Do you like planting beautiful flowers on your windowsills? Or maybe you want to turn your house into a real jungle? In this case, we advise you to definitely familiarize yourself with the list of poisonous indoor plants. The names and their photos are waiting for you in our today's article.
This variety of rhododendron, with its delightful lily-like flowers, looks simply magical. However, it can become very dangerous if a person accidentally swallows the leaves of the plant or its nectar. The thing is that these parts of the azalea contain poisonous juice. The result can be prolonged and profuse vomiting, lacrimation and salivation, and nasal discharge often begins. Among the consequences are weakness, migraine, blurred vision. It is possible that the heart rate slows down or changes, the person may fall into a coma. In the most severe cases, doctors give blood transfusions and prescribe medications that can normalize the heart rhythm.

Cyclamen Persian
On our list 10poisonous houseplants and handsome cyclamen. It is generally accepted that he must certainly be in every bedroom, because he can drive away nightmares and fears. In addition, before in Europe, with the help of cyclamen, healers treated boils and wounds, and in the Renaissance, flower leaves, resembling ears in their shape, were used to treat various ear diseases. There is information that at the end of the 16th century, obstetricians with the help of this plant caused childbirth.
We will not argue about the magical and healing power of cyclamen, but we will warn you about the poisonous properties. You can often hear recommendations to bury the juice of the root of this plant in the treatment of sinusitis. In no case should you do this: firstly, you will burn the mucous membrane, and secondly, you will get severe sore throats, high fever and shortness of breath. The most poisonous parts of cyclamen are the roots and seeds, it is their juice that causes inflammation and irritation on the skin.

Amaryllis belladonna
This delightful plant simply captivates the eye with its gorgeous flowers, the diameter of which can reach 20 centimeters. The name of the flower can be translated into Russian as “beautiful lady”, but we must not forget that this houseplant is poisonous. Therefore, if your family has small children, you should refuse to purchase amaryllis. At least until the baby grows up. The danger lies in the flower bulbs - they contain the alkaloid lycorine. In small doses, this substance can have an expectorant effect, andin large ones it can induce vomiting. The poisonous juice of the “beautiful lady”, which has entered the human body, sharply lowers blood pressure. Abundant salivation begins, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed, the victim feels an acute shortage of air. In the event that an amaryllis leaf breaks off, juice stands out at the site of the break, it should not be touched. If the juice gets on your hands, they must be thoroughly rinsed, in no case touching the eyes.

Speaking of poisonous indoor plants, one cannot but mention dieffenbachia. Of course, it can significantly improve the chemical composition of the air in any room, but it is not recommended to put it in the children's room or in the bedroom. The thing is that the juice contained in the stem of the plant is extremely poisonous. It can cause respiratory and digestive disorders, and if it gets on the skin, it provokes serious burns. Dieffenbachia should only be looked after with gloves.
No, we didn't make a mistake and didn't mix anything up. This beautiful and useful houseplant (pictured) is poisonous. Of course, on the one hand, it is an excellent antiseptic, helps in the treatment of otitis media and tonsillitis. In addition, the smell of geranium relieves nervous tension, excitability and stress. But do not forget that the aroma of a flower in some people provokes a severe allergic reaction or even an asthma attack. It is strictly forbidden to keep geraniums in a house where there are people with low blood sugar, children, pregnant women and those whotaking birth control.

Of course, most cacti are not poisonous, only sharp thorns are dangerous, with which you can prick and get a slight abscess, which, of course, is not very pleasant, but not fatal. However, some types of cacti, for example, trichocereus, differ in the content of hallucinogens. These substances can cause paralysis of the central nervous system in humans. Their action, experts say, resembles the effect of a drug called LSD. Initially, this plant was found only in natural conditions, and therefore mescaline, which produces Trichocereus, is isolated to protect against wild animals. Visual hallucinations, numbness of the affected areas of the skin, prolonged lack of sensitivity are not excluded. Experienced flower growers recommend using gloves when caring for this poisonous houseplant.
Aloe striped and awesome
Aloe, beloved by many flower growers, has two poisonous brothers at once. This is an awesome aloe and a striped aloe. Experts note: all parts of these plants are dangerous. The biggest problem is that people consider all types of this plant to be medicinal, and therefore often use it as a home remedy. We warn you: striped and awesome is strictly forbidden to use for self-treatment! They can cause uterine and gastric bleeding (and not only in humans, but also in animals), and sometimes cause miscarriage in pregnant women!

How to distinguish a useful plant from a dangerous one? The leaves of the scary aloe are covered with long spikes that have a reddish tint. And the leaves of the striped aloe are covered with stripes of light shades.
Among indoor plants dangerous for humans and spurge. True, not all of its species, but only those that look like cacti. Euphorbia juice that gets on the skin leads to burns. If the juice of the plant enters the body, dizziness, diarrhea and severe burns of the mucosa cannot be avoided. The main symptoms of milkweed poisoning are:
- swollen tongue;
- temperature rises rapidly;
- possible fainting;
- breathing is disturbed;
- heart rhythm is disturbed.
If the poisonous juice of the plant gets into the eyes, temporary or even permanent blindness is possible. In such a situation, you should rinse your eyes with water as soon as possible and consult a doctor. By the way, this poisonous houseplant is also dangerous for cats. It is worth noting that pets feel the danger, they try not to get close to milkweed. However, it's not worth the risk - it's better not to buy this plant for your home.
Speaking of indoor plants that are poisonous to humans, one cannot but mention the hydrangea. Flower growers say - it is as poisonous as it is beautiful. I mean, deadly! Flower buds are especially dangerous. Doctors equate the situation when a person tries to eat a small piece of a plant with committing suicide.

The fact is that the hydrangea contains a poisonous substance called hydragine, related to cyanides. Once in the body, hydragin causes loss of consciousness, a sharp increase in heart rate. The pressure drops, convulsions begin, the activity of the heart is disturbed. Possible fatal outcome.