In industry and the construction industry, welding of metal products is often used. Sometimes you can't do without it. The process is complex and labor intensive. In some cases, it is fillet weld welding that must be used as the connection. This type of connection is considered one of the most reliable and durable. However, it is impossible to perform corner welding without special knowledge, because in the process of work you need to take into account many small nuances.
Welding features
Corner seam is quite common. With it, you can connect two metal plates or profile pipes. The main thing is that the distance between these two products should be no more than 180 degrees.

In some cases, it is necessary to connect several products into one large metal structure, where the joints will have an angle of 90 degrees. All this is necessary in order for the structure to be reliable, durable and able to withstand heavy loads.
Fillet welds are quite common, especially when you need to produce a large and strong structure. Usually they have corners that need to be carefully processed and connected. Many other techniques can be used to do this, but welding is the most reliable way to connect two steel products.
Special requirements are imposed on this type of work, since the strength of the entire structure depends on the quality of the seam. This type of connection is considered one-piece. It can be carried out using gas equipment, or other, more modern installations. The most important thing is to strictly follow the technology.
Varieties of seams
Corner weld is divided into the following types:
- lapped;
- when at the junction the edges of the products are tightly adjacent to each other;
- one edge of the product is applied to the flat surface of the other (tee seam);
- without cutting edge and with edge.
Unlike conventional welding, it is much more difficult to make neat and strong fillet welds. The work is further complicated by the fact that welding must be carried out in different positions. Even a professional welder can have problems at work, for example, if you need to make a tee seam between products that are also turned upside down. In addition, the corner seam can be intermittent or continuous, short or long. A short seam does not exceed 2.5 centimeters, and a long one - 10 centimeters.

Difficulties during welding
So that the master canto carry out the most even and high-quality seam, you need to know about the main defects that may occur when making a seam. Most often, the fillet butt weld is unreliable due to the fact that the weld material lies unevenly. Under the action of high temperature, the metal melts and rushes down. As a result, the top edge cannot properly join the joint. Sooner or later, under the influence of a large load, the structure will fall apart.
Main issues
The wrong angle can also ruin a vertical fillet weld. Two products that need to be connected with such a seam are rarely of arbitrary shape. In this case, it is very important to correctly calculate the fillet weld. Products must be in the correct shape. Usually they have the same parameters (length, width and thickness).
In order to carry out the work qualitatively, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of the voltage parameter. If the current is too weak, this will cause the leg to be convex. This means that the base material will not melt well. Conversely, if the current is too intense, the leg will take on a concave shape. The sides of the metal product will have too deep penetration. As a result, the design will still be of poor quality.
Preparation for work
To do the best job possible, it is not enough to have good equipment, be aware of possible defects and follow safety rules. Before the master gets to work, he must properly prepare the sides of the weld.
Basic rules
If you need to connect with each otherother plates, the thickness of which does not exceed 5 mm, then no special preparatory measures are required. If rust is present on the material, it must be removed with a special brush.

Only after that you can markup, fix the products well and start welding. The same applies if it is necessary to carry out a fillet overlap weld. In order for the structure to be strong enough in the end, it is necessary to apply two seams on each side one by one.
The work becomes more difficult if you need to work with steel, the thickness of which exceeds 5 mm. In this case, the master must make a small bevel at 45 degrees on the attachment plate. This will form a small place where the molten metal will flow. As a result, the corner seam will turn out to be more durable and reliable. When the master works with steel with a thickness of more than 1 cm, he needs to cut the edges on both sides. This technology helps protect the seam from burns.

After the edges are prepared and the parts are firmly in place, the specialist should not forget about the installation of tacks on both sides. This is necessary so that during welding the seam does not warp, and the metal product does not deform.
To make the structure as strong and accurate as possible, welding is carried out not simultaneously from both sides, but alternately. It is important to completely finish the work on one side, and then move on to the other. If you do not follow this rule, potholderswill not be able to withstand the load and will most likely burst.
Field welding methods
During this operation, the probability of defects is very high. Professional workers use several basic techniques, thanks to which you can get the most durable and neat seam. To understand how to weld a fillet weld correctly and what technique to use, you need to pay attention to the general situation and choose the most convenient welding option.

Boat method
This method is suitable for welding if the master works with small structures that are on a solid surface, but not fixed to it. They can be flipped. This technique is mainly used by beginners. In this case, the product is installed in the shape of the letter V. The design is somewhat reminiscent of a boat, hence the name of the technique.
The master should hold the electrode vertically, slightly tilting it towards himself. In this case, during operation, oscillatory movements cannot be made. The duration of the work carried out depends on the thickness of the metal. Sometimes it takes several passes to make a really strong and even seam.
To give the seam the required width, in the future, the master can make transverse welding. Thanks to this method, the specialist has the opportunity to apply filler material simultaneously on two sides. This helps to avoid defects, poor quality joints.
Down position
In shapeboats to fold large structures from a specialist will not work, so you need to weld in the lower position. The master should slightly tilt the electrode and work at an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, you need to move it left and right. This is necessary in order to completely fill the seam.
When the master just starts welding, there is no need to make transverse movements. At the first stage, it is important to qualitatively connect the metal elements. Experts recommend doing small jerks during work. This is necessary in order to slightly drive away the slag flowing onto the seam. If the master does not do this, then the slag can completely block the visibility of the working surface. If the main suture is done correctly, firmly and without defects, then the following sutures can be applied.

Even if the work was carried out with high quality by the master, sometimes the weld, which was performed at an angle, may have a sloppy and unattractive appearance. This is because the connections are often uneven. They are slightly convex above the main surface. In addition, there may be slag residues, small scale and metal particles on the seam.

Features of stripping
In order for the finished product to look attractive, you need to get rid of all this. This process is called cleansing. The specialist must act in several stages. First, with the help of a skein or a chisel, he knocks down scales, and then with a grinder he levels the surface of the seam. If the master still cannot make the seam even,you can fix this by applying molten tin to the surface.