It is important not only to grow fruits or vegetables, but also to be able to store them properly. Many people cook compotes or make jam. Yes, it is delicious, but on the other hand, during heat treatment, all the beneficial properties of berries and vegetables simply disappear. That is why many people use the dryer for fresh vegetables and delicious fruits. This article will introduce its readers to one of them. The center of attention will be the dryer "Alvin SU-1". Reviews associated with it, as well as its exact data regarding characteristics, and other interesting facts will be discussed here. So let's get started.
Dryer for fruits and vegetables "Alvin SU-1": appearance
Start familiarization with this dryer should be with its appearance. By itself, the dryer for vegetables "Alvin SU-1" has the shape of a barrel. The diameter of the barrel is forty centimeters. And its height is fifty centimeters. The color of the dryer is completely blue, only in the middle you can see a wide yellow stripe. In front of the dryer there is a temperature regulator, as well as a button for turning the appliance on and off.

Thiselectric dryer "Alvin SU-1" has a drawing on the front, which depicts vegetables and fruits that can be dried thanks to it. The dryer itself stands on round legs. They are quite strong and can withstand the weight of this equipment. That's actually all that can be said about the appearance of the dryer "Alvin SU-1".
Feature of this dryer
Now is the time to talk about the drying specifications themselves. To begin with, it is worth noting that you can bring down meat and fish in it, as well as cook delicious noodles with it. That is why the vegetable dryer "Alvin SU-1", reviews of which will be named below, is so popular compared to its competitors.

As for the power of the dryer, here it is 800 watts. The weight of the dryer is quite suggestible - seven kilograms. If you open the lid of the dryer, you can see six food trays in it. The dryer has a volume of thirty liters, which tells the buyer that there will certainly be no problems with space here.
What's more pleasing from a technical point of view is that the dryer itself maintains the desired temperature. You just need to use the temperature controller to select the desired degrees. The temperature range is quite large - from zero to plus eighty degrees.

The manufacturer gives a full one-year warranty for its equipment. Of course, I would like this period to be extended. But the manufacturer is the owner, andhe decides this issue himself.
The Alvin Su-1 dryer has a unique design. Reviews from the users themselves directly indicate that, thanks to the design, vegetables and fruits are protected from the penetration of various insects. Many people remember how they used to dry fruits and vegetables in the fresh air. How I had to deal with annoying insects that strove to sit on delicious fruits. But thanks to the Alvin Su-1 dryer, this problem is completely solved.
Dryer price
The Alvin SU-1 fruit dryer has a rather small price. Reviews of absolutely all buyers indicate that for most consumers this price is quite acceptable. Actually, this is not surprising, because the minimum price for such a device is 3990 rubles. And the maximum price tag for this equipment will be slightly more than the minimum by only a thousand rubles.

It is unlikely that a dryer can be found cheaper now, and if it does, then only with hands. The price of a dryer that has already worked at home will be reduced by a maximum of a thousand. True, the warranty will already be over.
Operation manual for this dryer
Together with the dryer "Alvin SU-1" comes with an instruction manual. It is completely, from cover to cover, in Russian. In addition, everything is written in a simple and understandable language for any buyer. Another thing that pleased me in this manual is that it describes the operation of the dryer, as well as its capabilities and methods of operation, it is so clear that questions onabout the operation of this technique should not arise. After reading the book from beginning to end, you can find out at what temperature meat or vegetables are dried. Below we will consider the most basic moments of the operation of the Alvin SU-1 dryer. The entire instruction here will not be considered from cover to cover, but the most important thing is still worth emphasizing. So let's get started.
The purpose of the dryer "Alvin SU-1"
As mentioned above, this dryer can also be safely used not only for drying fruits and vegetables, but also for cooking meat, as well as for making delicious homemade noodles. The ambient air temperature for optimal operation of the dryer starts at plus one degree and ends at plus thirty-five degrees.
Safety measures
Like any technique, the Alvin SU-1 dryer requires careful handling. To begin with, it is worth remembering that it is necessary to install the dryer on a safe fire-resistant coating. And all for what? The thing is that during operation, the dryer heats up. This may cause the floor to heat up to such an extent that a fire may result. For safety, you can use any wooden plank or other covering.

Another thing to remember is that children are not allowed to use the dryer.
The last thing to remember is to keep an eye on your dryer. Do not leave the dryer running unattended.
How to get started
Quite easy to use dryer "AlvinSS-1". Reviews say that preparation for work takes little time.
So, before work, it is necessary to rinse the trays well, and also wipe the lid and the inside of the dryer with a damp cloth. It is also important to remember that you must wait until the dryer is completely dry. The dryer must not be damp, otherwise condensation may occur.

A lot has also been written about loading the dryer. But it makes no sense to paint everything, so only one most important point will be indicated. The higher the tray, the more fruit should be on it. In other words, the lowest tray should have the least amount of fruit or vegetables compared to the other trays above. In addition, you need to load the tray in such a way that air can easily pass through it. After all, with the help of what are fruits dried? With the help of warm air, which must circulate freely throughout the dryer. If there are trays that are empty, they must all be lowered down. And loaded, on the contrary, raise up.
Universal dryer "Alvin SU-1": reviews
And now it's time for the most popular part of absolutely any article - user reviews. The dryer "Alvin SU-1" is quite popular in Russia. Reviews are mostly positive. But there are also other negative reviews. Thanks to them, you can get a complete picture of the operation of the dryer. After all, what is written in the instructions is not always a mirror image of what is actually there. So,time to start.
Positive Feedback
Many users praise the large capacity of this dryer. It really includes a huge amount of fruits or vegetables. Another plus is, of course, its power. But at the same time, this is its disadvantage. Why, more on that later. Pleased buyers and the metal case of the dryer. The thing is that, compared to competitors, the body of the dryer does not melt from heating. But other dryers, for example, made in China, have a plastic case. Plastic melts when heated. In a word, Chinese competitors have a rather short service life of products. In addition, many "craftsmen" have found another job for this dryer - space heating. Thanks to a large and powerful heating element, you can safely heat a room somewhere in the medium size. Therefore, the dryer can be called truly universal in many respects.
Negative reviews
In addition to the positive, there are also negative reviews. As mentioned above, the Alvin SU-1 dryer is quite powerful. Because of this, there is a large consumption of electricity. So you will have to pay more for electricity than usual. In addition, a minus in the inconvenient design of the dryer. Many complain that the trays are very difficult to install. A lot of effort is needed for this.

Some users complain about the rather weak fan. But the instructions indicate quite impressive characteristics of the fan. But really everythingdifferently. The fan turned out to be so weak that its power is somehow enough for the bottom two trays. But the upper trays were left deprived. Users also noted that fruits that lie on the edge of the tray dry much better than those that lie in the center.
So that's all there was to say about the dryer. In fact, she is quite good in terms of doing her job. But it wasn't without its downsides. Still, the dryer is worth the money. She is doing her job. It is easy to operate and maintain. But it is still worth buying it or not, the buyer himself decides. The most important thing is to weigh all the pros and cons of this household appliance before buying.