, you still have to anyway. When performing this procedure, experts, among other things, advise following these recommendations:

  • twisting is allowed only homogeneous metals (copper / copper, aluminum / aluminum);
  • in twisting it is supposed to leave bare ends with a length of at least 40 mm;
  • connect two wires together as tightly as possible;
  • turns should be laid one next to the other;
  • packing the connection on top is best with heat shrink tubing.

In order for the contact in the twist to be 100 percent, experienced electricians recommend soldering the wires as well.

Distribution boxes
Distribution boxes

Properly performed twists will guarantee the security of your home network. However, wire connectionstoday it is still recommended to do it through special terminal boxes with clamps. Such devices are especially well suited for a large cottage with a significant number of powerful electrical appliances.

Wiring Rules

In concrete and brick private houses, electrical wiring, including do-it-yourself, is usually done, having previously cut through the walls with a grinder strobe. In frame suburban buildings, cables are pulled behind the sheathing. In this case, in both cases, the wires are preliminarily passed in special fireproof flexible tubes.

In wooden private houses, an external wiring diagram is often used. In this case, the cables are pulled in decorative fire-resistant boxes fixed directly on the wall surface.

Installing the shield

This element of the home electrical network is usually installed in one of the rooms in a niche made in the wall. An RCD is placed inside the installed shield. Zero machines in the shield, according to the rules, are supposed to be mounted in the upper part, and grounding machines in the lower part. Between these elements in the middle they usually put line breakers.

In small houses, cables from the shield are pulled directly to the groups of appliances. In cottages of a large area, junction boxes are additionally used.

Electric wiring board
Electric wiring board

Two machines are usually included in the wiring diagram in a private house for 3 phases. One of them is installed on the street, and the second - in the house. This is for the owners of a private residentialbuildings of large area worth bearing in mind.

Final stage

Photos and wiring diagrams of private houses, presented to the reader in this article, may help owners of suburban real estate decide on the method of laying cables in their homes. In principle, it will not be difficult to do the electrification of a house with your own hands with a certain experience and knowledge.

However, after self-installation of the network, the owner of a private house, in any case, will still have to call specialists from the electrical laboratory to test its functionality and safety. Without the conclusion of engineers, it will be simply impossible to connect the wiring of the house to the power line of the settlement in the future.
