Zero construction cycle is Plan development, features, preparation

Zero construction cycle is Plan development, features, preparation
Zero construction cycle is Plan development, features, preparation

What is the zero cycle of building a house? To begin with, depending on the operational characteristics of the building, you can use various options for foundations. But quality cannot be cheap. Indeed, up to 25% of all costs associated with the construction of a new building are spent on its construction.

zero cycle of building a house
zero cycle of building a house


Zero cycle in the construction of a private house is the most important stage. The quality and reliability of the foundation directly affects the duration of the service life, as well as the comfort in the future building.

It is the foundation that will determine both the material for the walls and the roof structure, and not vice versa. It is important to think over the project of the house, to calculate the force with which the walls and roof will put pressure on the foundation. If the construction is carried out without a quality project, the erected building may soon go underground.

zero cycle building construction
zero cycle building construction

Preliminary work

What is geodetic work of the zero construction cycle? The condition of the soil on a particular land plot affects the choice of foundation for a new house.

The soil can be peaty and sandy. Each of the presented options is designed for its own, strictly defined type of foundation. To determine the type of soil, it is important to conduct a geological survey.

This type of work is expensive, but thanks to the results you will clearly know all the nuances of the soil. So you can make the right choice of foundation. It is better to spend money at the initial stage of construction than to demolish the erected building later and build from scratch. It will cost much more.

specifics of foundation organization
specifics of foundation organization

What does a definition include?

Zero construction cycle is a whole range of preparatory activities, starting with soil treatment and ending with the creation of the required underground utilities. Among those actions that relate to it, there are:

  • earthworks;
  • construction of the monolith to zero;

  • building the foundation;
  • waterproofing structures;
  • backfilling soil.

Zero construction cycle - these are works related to drainage of the construction site, water drainage. Such events are especially relevant for the northern regions of the Russian Federation, where damp marshy soils predominate.

specifics of the organization in construction
specifics of the organization in construction

Work in progress

How does the zero construction cycle begin? This is, first of all, high-quality soil strengthening - a “pillow”. For its formation, sand or gravel is poured into the foundation, which does not allow the soil to compress. Then they lay various communications: sewerage, pipeline, heat, cable networks, gas. Next, ceilings are installed, basement waterproofing is carried out. The sinuses fall asleep, compacting the soil. For the same purpose, they put overlaps.

Zero construction cycle is the basis of the future building. The reliability and functionality of the entire building directly depends on these works. We list the main actions that should be carried out at this stage:

  • digging a pit;
  • water supply, lowering the groundwater level;
  • installation of reinforced concrete base;
  • installation of walls, beams, basement foundation;
  • execution of underground utilities (heating networks, sewerage, water supply);
  • laying concrete base under floors;
  • Waterproofing basement walls and foundations;
  • sealing and filling sinuses;
  • installation of the building.

Sequence of organization in construction: zero cycle, foundation pit, walls, roof, interior decoration. Only if it is observed can one count on the construction of a high-quality and durable structure.

The cost of an apartment at the zero construction cycle is significantly lower, so many citizens are trying to buy housing onstage of the "pit".

zero cycle pit
zero cycle pit

Basis for a wooden house

Because brick and wood have different weights, a lighter foundation can be used when building a new wooden house. As a result, construction costs will be significantly reduced, and the building process itself will be accelerated. Do not forget that you first need to decide on the roof, choose materials for interior and exterior decoration.

If a lightweight foundation is chosen, it is recommended to entrust all work to professionals. It is better not to engage in construction on your own if you do not have the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

With the slightest deviation from the existing regulatory framework, you can get problems with the further operation of the building.

Since the main purpose of any foundation is to support the weight of the main structure of the building, you need to control the position of the walls (so that they remain even), the appearance of cracks and other significant defects.

Wood is characterized by seasonal accumulation of moisture, and therefore the foundation for such walls must meet certain requirements. After the walls are erected, the process of natural shrinkage begins. Its duration is on average 1-2 years. During this period, it is not recommended to carry out work related to the interior and exterior decoration of the house.

Strip or column foundation? This issue is decided on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer - it is better to trustopinion of experts.

zero cycle in the construction of a private house
zero cycle in the construction of a private house

Foundation in wintertime

It is undesirable to erect it in the cold season. Do this only in the most urgent cases. If there is time, it is better to postpone these works.

If there is an urgent need to create a foundation in winter, then this is quite realistic. But to get a quality result, it is important to follow some rules.

Thanks to modern technologies used in construction, you can make a foundation of good quality. Most often, in suburban construction, a strip foundation is used, which involves the preparation of a foundation pit. Try to control that there is no groundwater in it. It is quite easy to determine their presence, because when digging a pit, its bottom will be covered with a layer of ice. Therefore, if it exists, measures must be taken to eliminate groundwater.

Important points

Many builders believe that during the construction of the foundation in the winter there is a violation of the technological chain. This, in turn, leads to the fact that it will be fragile and will not last long. If you add special additives to the cement mortar, you can get rid of such a problem. However, here it is important to remember that work is allowed at temperatures not lower than -30 °C.

Also a good solution to the problems associated with the construction of the foundation in the winter, can be considered the use of ready-made concrete structures. Such a trick will significantly speed it up.erection during the cold season. In addition, ready-made structures will eliminate the "wet" option. This, in turn, will guarantee the reliability and strength of the structure.
