Many modern consumers are increasingly choosing suspended toilet bowls for bathrooms in apartments and houses. With the help of them you can save space and give the room an aesthetic look. After all, the plumbing fixture is mounted with pipe laying and water supply to the wall. To carry out the work, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology and deal with the main types of installation.
Familiarizing yourself with the range of the market, you can understand that manufacturers offer block and frame structures. The first differ in that they are fixed to the main wall. Their device is very simple, it provides for the presence of a plastic tank and fasteners for the toilet. The first is attached to the fittings, and fasteners will be needed only for mounted models, since they are not provided for floor models. Such structures are recessed into the wall, so they require the formation of a longitudinal niche or laying the toilet in the wall.
If the toilet is located in the center of the apartment or house, away from the main walls, then the installation of the installationblock type will not be possible. Frame structures provide for the presence of an appropriate steel assembly. Fasteners for a plumbing fixture and a drain for sewer pipes are installed on it. Corner installations are on sale, which are installed at the junction of two walls, such works are also relevant in the case of partitions. At the same time, fasteners are not needed in the wall, which destroys obstacles in the way of the design idea. Frame structures are more expensive than block structures.
Preparation of tools and materials

In order to install the installation, you need to take care of the availability of a set of tools, namely:
- building level;
- marker;
- drills;
- installations;
- ring wrenches;
- perforator;
- roulettes.
Sizes of spanners are selected taking into account the dimensions of the fasteners. The marker can be replaced with a pencil. A drill will be needed for concrete walls. Their diameter must match the fasteners of the structure. If you manage to choose the right tools, then you can proceed to the installation process itself.
Choosing a seat

It is necessary to start work by choosing the installation site for the structure. If you have to work in the bathroom of an apartment with a standard layout, then the niche where the risers are located will be an ideal place. The niche needs to be redone a little, the risers will be located in the corners. If they are metal, then they should be replaced with plastic ones.
Installing the frame structure

Installation of a frame-type installation involves several steps. On the first one, it is necessary to install a frame, it is a steel frame with movable fasteners. The drain tank is fixed to the frame. To adjust the position of the frame, use the brackets that are located in the upper part. Frames are sold separately and are therefore universal and suitable for all types of toilets.
After completion of the work, a structure will be obtained, the height of which is approximately 140 cm. The width of the frame depends on the model, but it should not be less than the tank with fasteners. Such frames can withstand up to 500 kg of weight.
Installation of the installation at the next stage involves attaching the drain tank to the frame. The drain button should be 1 m away from the floor. The attachment points are arranged in such a step as to correspond to the distance between the lugs of the sanitary appliance. Stepping back 23 cm, it is necessary to install a sewer pipe. Whereas the toilet bowl itself is located at a height of 40 to 42 cm. The frame is fastened at four points. There is a gap of 1.5 cm between the drain tank and the wall.
Work on fixing the installation

Next, you can proceed to the installation of the installation. In order for it to be horizontal, it is necessary to check the slope of the wall with a plumb line. If there is a slope, then the plumb line must be strengthened at a height of 150 cm, then in the placewhere it touches the floor, draw a line parallel to the wall.
For marking, the structure must be attached to the wall and mark the points for fasteners. Holes are drilled into them. The frame is fixed to the floor, and with the help of adjusting screws you can set the height and align the frame horizontally using the building level. The same manipulations are repeated with a vertical position.
Toilet connection

Installation of the installation involves bringing a water pipe to the toilet bowl. You can do this from above or from the side, which will depend on the model. All modern products allow you to change the place. When connecting the tank, it is better not to purchase a traditional flexible hose. This is due to the fact that it is ready to serve less than a toilet bowl, and it will be very difficult to replace it when it is hidden in a false wall.
When installing the toilet installation, it is recommended to connect with plastic pipes. Tanks are usually also plastic, they are isolated with special materials to prevent the formation of condensate. Fasteners are sold with the tank. The panel containing the drain buttons must be purchased separately.
The next step is to connect the outlet to the sewer riser. If you cannot set the elements directly, then you can use the corrugation. Installation should be started only after examining the joints and connections for leaks.
Working on the box and frame assembly

Installation of the toilet installation involves the manufacture of a plasterboard box. However, before that, it is necessary to screw the pins into the frame to fix the device. They are supplied as a set. All outlet drains are plugged to keep out debris and dust.
With the help of a metal profile, it is necessary to assemble the frame, maintaining the level. Drywall used for sheathing must be 1 cm thick or more. You should choose a moisture resistant material. It is laid in 2 layers. Holes are made in the canvas for the button and the pipe. Sheets are fixed to the metal profile with screws. Tiles are laid on drywall.
Installing the toilet itself

