Construction staplers - an alternative to the traditional hammer

Construction staplers - an alternative to the traditional hammer
Construction staplers - an alternative to the traditional hammer

More recently, a lot of work on fastening parts was carried out with a hammer and nails, until they were replaced by construction staplers, which immediately gained extraordinary popularity. Indeed, most operations are much more convenient, and most importantly, faster to perform with this tool than with a hammer. Usually staplers are designed to work with staples, but there are models that can also hammer small nails. By the way, the use of staples increases the area of the material that is pressed against the object, therefore, in some cases, their use is even more reliable (when attaching a vapor barrier to wooden structures, in furniture production, etc.), which means that it is preferable to use a construction stapler. How to choose exactly what you need? First of all, you need to know what staplers are?

construction staplers
construction staplers

Types of construction staplers

  1. Pneumatic. The principle of operation of these tools is based on the use of compressed air energy. They are distinguished by a high clogging speed, a large resource and do not require significant physical effort. Because for a successfulThe operation of these staplers requires a centralized air supply from a compressor; they are most often used in furniture production. Commercially available portable compressors are quite expensive, and therefore pneumatic construction staplers are used mainly by professionals.
  2. Electrical. This stapler does not require any additional equipment. It is enough just to have a conventional industrial network. Like their pneumatic counterparts, electric construction staplers are quite expensive, and therefore are also used mainly by professionals.
  3. Mechanical. Due to their simplicity, they are widely used. A mechanical construction stapler is much cheaper than pneumatic or electric, but at the same time it is a fairly convenient device for carrying out the widest range of construction work. The main disadvantage is only that to press the trigger lever you have to apply considerable physical force. Depending on the tasks performed, manual staplers have several main varieties:
  4. construction stapler mechanical
    construction stapler mechanical
  • Regular. To work, simply place the stapler on the surface and press the trigger. Consumables can be flat staples and ordinary nails. Widely used in repair work in a variety of premises.
  • Stapler hammer. Working on the principle of the tool corresponding to the name, these construction staplers are used mainly where there is nogreater accuracy of driving is required, for example, when performing actions for laying insulation under the floor or roofing felt on the roof.
  • Cable. As the name implies, they are used for laying cables in the installation of networks and communications.

Recommendations for using staplers

Usually working with a stapler is not difficult, but there are some nuances:

  • Before you pull the trigger, you should press the stapler to the surface as hard as possible, and the pressing itself should be done sharply and quickly. Otherwise, the staple will not fully engage the material.
  • When choosing a stapler, you need to pay attention to the shape of its handle. It should fit comfortably in the hand and not cause discomfort, because during further work you will have to withstand the force of recoil upon impact, which can become a real problem with an uncomfortable part.
  • When performing work with a stapler, it is necessary to keep pliers on hand, which can be useful if the staple is incorrectly or not completely inserted into the material.
  • After completing all the steps, fold the tool and secure the handle with a special bracket to prevent it from being accidentally triggered.
  • construction stapler how to choose
    construction stapler how to choose

It must be remembered that construction staplers are tools of increased danger, therefore, when choosing them, it is necessary to purchase models that have the function of protection against accidental operation, and when performing work, strictly observe safety measures.
