Drilling a well in a summer cottage is a great solution. The thing is that connecting to a centralized water supply is most often either not available at all, or is associated with rather large expenditures of material resources. Carrying water with you or taking it, for example, from your neighbors will also not work, since even for domestic needs it will need a lot. From all this, the conclusion follows that drilling a well on the site is the only way out. However, that doesn't mean he's bad.
What do you need to know to carry out the work?
Before you start drilling yourself, you have to delve a little into the theory. Firstly, there are several types of water wells, which already obliges a person to figure out which one he needs on his site. Secondly, there are different terms, as well as the rules of "driving" and "strapping", which will also have to be taken into account and known. Only after studying the main points should you decide to drill a well.

As mentioned earlier, there are several types. There are three of them, and they depend on two parameters: the depth of the aquifer and the conditions of its occurrence.
The first layer is called top water. It is closest to the ground. However, it is worth noting here that most often this layer is referred to as soil water. This means that the layer is unstable, and can also be significantly contaminated, and therefore its use for both drinking and domestic purposes is not suitable. The depth of such a layer is no more than 4-5 meters.
The second type is sandy water horizons. To drill a well to this layer means to go deep into the ground by at least 7-10 meters. It is also worth noting that these waters can be separated from each other by a waterproof layer of clay, which separates the liquid into several sections. In most cases, this water is already sufficiently filtered, and therefore it can be used. If it is necessary to obtain suitable water offline, then it is worth drilling a well precisely on this layer. You can add that it is on him that they are guided in most cases. The depth of this layer of liquid can reach 50 meters.

The third type is the artesian layer. It is located under fairly thick layers of waterproof clay, in the thickness of porous limestone. The most distinctive feature is that the liquid flows here under such pressure, which is quite enough to get to the surface on its own. In other words, if you drill an artesian well,then there is no need to install pumping equipment. In addition, the amount of water is quite enough for several houses at once, and not for one. The service life of one well is about 50 years.
Drilling or digging a well?
No matter how attractive an artesian-type well is, drilling it on your own will not work, since the depth of occurrence, as well as very thick layers of rock, will not allow you to get to it. Here you will need a team of specialists with heavy equipment. Therefore, this option is not considered.

It is also worth noting that, despite the difficulties involved in drilling, this is a more acceptable option than digging a well. The most significant reasons for this state of affairs were the following facts: the water in the well is more susceptible to blooming, pollution and the appearance of pathogenic bacteria.
Working methods
So, if the task is to drill a well for water, then you need the appropriate equipment to make a vertical depression in the soil of sufficient width and length to extract water. Today there is a large variety of equipment and methods of work. Therefore, you must first consider all the possibilities, and then get to work.

Auger technology
Auger drilling technology is the simplest way to construct a well in terms of costs. It uses a drill with sharpened blades, which is screwed into the ground at the right angle. Importantnote that after passing through a certain section, it is necessary to remove the drill from the pit in order to clean its blades from adhering dirt, which will interfere with work. It is also worth adding that the number of links on the tool depends on the depth of the well.
Drilling a well for water using this technology is the easiest method. This is due to the fact that it is possible to carry out all the work manually, and you can even use home-made mini-towers. These are small tripods that have a fixed drill. The most important detail in such a process is to provide for a lever that will allow either manually or mechanically to raise the drill back to clean. It is almost impossible to do it yourself without such a device.

However, this method, of course, is not without its drawbacks. The main one lies in the fact that when drilling, it is necessary to strictly observe the vertical level, otherwise it will be impossible to carry out normal piping, and shrink pipes will also be deformed.
Use of MGBU
How to drill a well for water with your own hands, following all the rules? In some cases, a small-sized drilling rig (MGBU) is used. This device is extremely simple. It includes a metal frame, on which a mechanical movable mechanism is fixed, which transmits the rotational moment to the drill string. This design is already able to solve some problems. It will be possible to avoid deviation from the vertical. In addition, the mechanism will ensure smooth lifting andlowering the drill, which will provide effort to create a well, and also eliminate the need to equip an additional mechanism to lift the device.
Most often, such installations are used only if the soil is soft enough and the depth will be shallow. In other cases, MGBU has some disadvantages:
- It is difficult for such equipment to cope with hard layers of clay, hard rock, and a layer of stone.
- Sometimes drills are used, which have a special soldering for passing such obstacles. However, in most cases, you still just have to change the place and start all over again.