When you install the installation yourself, you will also have to install the toilet itself. This can be done in the next step. You can start working only 1.5 weeks after the installation of the frame structure. Between the toilet and the tile, it is necessary to distribute a layer of silicone or install a gasket. The toilet bowl is installed on the pins, then the nuts are tightened. Water is drained to check the tightness of the structure.
Installation of block installation
If you purchased a block structure, the procedure will be slightly different. You should start by marking the installation site. If the bathroom is located in the apartment, then the axis of the toilet should coincide with the axis of the room. In other cases, the toilet must be tied to the axis of the sewer drain. On the wall with a marker or pencilmark where such an axis will pass. Next, you should determine the height, which depends on the features of the installation. Usually this parameter does not exceed 1 m.
The master will have to mark the points for the dowels, with which the structure will be fixed. The dimensions must be found in the instructions attached to the tank, because they may be different for different manufacturers. According to home masters, you can carry out the installation yourself, the installation of the installation provides for the location of dowels, which are removed at equal distances from the axis. So, if the width of the structure is 0.5 m, then you will have to retreat 0.25 m from the axis. After you make holes in the material with a puncher, you can hammer in the dowel.
Installation of the tank and pin
The drain tank is attached to the surface and screwed on. The drain hole should be twisted. It is important to make sure that all gaskets are in place. A water pipe is connected to the tank. The kit comes with pins that are screwed into holes prepared in advance.
The dimensions of the toilet will determine how much the pins protrude outward. Until the installation is completed, the pins remain open, and the bowl is installed last. At the final stage, the drain hose is attached; clamps must be used for this. Now it remains only to finish the wall, having previously checked the tightness of the system.
Geberit installation recommendations
Installation of the Geberit installation involves fixing the reinforcement to the base using a drain pipe. She isconnected to the technical device at a right angle. This design is reliable and time-tested. The set includes a cuff and a flap for the joint. The internal mechanism will be located in the wall. The drain structure will be accessible through the flush panel.
Instruction for installation installation provides for the preparation of the following tools:
- perforator;
- marker;
- keys of the right size.
The process itself will consist of several steps. First you need to choose a place, then mark up and measure the height. The last manipulation is necessary to determine the place for the dowels. In this case, you should be guided by the dimensions from the instructions.
Holes can be made with a puncher, and then hammered in dowels. Next, the drain tank is screwed on, and after that the design is checked for gaskets. It can be connected to water, screw the pins into the holes and fix the drain hose with clamps.
Working with Geberit frame installation
If you purchased a framed structure, you will need the installation instructions for the toilet installation. At the first stage, the frame should be assembled, and then the drain tank should be fixed. The structure is installed in a horizontal position. Lead a water pipe to the drain tank and connect the outlet of the plumbing fixture to the riser.
It is necessary to check the tightness of the joints and sew up the frame with a decorative finishing material. Previously, all holes should be filled and the pins for attaching the toilet bowl to the frame should be screwed. Installation installation"Geberit" you can do yourself. There are usually no complaints about its quality. Of particular delight among buyers is the work of automatic draining. Consumers emphasize that the design is reliable, and all the little things are thought out. Before purchasing such a unit, you should be prepared for the fact that its cost is slightly higher than its counterparts.
Working with the Grohe installation
One of the most reliable and largest manufacturers of German plumbing equipment is Grohe. In Russia, it has gained popularity due to the high quality of its products. The supplier is a leader in the production of first-class sanitary ware, which is distinguished by its beautiful appearance, unique design, durability and reliability.
Installation of a Grohe installation may involve the use of special systems or units. Their operation does not require maintenance for a long time. The use of new technologies allows you to save water and reduce the noise level during the operation of the drain. The manufacturer has provided the buyer with the opportunity to carry out quick installation, in the process, the minimum number of parts and fasteners is used.
The system provides a centering tool that can be used to make a high quality installation. Installation of the installation system should begin 10 days after completion of the rough finishing work. The adhesive on which the tiles are laid should gain strength and dry if you have already completed such work. This requirement is due to the fact that tilesmay crack under load.
When installing a toilet, it is necessary to measure and fit two connecting pipes to the parameters, one of which is a sewer, and the other is designed to drain water. The pipes are individual and are sold complete with a toilet bowl. They cannot be purchased separately.
Installation of a wall-mounted toilet for installation involves putting couplings on studs. Next, a shock-absorbing pad is mounted and the bowl is fixed, as well as pipes. Fasteners are tightened with nuts until the bowl is in place. Next, the water is drained from the toilet. If there are no leaks, then you can proceed with the installation of the drain buttons.
In conclusion
If the installation is carried out correctly, the elements of the toilet should not leak, and the button should be pressed smoothly and easily. Deflections of the bowl under the influence of loads are unacceptable. Due to the fact that the installation is carried out before finishing, it is necessary to close the openings of the pipes of the drain tank using plugs so that debris does not enter the system. Many models are equipped with elements that add comfort and ease of use. The system allows you to hide unaesthetic communications, which makes the interior impeccable.