The name "artesian well" comes from the name of the French province of Artois. It was in this province that the use of water from drilled wells began. These wells made it possible not to depend on such water sources as lakes, rivers or city water supply, and made it possible to provide water to country houses. Water in these wells comes from an artesian basin. Such basins are located at different depths between rock layers that do not allow water to pass through. To obtain water, an artesian well is drilled, the depth of which depends on the level of water occurrence and ranges from 30 to 500 meters.

Water in this case may have a different composition, depending on which layers of the artesian basin it is obtained from. Also, its composition is influenced by the rocks through which the underground rivers that feed the basin pass. Depending on the area where the artesian well is drilled, water from it may gush or gush, and in some cases a pump must be installed.
For drilling, a specialequipment. Such equipment is mobile; ZIL, MAZ or KAMAZ trucks are used for it. When drilling, it is important to prevent dirty upper waters from entering clean lower ones. To solve this problem proceed as follows. An artesian well is drilled to a limestone formation, then a casing pipe or casing string is lowered into it. Outside, the pipe or column is cemented. This prevents the entry of particles of unstable rock layers into the water, as well as the ingress of contaminated water from the layers lying above the limestone. Instead of cement, compactonite is also used - clay that swells when moisture enters it. It forms a protective layer that is in no way inferior to cement.

Next, drilling is carried out directly in the limestone layer until the aquifer is completely opened. A production string or pipe is installed. It is better to use plastic pipes as they do not corrode.
Drilling artesian wells requires large financial investments. As a rule, for this they turn to specialists who have a license for geological exploration. But you can consider such an option as an artesian well with your own hands. It should be noted right away that it will be quite difficult to make it.

To do this, you will need a tripod 4 meters high, pipes 3 meters long in the amount necessary to reach the aquifer when connecting all pipes, a rope of the appropriate lengthor heavy hammer.
The first pipe to be driven must be with cutouts covered with a special mesh. First you need to dig a well of small depth. A pointed tip is put on the first pipe to be driven on one side, and a coupling on the other. The pipe is installed in the well and driven into the ground to a certain depth with an ordinary sledgehammer. Then a rope is thrown over the tripod, at one end of which a heavy hammer is attached. Several people pull the rope, raising the hammer, then throw it. When the first pipe is driven almost to the end, a second threaded pipe is attached to it through the coupling, and the process continues until the first pipe reaches the aquifer of the rock. Having achieved the flow of water through clogged pipes, it is necessary to install the necessary equipment, a faucet or a pump in the well. The artesian well on the site is ready for use.