Support for climbing plants from improvised materials

Support for climbing plants from improvised materials
Support for climbing plants from improvised materials

Every gardener has at least one climbing support on their property. Most often, flower lovers do not think that such structures can become a real decoration of their garden, and at the initial stage of its organization they solve the problem of vertical gardening until fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs grow up.

DIY support for climbing plants

Now the market for garden products offers a huge selection of ready-made designs for weaving plants. But how much more pleasant it is to make them yourself! Firstly, it is not at all difficult, and secondly, children can be involved in the work. You will have the opportunity to spend some time outdoors with them, and they will have a reason to be proud, because they will feel like real gardeners! Our master class will teach you how to make supports from improvised means.

Support for climbing plants
Support for climbing plants
We will need an axe, four tall poles and a vine. By the way, it may well be replaced by branches left after pruning fruit trees or willow twigs.
Do-it-yourself support for climbing plants
Do-it-yourself support for climbing plants
We sharpen the ends of the poles that willstuck into the ground. We install them vertically, as shown in the photo.
Supports for climbing roses
Supports for climbing roses
Weave the branches of the vine, forming a circle.
plant support
plant support
Checking with the internal space of the structure. We need the vine ring to be pressed tightly against the poles.
plant support
plant support
We make two such rings. If you want your support to be in the shape of an expanding vase, make rings of different diameters. Once you've finalized the placement of the rings, saw off the tops of the poles if necessary.
Support for flowers
Support for flowers
Secure the rings with regular twine so they don't move. For decoration, you can braid the connections with a vine or jute rope. From short pieces of branches, make a horizontal weave, securing their ends in rings.
Support for flowers
Support for flowers
The support for climbing plants is ready. If you plan to make it high, use additional rings. For example, for clematis or girlish grapes, you can add two more and give the design the correct cylindrical shape.

Garden ideas

plant support
plant support

Impressive? To create such a design will have to work hard, but the result is worth it!

Support for climbing plants
Support for climbing plants
Even the simplest supports for climbing roses can enhance their beauty.
Support for flowers
Support for flowers
This is such an unusual support for climbing plants! Old garden furniture can be used for other purposes.

Do not be limited to the proposed options, anything can be a support for plants! Your child has grown up, and his wooden crib is still standing idle? Her sides can serve you well! By removing them and painting them in the right color, you will get wonderful supports. Or you can do otherwise: cover the crib with a layer of paint to protect the wood and put pots with weaving plants inside it. You will see, everyone will be delighted with your imagination! Sometimes it’s enough to clean up the garage so that you have new support structures. And these already embodied ideas may help you come up with something of your own. After all, even beans, decorated with fantasy, can become a real decoration of the garden. Dare, and everything will work out for you!
