Construction master plan: development, composition, types

Construction master plan: development, composition, types
Construction master plan: development, composition, types

The plan of the site, where the exact location of all objects under construction, the arrangement of lifting and mounting mechanisms, as well as many other economic facilities, is a construction master plan. It displays warehouses of building structures and materials, mortar and concrete units, temporary premises for cultural, sanitary and administrative purposes, communication networks, power supply, water supply, and the like.

building master plan
building master plan


The area covered and the level of detail affect the type to which the building master plan belongs. It can be object or general site. For the largest construction projects, including water management, the construction master plan is not limited to these types, a situational plan is necessarily drawn up, which characterizesconditions of the area regarding the construction industry.

The situational plan indicates not only the location of the construction site, but also the construction industry enterprises existing at the facility:

  • sand and gravel quarries;
  • factories where reinforced concrete structures, bricks and metal structures come from;
  • all means of communication: water, rail, road, power lines and more.

The construction master plan for drainage and irrigation systems additionally has the designation of the boundaries and areas of drained and irrigated territories. Also, the plan should indicate the sequence of commissioning of each node and the boundaries of operational and construction sites, the boundaries of water diversion and flooding of territories, all bridges and bypass channels.

development of a building master plan
development of a building master plan


The development of a construction master plan begins with a list of economic activities that will be used as much as possible in construction. These are energy supply enterprises, the construction industry, various buildings for construction needs, and so on. If there are no such facilities or their capacity is insufficient, then temporary structures of a similar purpose are designed. The development of a construction master plan of a general site type covers the entire territory of the construction site and includes absolutely all of its facilities.

The plan consists of graphics and an explanatory note with the rationale for each decision of the graphic part, which includesa detailed plan of the construction site, the operation of permanent and temporary facilities, symbols, as well as fragments of the plan with technological schemes. In addition, in the graphic part, the design of the construction master plan assumes the presence of technical and economic indicators and notes. The scale of the general site building plan can be 1:5000, 1:2000 or 1:1000.


The master plan for a construction site usually begins with the placement of roads for internal construction vehicles, at the same time the location of mechanized installations and general site warehouses is planned. Only after that it is possible to place all the main construction and economic objects. After the completion of this work, the projected temporary networks of power supply, water supply, and heat supply are included in the master plan of the construction site.

When doing all this design work, you need to be guided by the results of calculating the needs for these objects, as well as special rules for placing them. For example, the calculation of the construction master plan should take into account that the distance from food points to household premises should not exceed six hundred meters (here you need to focus on the rules), to household and sanitary premises should not be more than two hundred meters, and to production work no less than fifty meters. Also, according to existing rules, fire breaks are planned between premises and between warehouses.

building master plan design
building master plan design


The construction master plans necessarily include calculations of the needs for certain resources, as well as for construction and utility facilities. All this is given in the explanatory note. In a general site building master plan, this information is usually given approximately, based on standards.

When constructing water management and hydraulic facilities, it is imperative to show all devices and structures that provide construction water consumption during the construction period, as well as a breakdown of the order of all work on the construction of a complex or unit of hydraulic structures.

There is a one-stage design, which is usually associated with medium-sized construction projects, then a general construction master plan is not drawn up. The types of construction plans are mainly listed, it remains to specifically talk about the second of the main ones.

Objective building master plan

It is being developed, as already mentioned, especially for each object from those shown in the general site plan. Also, an object construction plan can be drawn up for each of the stages of work: the preparatory period, the zero cycle, the construction of the above-ground part. Its graphic part contains the same elements as the general site, only each issue is worked out in much more detail.

Scaling is mostly the same. Construction and utility facilities are placed in the same way as when designing a general site plan, necessarily in accordance with the established rules and accepted calculations. The only difference isthe fact that there can no longer be approximate calculations, since there is a basis for the natural amount of work, resource consumption rates, and so on.

site master plan
site master plan

Compilation order

The design of an object general plan begins most often with the choice of mounting lifting mechanisms and machines and their specific and rational placement. Then it will be clear how to install places for storing building materials, prefabricated structures, where to place internal roads. After the completion of these design works, the rest of the construction elements are placed according to the list (SNiP

When various buildings or structures are erected, construction sites should contain not only these objects under construction, but also numerous temporary auxiliary buildings that are necessary for the needs of the construction site, the so-called construction industry. Roads and roads, conveniently located administrative and industrial buildings, various mechanized installations, warehouses, pipeline networks for technological, water supply, and power supply networks have been equipped for construction transport.


The construction master plan exists in order to provide the construction site as best as possible with all the necessary conditions - domestic and industrial, so that the acceptance, storage, delivery of the necessary building materials, semi-finished products and products to each workplace takes place on time.

It is necessary that all construction mechanisms and machines work normally,so that the construction site is supplied with heat, water and electricity. The construction master plan reflects all decisions on construction safety, labor protection, fire prevention measures, as well as lighting the entire construction site at night.

building site master plan
building site master plan

Temporary buildings

At the construction site, among the permanent facilities under construction, a special place is occupied by buildings that are used only during the construction period. Their construction is designed in the first place, and after construction is completed, they will be dismantled or demolished. Also, railways and roads located on the construction site are considered temporary structures.

For example, rails for tower cranes will definitely be removed when they are no longer needed. All warehouses for materials and products, as well as utilities, outdoor lighting, fire hydrants, construction site fences - all this will be removed after construction is completed.

Differences in master plans

Judging by the composition, construction master plans differ from each other at each stage of work, which is characterized by the completeness of the nomenclature, the degree of detail and the exact location of all temporary and permanent structures.

During the development, special attention is paid to the rational use of the construction area, minimizing the cost of temporary structures and buildings, rational placement on the construction site of everything necessary for the operation of the economy. Environmental issues are also very important.

construction master plan calculation
construction master plan calculation

Initial data

For the design of construction master plans, the most important is the following: dimensions, location and nature of the construction site, size and topography of the territory, characteristics of materials, structures and parts used in construction, types of mechanization to be used, and installation methods structures. Mandatory calendar plan for the construction of this facility or a network schedule.

A lot depends on the relief of the construction site: the placement of temporary and permanent facilities, the optimal directions of railways and roads, the removal of sewage and storm water from the construction site. The climatological input data should be consistent with the choice of the type of premises for warehouses (they can be closed or open), as well as the places where they should be located. For example, open warehouses with dusty or flammable materials are equipped on the leeward side.


Designing a building master plan usually contains three steps. First, the composition of all temporary structures is determined, then the locations of all construction elements are marked, and finally, accurate calculations are performed.

When a construction master plan is being designed, it must be correlated with the master plan, where engineering networks that already exist are indicated, because temporary structures cannot be located on the site of laid communications. This is also what makes it possible to use permanent networks for construction needs.

composition of building master plans
composition of building master plans

Roads, warehouses

Roads inside the construction site are placed so that it is convenient for the passage and exit of vehicles, as well as loading and unloading. The road network necessarily provides for a ring passage. The width of the roadbed of temporary roads is determined taking into account the transport that will be involved. Most often, temporary roads are built from reinforced concrete inventory slabs laid in two rows.

Warehousing is organized according to the draft construction plan. Warehouses can be:

  • heated and not;
  • indoors;
  • in the form of open or covered areas.

Capacity is designed depending on the amount of materials and their storage conditions. Warehouses at the construction site are divided into on-site and general site. The latter are of a closed type, designed for expensive and perishable materials (glass, paint, fittings, etc.).
