Sliding partition between the kitchen and living room for space zoning: pros and cons, design options

Sliding partition between the kitchen and living room for space zoning: pros and cons, design options
Sliding partition between the kitchen and living room for space zoning: pros and cons, design options

The kitchen is a favorite place in any apartment, but not everyone has enough space to perform their immediate functions. A sliding partition between the kitchen and the living room will solve all problems. Housewives will be able to place in it all the necessary appliances for cooking, household members will have the opportunity to get together to eat and share their impressions of the day. There is a place for guests who will not be disturbed by extraneous sounds and smells from cooking.

Partition sliding kitchen
Partition sliding kitchen

Features of partitions

Partitions serve primarily for space zoning. The current fashion for studio apartments is only suitable for families with a small number of households. If the family is large, this option after a minimum amount of timeseem unacceptable. In such a house it will be impossible to relax or just hide for a while from prying eyes. The noise from household appliances, the smells that arise during cooking, periodic clouds of smoke and soot raids will become regular guests in the house. Door structures will be the only saviors that can greatly facilitate the work of the hostess and provide a place for communication for all family members. That is why, in each individual case, partitions should perform their functions as much as possible.

To separate the kitchen and the room, any shape and material will suit the taste of the owners. If they are transparent, matte or stained glass, then light penetrates from the kitchen into the living room, creating the illusion of glow. Sliding partitions between rooms can be made of dense light-tight material, which will allow you to abstract the rooms from each other. Similarly, you can do the zoning of the kitchen with the room, if there is a goal to make the place for cooking completely closed from prying eyes.

Benefits of Partitions

Sliding door designs have many undeniable advantages. It is proposed to familiarize yourself with some of them:

  1. Space saving. Partitions help save space as much as possible, especially when it comes to small apartments.
  2. Zoning. Sliding partitions for space zoning connect the room into a common area and divide it if necessary.
  3. Imitation of walls. Visually sliding structures imitate walls, which is very important for creating integrity.interior.
  4. Easy installation. Work on the construction of the structure will not take much time, since all the work is prepared for quick installation.
  5. Durability and practicality. All partition mechanisms are fixed quite firmly and are designed for long-term operation.
  6. Large assortment. There is a huge amount of materials in construction stores. This allows us to meet the needs of the most demanding customers and make a partition for every taste.
Partition for zoning
Partition for zoning


Sliding designs are presented in a variety of options. When creating the frame, steel and aluminum profiles are used, which can be decorated with veneer from different types of wood. Sliding partitions for zoning are filled with the following materials:

  • glass with different surface structures;
  • laminated chipboard:
  • MDF panels;
  • veneer;
  • plastic;
  • wood of various species;
  • bamboo;
  • rattan;
  • jute material.

Selection of designs

When choosing a model of a sliding partition between the kitchen and the living room, it is recommended to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Weight. The partition should not be too heavy and bulky. It is necessary to calculate whether it will damage the foundation. But if the structure is installed on the site of the demolished wall, its weight does not matter (any weight is allowed).
  2. Strength. The sliding structure must be strong, becausethere are different situations (you can touch it with any object). Families with children should be especially careful.
  3. Practical. Over time, the partition will need cleaning. Since the kitchen is a place of abundant accumulation of moisture, soot, odors, etc., it will be necessary to regularly remove the resulting raids. Therefore, the material must be moisture resistant and not be afraid of household chemicals.
  4. Eco-friendly. The material may release toxic substances that are harmful to he alth. Therefore, preference should be given to environmentally friendly raw materials for the manufacture of structures.
  5. Aesthetics. The appearance of the product must correspond to the general style and harmoniously fit into the interior.
Sliding partitions between the kitchen and living room photo
Sliding partitions between the kitchen and living room photo


Sliding partitions between the kitchen and the living room, photos of which can be seen on the Internet, require careful thought in terms of installation. If there is a bottom guide rail, it will be necessary to make a recess along the entire length. Otherwise, an additional threshold will appear on the floor, which can interfere with walking and the overall appearance. To hide the rail in the floor, you will need the help of specialists (this is quite a difficult job).

