Azalea is a fairly common indoor flower. Rather, it is a shrub that blooms in late winter or early spring. The leaves of this plant are fleshy and green, and the flowers can be of various shapes and colors. And you can choose a variety that meets all your needs without any problems. But if suddenly a pet gets sick, how to save a dried azalea?

How to care for azalea
Azalea is a moderately fastidious plant. Caring for her is not difficult, but there are a number of fundamental nuances that must be observed so that the azalea does not get sick and pleases the eye.
This plant loves coolness. The optimum temperature range is from +12°С to +18°С. When the azalea blooms, the most suitable temperature regime is +15°С..+16°С.
Azaleas can't stand direct sunlight, so it's best to find a place where they can't reach it or create a blackout. But at the same time, the room should not be dark. Otherwise, the flower will start to hurt.
This bush should not be kept in a dry room. Azaleas need a humid microclimate, and therefore in winter it is better to put it away from heat sources. Be sure to keep the soil in the pot always moist, if necessary, you can spray the leaves with cool water from a spray bottle.
Be sure to monitor the quality of the water you use. This plant needs to be watered only when it has settled. Sometimes it can even be acidified to reduce the level of alkali in the soil. In general, the flower is very sensitive to poor-quality soil. So that he does not get sick, it is best to purchase a completely ready-made soil in any flower shop. It will already contain all the necessary trace elements and meet the acidity requirements of the plant.

If the azalea started to dry, what can be done?
Azalea started to dry up, what should I do? As a rule, in this case, the twigs and leaves dry up and then fall off. The process can be caused by a number of reasons, and depending on each specific situation, you need to choose a solution to the problem.
The plant got stressed
After transplanting during flowering, the azalea began to dry out, how to save it in this case? It is recommended to simply cut off the dried parts of the plant and give it time to adapt, not forgetting to create the most comfortable conditions.

Lack or excess of light
To save a flower, you need to move it to a more lit place with a lack of light. And, on the contrary, remove deep into the room, where direct sunlight does not reach, if the flower is, for example, on the windowsill.
Lack of moisture
How to save a dried azalea? Remember that the plant does not like dry soil. If the azalea has begun to dry out, then you need to put it together with the pot in a container of water for a few minutes. This time is enough for the root system to be fed with water.

Paradoxical as it may seem, but the azalea can dry out even with excess moisture. Excessive watering of the plant leads to the fact that the roots rot. At the same time, the supply of necessary substances is disrupted.
If it was because of this that the azalea began to wither, what should I do now? The plant must be carefully removed from the pot, without damaging the earthen clod, and allowed to dry out. It is best to wrap the roots with paper or other highly absorbent material to remove excess moisture. Let the plant stay like this for several days, after which, when the excess moisture has evaporated, you need to return it to its place.
Poor-quality planting soil
Incorrect selection of land can cause the azalea to dry out. The land must be of high quality and contain all the elements necessary for the development of the plant. The flower feels great in a mixture of sand, peat and coniferous soil. Such soil will help to avoid alkalization, which becomes the cause of the development of many plant diseases. You can purchase the necessary substrate at the store.
But if it doesn't matterazalea began to disappear, how to save the plant?
Perhaps, the soil lacks the substances necessary for its growth. Then you need to buy special fertilizers and additives designed specifically for azalea.

It is necessary to carefully approach the choice of a pot. It should not be small and narrow, as the azalea has a shallow root system.
Insect pests
If the azalea began to crumble, how to save the flower? Perhaps the plant was attacked by pests. Insects that can cause irreparable damage to the plant include:
- Schitovka. This is an insect that feeds on the juice of leaves. Signs of damage are yellowed and fallen leaves. In this case, you should carefully consider the leaves of the azalea. If they faded and became shiny and sticky, then this is the result of the work of the scab. To save the plant, you need to wipe the leaves daily with soapy water. But this tool will only work with a weak lesion with a shield. If most of the leaves have already turned yellow, then it is better to use chemicals.
- Azalea moth. When the leaves of the plant dry up and curl up into a tube, this indicates that the azalea moth has wound up. It is quite easy to notice it, since the insect has a fairly solid size. To help the flower, you need to collect all the larvae and spray the leaves with a special solution against insects.
- Spider mite. If the plant is in a room with dry air, then a web may appear between the stems and branches.this tick. The spider mite, like the scale insect, feeds on the juice of leaves and buds. If the flower is affected by this insect, then both leaves and buds fall. You need to fight with him in the same way as with the shield.
- Mealybug. It also feeds on plant sap. It can be seen by the twisted stem and the small number of buds that have appeared. To neutralize the parasite, you will need chemicals.
- Also, aphids may also appear, eating young foliage. In this case, treating the plant with soapy water will help.
How to save a dried azalea, if it has already begun to crumble? Here you need to take into account some nuances. There are varieties that shed their leaves in the fall and re-grow in the spring. And leaf fall in this case is a natural process. But for an evergreen azalea, leaf fall is most likely a sign of improper care.

Azalea started shedding leaves, how to save? Look, if the leaves first turn yellow and then fall off, then it is possible that the plant was “attacked” by a spider mite or scale insect. How to get rid of the pest, we have already told above.
If the leaves dry and then roll up into a tube, then the plant is annoyed by the azalea moth. But if the leaves only dry and do not fall off, then the plant clearly lacks moisture.
If the azalea began to wither, what should I do?
If the plant gradually began to wither, then, most likely, the azaleas do not like the soil. It is necessary either to purchase additional additives, or to transplant a flower, replacing the plantingsubstrate. Perhaps the plant lacks nutrients for full development and growth.
In addition, this state of the flower may be caused by problems with the root system. The roots may begin to rot due to an excess of moisture or some kind of disease. If the necessary measures are not taken in time, the flower may die.
In addition to all of the above reasons, the azalea may begin to dry out or wither from various diseases. In the spring, during a period of high humidity, the azalea can become ill with septoria. This is a fungal disease that affects the leaves, forming red spots on its surface. The flower is difficult to tolerate the disease. Fungus is treated with Diazinon.

The next disease characteristic of azalea is phyllosticosis. It can be diagnosed by the appearance of brown spots on the edges of the leaves. During this period, the leaves fall off the azalea, and poor bud formation is observed. To combat the disease, it is recommended to use fungicides.
Azalea is a relatively moody plant. However, finding an approach to it is not so difficult. The main thing is to observe the golden mean: not too hot, but not cold, not very humid, but not dry, etc. Now you know exactly how to save a dried azalea. We hope that our advice will help your pet delight everyone with its lush flowering.