In our country, the name of jasmine is invariably associated with a widespread deciduous shrub, the flowers of which, collected in a brush, have a sweet and rich aroma. In fact, this is a mock orange, which has a very distant relation to the representatives of the Jasmine genus, it belongs to the genus Hydrangea.
True jasmines are graceful and evergreen shrubs with climbing or erect stems. The genus includes 198 species, many of which are of economic importance. In room culture, jasmine multiflorum is widely used. Caring for him can hardly be called simple. In order for the plant to develop properly and delight the eye with lush flowering, effort will be required. Jasmine is demanding and capricious. Inexperienced growers should pay attention to more unassuming houseplants.
Jasmine multiflora: plant description

Against the background of other representatives of the genus Jasmine, this speciesstands out for its size and strong branching. A spectacular climbing shrub can reach a height of one to ten meters in its natural environment, in room conditions the length of its lashes is more modest, as a rule, limited to 2 m. The leaves of the plant are complex, pinnate, arranged oppositely on a short petiole (0.4-2 cm), up to 5-7 cm long.
Jasmine polyanthum (Jasminum polyanthum) is famous for its magnificent appearance during the flowering period, which lasts from February to August. At this time, the bush is covered with numerous star-shaped white flowers, which at the bud stage are painted in a rich pink color. Their diameter reaches 2.5 cm. Attention is also attracted by their rich, thick aroma, which differs from that of mock orange. Flowers are collected in apical or axillary inflorescences (panicle or brush). The fruits of the plant have the appearance of black spherical berries with a diameter of 6-11 mm.
Homeland of the plant

Information about where the plant comes from will be useful in order to provide it with proper care at home. Jasmine multiflorum is distributed in China in the provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan. The plant can be found at an altitude of 1400-3000 meters above sea level.
In New Zealand and Australia, this species is considered invasive, that is, it has spread as a result of human activities and threatens the biological diversity of the place.
Location in the house and air temperature
Jasmine is native to the Asian rainforests. He needs a bigthe amount of light throughout the year, and especially during the period of budding and flowering. However, direct sunlight should be avoided. South windows are not the best choice for jasmine, experts recommend giving preference to the east and west sides. The plant tolerates partial shade and shade with difficulty, and this affects its appearance.

The air temperature requirements are not so high. A range of +21-25°C during the growing season and slightly cooler in winter, but below +10°C indoors, is what Jasmine multiflora needs. The home microclimate is quite suitable for him in terms of temperature. It is allowed to grow this species in open ground. This is possible in regions belonging to the 8-11th frost resistance zone (in Russia, Sochi is one of them).
Air humidity requirements
The biggest challenges in care are related to providing high humidity. Jasmine is a child of the rainforests, and in dry conditions, it will not only not bloom, but will also suffer from diseases, pests, is in a depressed state, in fact, slowly dying. There are two ways to increase the level of humidity in the air.
Firstly, this is a direct spray of moisture on the plant. To do this, it is enough to have a fine spray gun and settled soft water. The procedure is recommended in the spring-summer period to be carried out daily. During the flowering period, spraying is not stopped, but only avoided when water drops fall on the flowers. During the winter dormancy, the plant is not sprayed.

Secondly, for multiflorous jasmine, it is recommended to install an individual special humidifier or its own-made analogue. In particular, the use of plant trays with wet pebbles or moss is popular.
Soil selection and transplanting
The potting mix for jasmine should be neutral or slightly acidic. The plant also makes special demands on the composition of the substrate. It should be light, fluffy and nutritious. When preparing the mixture for planting on your own, experts recommend using disinfected turf and leaf soil, as well as sand and peat in a ratio of 2: 3: 1: 1. It is important to provide a drainage layer 3-5 cm thick when planting.
When growing jasmine multiflora indoors, only young plants are transplanted annually. It is better not to disturb adult specimens in vain. Once every 2-3 years they are transferred to containers 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous pot. The presence of a large volume of free substrate is the risk of acidification of the soil, which as a result can lead to a violation of air permeability and moisture stagnation. Jasmine develops best when the planter is completely filled with roots.
Water and fertilize

Timely watering is one of the main aspects of care. At home, multi-flowered jasmine (photo in the text) has a clearly defined period of winter dormancy, accompanied by partial or complete fall of foliage. This fact must be taken into account when building a plant irrigation system. The volume and frequency directly depend on the conditions in which the plant lives, its growth rate and age. In spring and summer, watering should be plentiful. It is carried out as soon as the top layer of soil dries out. Special systems can be used to control the degree of soil moisture.
In the autumn-winter period, watering should be careful, especially during cool wintering. Do not allow an excess of moisture in the soil. You need to reduce the amount of watering gradually, however, as well as increase as spring approaches.
Feeding is carried out during the period of active growth and flowering weekly with complex mineral fertilizer for flowering plants (with a high content of potassium).
Diseases and pests
The main guarantee of plant he alth is proper care. Jasmine multiflorum is vulnerable to pests. Most often, aphids, scale insects, leaf weevils and spider mites can be found on it. Recommendations to prevent their occurrence: proper care, preventive treatment with insecticides and fungicides, removal of plant parts damaged by insects.
Fungal and bacterial diseases are less common on jasmine. The main factor that can provoke them is low air temperature combined with waterlogging and drafts.
Reproduction of jasmine

Indoor multi-flowered jasmine is easiest to propagate vegetatively. There are two popular methods. The first is cuttings. The most optimal time for the procedure is spring or summer. For cuttings, semi-lignified, mature and strong shoots are used, cutting them off with three internodes. Sections are recommended to be treated with a growth stimulator, since this significantly increases the ability to form roots. Then the cuttings are planted in a substrate prepared from equal parts of sand and peat. In a room or a small greenhouse, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of at least + 20ºС. Roots appear in about a month. Immediately, young plants are seated in individual containers.
The second way of vegetative propagation of jasmine is the formation of layering. In a separate section of the shoot, a shallow incision is made in the internodes, then this place is wrapped with wet moss. A month later, roots form at the site of the wound. An important condition is that the moss is constantly wet, it should not be allowed to dry out.
Pruning the plant

Like most evergreen vines, jasmine multiflora is easy to shape. It can be easily guided along the supports, giving the desired shape and size to the bush, and “cutting” the plant is also acceptable. The main pruning should be carried out before the start of intensive growth. Shoots are shortened by 1/2 or 1/3 of the entire length. Due to this, the plant produces more young shoots on which buds are formed.
When sanitary pruning, all elongated, ugly damaged and dry branches, with deformed and small leaves, are removed. In a young plant with shoots, lengthwhich does not exceed 50-60 cm, only pinch the tops to stimulate tillering.
Medical use
For medicinal purposes, all parts of the jasmine multiflora are used (photo according to the text). The leaves are used as a healing agent by applying hot compresses for skin ulcers, as well as a decoction or infusion to reduce lactation. In Eastern countries, it is believed that jasmine root, infused with wine, can lower the pain threshold, so it is often used before operations.
Jasmine essential oil is recommended as an antidepressant in aromatherapy. It is used in therapeutic baths, added to massage oil for muscle pain.
The flowers of the plant are a well-known natural component of tea, giving it a unique aroma.