There is another option for attaching partitions, when the entire structure is supported on the top rail. Such models of structures are no less reliable than two-rail ones. It is only necessary to pay attention to the fasteners of the upper rail, which must be selected exactly in size.

Types of partitions

Sliding partitions between the kitchen and the living room are divided into several main types:

  • overhead (sections move along the walls);
  • built-in (sections move inside the opening);
  • sliding (opening sashes slide into the wall partition).

When choosing the type of sliding structures, you must remember about aesthetic harmony with the overall interior.

Sliding partitions for space zoning
Sliding partitions for space zoning

Classification of partition walls

Interior partitions are usually classified according to the following models:

  • Single leaf. These are very compact partitions that are easy to install, since they do not require additional work with the door frame. They are compact, great space saver, suitable for a small kitchen.
  • Bivalves. Large sliding partitions between the kitchen and living room, which are installed on wide openings. They can accent bright decor elements and look simply luxurious.
  • Accordion doors. They are made according to the principle of blinds, they are absolutely safe to use, they perfectly zone the space. They are made of MDF materials, come with plastic and glass inserts, are distinguished by an abundance of colors in the assortment of construction companies.

Compartment door

This is a great option for a sliding partition between the kitchen and the room. Mounted as a wardrobe, the doors move along the walls. It can be with top and bottom or only with top rail. It's easy to install and quite budget friendly.option for zoning limited space. The negative point of this design is that the kitchen set, appliances or outdoor plants should not be placed close to the door.

Accordion door

Sliding partitions between the kitchen
Sliding partitions between the kitchen

This door design can constructively solve the issue of zoning, as it is an excellent protection against the penetration of specific odors, soot and dirt outside the kitchen space. It is mounted on the top rail and is quite a budget option. From the point of view of decor, there are no complaints about the accordion door, since the range of these products is very wide. Different forms and models of doors are offered, colors are also presented in a large palette. A significant disadvantage is the material from which the accordion doors are made. It is usually a cheap plastic that quickly loses its original appearance and does not withstand long-term use.

Pencil case

The door-case is suitable for planning, in which a doorway was not provided a priori. With the help of drywall, a wall empty from the inside with a side hole is built up. When opened, the partition is completely hidden in an impromptu wall. If the wall is further strengthened, it may become suitable for hanging mezzanines, wall cabinets and shelves.

Glass structures

The sliding glass partition between the kitchen and the living room will be a separate beautiful element of decor in the house. It visually enlarges the space, connecting the dining room andliving area. At the same time, all smells and sounds remain behind durable glass and do not spread throughout the apartment. Such structures are mounted in the usual way using the upper and lower (or only the upper) rail. If you want to make the kitchen autonomous and hidden from prying eyes, it makes sense to use opaque glass.

Sliding partitions
Sliding partitions

From the point of view of decorative design, glass gives you the opportunity to apply the full range of your imagination. Stained glass colored glasses look great in the interior, which can be used in a plain, color-matched version. A partition with a colored glass pattern will look stylish and original. It will become the main decorative accent of the space. In this case, it is worth carefully decorating the entire interior, avoiding too many color directions, as an excess of decor can become too heavy for visual perception.

Mobile option

This sliding partition between the room and the kitchen is an analogue of compartment doors. When opened, the mobile sash is moved to the side; in the closed position, the structure blocks the entire passage. Such partitions are mainly made with fillers of frosted or transparent glass (can be made of other materials if desired). When performing the mobile version, additional materials for the opening in the wall are not used, which is a significant advantage.


The pendulum design is used when there is a long corridor in the dining area. With a carriagesections of the partition are fixed on the upper rail. The carriage scrolls and moves in different directions of the opening. The pendulum saves space as much as possible, so it is ideal for small spaces. The partition is made of standard materials, for greater originality, fragments of mirrors can be inserted into the pendulum.

Sliding partitions photo
Sliding partitions photo

Sliding partitions, photos of which are presented in large quantities on the Internet, solve a lot of problems. The most important and basic is the zoning of space and the provision of excellent conditions for the full functioning of the kitchen and living room.