Column technology
How to drill a water well with your own hands using this method? In fact, the technology is very similar to screw technology. The significant difference lies only in the device that is used, that is, in the storm. Instead of a long pipe with blades, a hollow cylinder is used as a tool. At the end of the cylinder there are solderings made of high-strength materials. This design of the working device allows you to pass through any soil. In order to successfully drill a well in the area, it is necessary to periodically raise the drill and remove the dirt, which in this case will accumulate, inside the hollow glass. The big advantage is that the hole diameter will be very accurate. However, due to the fact that special equipment is required that provides equal force on the edges of the cylinder, as well as on translational movementglass down, when self-drilling, this technology is almost never used.

Hydraulic Rotary Drilling Technology
How to drill a well with your own hands? As the name of the method implies, the drilling process will be provided by a constant supply of high-pressure water. A big enough plus is that the fluid pressure is enough to flush the sludge out of the recess without lifting the drill. In addition, in some cases, it is the water that will create the force that rotates the drill itself.
There are two ways to perform. The first is called direct flushing. In this case, the liquid enters the body of the drill, after which it is removed from it by gravity along with the cuttings. Most often, the output is carried out through the annulus.
The second method is a backwash. That is, the operation takes place in reverse, and the solution enters from the annular hole into the body of the drill, after which it is removed from there. This method is considered to be more effective, but also expensive. You will have to have powerful equipment that will be able to pump semi-liquid mud from the pit.
Rope-impact method
Many are wondering how to drill a well yourself. It often happens that the method is considered too laborious, but it still remains quite widespread. The reason for this was that it is very simple and reliable. In addition, it is great for self-drilling.
The essence of the method is quite simple. A hollow glass is used as a working tool, the bottom of which hasedges honed in a certain way. The glass is raised to its maximum height and then released. Under its own weight, it falls, compacting the rock, which clogs into the empty space inside. The glass is cleared and the procedure is repeated again. The undoubted advantages include the fact that there is no need for long hoses, especially if you need to make a well with great depth. It is also possible to use this technology on almost any soil. In some cases, you can even make such a drill yourself.
Naturally, here the question arises that you have to manually raise the drill to the surface, and this is a significant waste of physical strength, which means that productivity depends on the worker. To solve this problem, installations are often self-equipped with electric drives, which lift the glass.
Manual work
Is it possible to drill a well without using automatic equipment? It is possible, but it will take a lot of time, since the physical strength of a person is limited. To implement such an idea, it is necessary to have a drill itself, a tower, a winch, a rod, and casing pipes. It is worth noting that the tower will be needed only if the depth is large enough.
In order to make cutting tool bits, it is best to use sheet steel with a thickness of 3 mm. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that during rotation they should crash into the ground in a clockwise direction. This is important when sharpening the sharp part.
Forfor work, you need to install a tower above the drilling point. After that, a hole is dug to a depth of two bayonets of a shovel. This will be the pilot hole for the drill. It is quite possible to perform the first turns on your own, but the deeper the drill goes, the more difficult it will be to cope with it alone. Therefore, for independent drilling of wells, you will have to find an assistant.
Casing pipes
After the well is dug, it needs casing to be installed. It can be either one solid pipe, or several segments interconnected.
Casing pipes are necessary for several reasons.
The first reason is to prevent the walls from crumbling while drilling.
The second reason is, of course, to exclude the possibility of clogging the well and water.
The third reason is to block the access of the upper aquifer, which can pollute the lower layers.
It is also worth adding that there should be a filter at the bottom of the pipe that will not let in any grains of sand, possible debris, etc.