APS system: what is it?

APS system: what is it?
APS system: what is it?

APS - short name for automatic fire alarm. This is a special system, the basis of which is contained in complex equipment, with which you can find the central part of the fire. Secondary in this installation are devices for supplying an automatic speech signal, as well as for extinguishing a fire and quickly removing smoke. In addition, there is an automatic response and a signal to the access control system, which stands for access control and management system.

aps system
aps system

APS system - what is it?

APS or AUPS, which means automatic installation of a fire alarm, has the following components:

  1. A fire alarm.
  2. SOUE. This abbreviation refers to the systems responsible for the organization and management of evacuation. Usually, the SOUE is built on the light-sound principle, that is, the APS (warning system) gives conditional signals, but in some cases it can notify people about the occurrence of a fire by speech. Its appearance depends on the type of object on which it is installed.

Working principles

The APS system is capable of performing the following functional actions:

  1. Identifies the source of ignition and detectsfire at the beginning.
  2. Connects and activates the work of the SOUE.


The alarm system automatically controls the signal to various objects:

  1. A fire extinguishing system that works automatically when connected.
  2. Installation of ventilation operating on the supply and exhaust principle.
  3. An air pressurization system that is pre-installed on the stairwells provided for in the evacuation plan.
  4. Smoke exhaust system.
  5. SKUD.
  6. System for monitoring the condition and functioning of elevators.

Purpose of APS

Automatic fire alarms are designed for several purposes. Purpose of the APS system:

  1. Identification of the primary signs of a fire: the appearance of smoke, open flames or the production of carbon monoxide. This is part of the system's capabilities due to the presence of fire alarm sensors.
  2. Transmission of a conditional alarm signal directly to the guard post or monitoring station. The second case occurs in the absence of a permanent guard post. In this case, the signal reaches the centralized monitoring console. Signal transmission is facilitated by the presence of a video surveillance system, that is, special cameras. With their help, you can easily see the state of the room in a certain place, if you connect the visualization of the compartment from which the alarm was triggered. This will help you immediately start taking action to eliminate the fire or dismiss a false alarm when the fire is minor or the alarm went off for objective reasons under control.control.
  3. aps structure
    aps structure
  4. SOUE is responsible for communicating information about the fire to people and organizing evacuation according to a pre-developed plan. This system is necessary for the timely transmission of information to people in the event of an emergency, in particular, a fire. It also handles most of the evacuation control. At the same time, all precautions are taken so that people can easily reach their destination without panic and strong pressure without harming themselves and others.
  5. Automatic return of elevators to the 1st floor and opening of doors. The use of elevators is blocked so that the mine is not smoky. Evacuation is carried out exclusively by stairs. If there are several additional exits, the one that is not smoky is selected.
  6. aps capabilities
    aps capabilities
  7. Connecting the operation of fans to artificially create increased pressure in space. This helps to contain the smoke and prevent it from entering additional spaces, such as enclosed hallways or stairwells required for evacuation.
  8. Automatic connection of the fire extinguishing system. This aspect is regulated by the APS system. This moment is not immediately recognized, however, all the necessary actions occur after the signal from the alarm.

Types of automatic fire extinguishing system

These systems work according to different principles, which provide their own substances for extinguishing a fire, which changes theirvariety:

  1. Water or water foam. This type, in turn, is subdivided into several more areas, among which sprinkler and deluge extinguishing can be distinguished, as well as fire elimination with thin jets of water. This substance does not cause harm to human he alth, so it is used to extinguish fires in crowded areas such as offices, various shops or shopping centers.
  2. Powder is used where water access is prohibited. This substance is cheaper than special water or gas, also used to extinguish fires. Typically, the powder is used in substations that generate electricity or contain transformers, as well as in boiler rooms or special parking lots for cars.
  3. purpose of the aps system
    purpose of the aps system
  4. Gas. This method is necessary when extinguishing with water or powder causes harm that is commensurate with the damage caused by the fire. This applies to compartments with valuable documents, objects classified as objects of cultural value, books, as well as equipment operating on electric current.

Smoke extraction systems and ventilation

Automatic removal of smoke from a room when it is localized in a minimum space is a particularly important system that allows you to save people's lives and he alth, since it is smoke that often causes death. People are less likely to die from direct fire. The signal for smoke removal depends on the APS system. After it sounds, the shutters open almost instantly, and special fans start working to remove the smoke.

aps system what is it
aps system what is it

The forced ventilation is turned off when the fire dampers are instantly closed as soon as they receive a prearranged signal from the fire alarm. With this system, the oxygen supply is significantly reduced, which reduces the intensity of the flame and the fire spreads much more slowly.

Installation of automatic fire alarms

Before installation, the equipment is subjected to incoming control. The serviceability of each element of the system is checked. Based on the results of this check, a special act is formed, which indicates data on each component of the equipment. All elements that are installed indoors must have a certificate confirming their compliance with fire safety standards.

When the APS system is installed, commissioning can be carried out, and the correct functioning of the device as a whole should also be checked. To do this, a specially trained worker performs programming. This is necessary not only for the correct operation of the equipment, but also for successful synchronization of the APS with other systems.

aps system installation
aps system installation

Technical examination of the equipment and its further commissioning. Quite often, the installation of the APS system is ordered from a large company. As a rule, such suppliers are more trustworthy. Here you can significantly save on installation if you order maintenance of the APS system at the same time.

Maintenance of automatic fire alarms

In order for the APS system to work according to all the rules, as well as to prevent its breakdown at the most inopportune moment, maintenance is regularly carried out. Sometimes the inspection bodies of the State Fire Supervision carry out an inspection of the equipment, and a contract for the maintenance of the fire alarm system is always required, and it must be concluded only with an organization that has the appropriate license.

Rules for maintenance

Maintenance of the APS system must be carried out at least once a month. The system is checked for breakdowns, all necessary measurements are taken. If a malfunction is noticed, then the call of a specialist and the subsequent repair are carried out free of charge. There is also a maintenance log, where all information about the repairs made is entered, as well as information about the inspections carried out. Information about breakdowns in the system, equipment failure or cases of APS failure is also entered there.

aps system maintenance
aps system maintenance

Automatic fire alarms must be installed in all public facilities. The owner or tenant of the premises is responsible for this. It is his responsibility not only to purchase and install this system, but also to keep it in good condition through regular maintenance and careful handling of the equipment.
