Ultrasonic fly repeller: principle of operation, advantages, operating features

Ultrasonic fly repeller: principle of operation, advantages, operating features
Ultrasonic fly repeller: principle of operation, advantages, operating features

Ultrasonic mosquito and fly repeller - a new word in the fight against insects. Unlike repellents, other chemically active agents, such devices are absolutely safe for humans. Let's look at the principle of operation and the advantages of devices in this category.

ultrasonic fly repeller
ultrasonic fly repeller

What is an ultrasonic fly and mosquito repeller?

Ultrasonic repellers are made in the form of an electronic device that generates low-frequency waves. Setting the repeller to play a certain signal causes blood-sucking insects to regard it as a danger. Ultrasound is used to catch various insects, their natural enemies - bats. By making low-frequency sounds, these animals not only orient themselves in space after dark, but also receive information about the location of their prey. It is not at all surprising that the characteristic signal, to which the ultrasonic fly repeller is tuned, makesinsects instinctively take flight.

ultrasonic fly repeller
ultrasonic fly repeller


Distinguish between stationary and portable devices for repelling insects. The first are quite large in size and high power. Their operation is advisable if it is necessary to get rid of insects in spacious rooms, impressive areas. When it comes to personal protection against flies and mosquitoes in the open, it is better to resort to the use of portable devices. The latter are available in the form of key chains and bracelets. They are small in size and designed to repel insects around one user. Very convenient to use.

Whatever ultrasonic fly repeller you need, when choosing it, you should focus on efficiency and functionality. It is recommended to pay attention here to the maximum range of the device, as well as the assembly features. It is desirable that the ultrasonic fly repeller be made of reliable, safe materials. The ability of the body of the instrument to withstand shock loads is of particular importance when choosing a portable option.

ultrasonic fly repeller reviews
ultrasonic fly repeller reviews


What are the advantages of an ultrasonic fly repeller? Feedback from users who have already used devices in this category highlight the following advantages of such devices:

  1. Safety. The generated low-frequency waves are absolutely harmless to human he alth. Not even the insects themselvesdie as a result of exposure to ultrasound, but only keep a certain distance from the device.
  2. High efficiency. Already in the first minutes of operation of the device, users notice a sharp disappearance of the annoying buzzing of insects.
  3. Variety of design solutions. This concerns not only the possibility of using stationary or portable devices, but also the dimensions and individual design options.
  4. Meal variability. Most models of ultrasonic insect repellers are combined devices that can operate both from the mains and using batteries.
  5. Quiet operation. The devices under consideration reproduce sound waves that are not perceived by the human senses. Therefore, their operation does not cause discomfort.
ultrasonic mosquito and fly repeller
ultrasonic mosquito and fly repeller

Does ultrasonic devices affect other pests?

As practice shows, the ultrasonic fly repeller is unable to influence the behavior of the so-called synanthropic insects, which include bedbugs, cockroaches and ants. The reason lies in the fact that these pests do not use low-frequency waves for communication. This means that it is absolutely pointless to purchase an ultrasonic device to combat such insects. Here it is better to resort to chemical methods of exposure.

In closing

Ultrasonic insect repellers are practical devices that can provide protection againstannoying bloodsuckers both at home and in nature. The devices of this plan are easy to manage. Therefore, even children are able to cope with their activation. To start repelling insects, you just need to connect the device to the power supply and install it in the right place.
