Construction work is usually associated with the performance of installation operations and the direct erection of structures. But even before the start of the main stages of the construction of the facility, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities that are also included in the general list of construction tasks. As part of the overall project, this will be a zero cycle, which combines elements of organizational and technical work.

Preparation for construction organization
By the time the construction site is arranged, all legal and technical documents with a design solution must be prepared. Only then can you begin to determine the responsibilities of the performer of work activities. As a rule, the contract with the customer defines the organizational and technological requirements for the implementation of the project, which prescribe not only the list, but also the sequence of production of specific operations. In addition, the execution of the zero cycle shouldbe clearly planned in time, for which a calendar plan is drawn up. It is necessary, first of all, to take into account seasonal climatic features, since the nature of land work within this cycle will largely depend on precipitation and temperature conditions. Means, methods and materials acceptable for use during the initial construction phase may also be prescribed.
Preparing the site for work

Before the start of construction activities, a layer of fertile land with all vegetation must be removed. As a rule, a layer 10-15 cm thick is removed. However, it is not worth taking out or throwing away humus, since it may be required in future engineering and landscape work when arranging a personal plot near the house. It is necessary to remove this layer not only within the immediate construction site, but also in the technological zones where materials, equipment and machinery will be placed.
If trees grow on the territory, they must be cut down and uprooted. It is important to keep in mind that the remaining root system can damage the foundation. But this applies only to cases where trees or green spaces are located directly on the site or near the building. According to the regulations, such vegetation may well be located at a distance of 3 m from the house. Shrubs can be left at 1 m, but if they do not become a serious obstacle to the construction process. Another thing is that closely spaced plantations themselves needin protection for this period - this should also be taken care of by equipping special fences with insulation materials.
Organization of zero cycle work at the construction site

Surveying is being carried out on the vacant site in preparation for construction. Unlike geodetic land surveying, in this case, the planning of the territory is carried out in terms of the technological organization of work in different zones. The construction site, storage places for building materials, parking of vehicles, access roads, etc. are determined. For the correct zoning of the site, the scope of work of the zero cycle should be initially determined, which is usually formed from land measures, foundation construction and the creation of basic engineering and communication nodes. By the way, access to some energy resources should be provided at the stage of preparation for work. A source of electricity and a water supply may be required. As a last resort, the installation of autonomous generators and water tank delivery schemes should be organized.
Earth works
This part will depend on what type of foundation you plan to use for the target. This decision is determined by the characteristics of the soil and geological conditions, not to mention the parameters of the building itself. For example, with large-scale development, a foundation pit is arranged. This is usually done with the help of special equipment - excavators and bulldozers, the characteristics of which are also determined by the depth of the pit and the conditionswork in a particular area. If small buildings are planned without significant deepening of the foundation, then the production of the zero cycle will be limited to the creation of trenches along the outlined contours of the walls. When starting to dig a trench, it should be borne in mind that the edges will have to have a small free indent. On average, a strip of 50 cm is calculated - it will be needed as a technological safety site that prevents the collapse of the dug earth. At the final stage, waterproofing measures are carried out. At the bottom of the trench or pit, a sand and gravel cushion is formed in the form of a backfill, after which a layer of geotextile is laid.
Drainage system arrangement

The basic level of creating engineering in the general household economy. This part is included in the list of organizational and preparatory measures for the reason that drainage will be required already at the stage of foundation construction. The drainage system is an extensive network for collecting and diverting water outside the work site. In the future, it will be improved technically, but at this stage it is necessary, at a minimum, to form channels through which storm drains will naturally go into the ground. At the stage of the zero cycle, this problem is solved by trenches 30-40 cm deep with point placement of drainage pits with the same waterproofing. In the future, after the construction of the house, pipes are laid in these channels, and septic tanks can be used instead of groundwater.
Foundation work

If not the only, then one of the few structural parts of the building, which is performed within this cycle. On the basis of the prepared pit or trenches, a formwork structure is made of boards. It will act as a form for pouring concrete, which will form the bearing foundation of the foundation. The zero cycle provides for the implementation of a reinforcing cage to strengthen this structure, as well as the subsequent waterproofing of the concrete platform that has already passed the stage of polymerization (solidification). In the case of using fixed formwork, the task of installing the foundation is facilitated, since additional reinforcement of the structure with reinforcement is not required, insulation along the walls to the level of the grillage is eliminated, and there is no need to dismantle the mortar form itself.

The quality, speed and efficiency of construction and installation activities is largely determined by how the work was organized at the very first stages of the project. The way the zero cycle was carried out with the construction of the foundation can also affect the sequence of further work. This is especially true for the construction of the floor covering on the grillage. If the foundation was completed comprehensively and does not require further development, then the developer is more likely to be able to count on saving resources when installing load-bearing frame elements.