Fire has always been a helper of man since ancient times. Carefully handling this element, a person has learned to cook food, to heat his simple dwelling. Now, in field conditions, a person still uses fire. But it is not always a fire. Quite often, cooking and boiling water occurs with the help of a tourist gas stove. If your plans for the near future include rest in the forest, you should definitely get such a useful device. And even if you are not a strong fan of tourism and long hikes in nature, such a stove will definitely come in handy in your country house.
Review of camping gas stoves

Slabs of this direction are of two types:
- With horizontal cylinder installation. The balloon is used for 200-220 grams.
- Universal camping stoves are powered by an internal gas cylinder. This stove can also be powered by a large external gas tank.
Assuming that such gas camping stoves will be used in the most adverse conditions, manufacturers have taken care ofcase of increased durability. It is most often made of metal with an anti-corrosion surface or an enamel coated surface. Experienced travelers and hunters prefer to purchase tiles, the body of which is made of an alloy of aluminum and titanium. The price of such models, of course, is not quite budgetary, but in the process of operation such a stove justifies the costs.
Tile suitcase

It is better to keep a camping gas stove in your suitcase while traveling. Such a case well protects the mini-device from changes in humidity and from accidental damage. The stove in the case will last a long time. Therefore, in the event that you purchased the device without this convenient element, try to buy a special suitcase for your tile. Believe me, the presence of this accessory will greatly facilitate your life in the wild.
For a friendly company of ten people, a camping two-burner gas stove will be a good help in nature. Such a model is good in that it will simultaneously help to cook food on one hob, and on the other you can simultaneously boil a kettle. This option is possible by connecting two small cartridges to each burner. A stove with two burners can, if necessary, use the method of connecting to a domestic gas cylinder. There is an adapter for this purpose. True, there is already a very slight inconvenience here: only one section of the tile will burn from a household gas container.
With gas fuel heating

For those who often find themselves in natural conditions in an unfavorable, or rather, cold climate, there are also plates with certain properties. For example, a gas tourist stove equipped with a device for preheating the combustible mixture. Leaving the cylinder, the gas at the same time cools the container from which it exits. The pressure inside the cylinder drops, and from such a difference, the stove does not burn well, or even goes out completely. What significantly delays cooking, and the gas itself in cold conditions in the cylinder is not fully used. For these cases, there is a camping gas stove with a canister heating function.
What kind of stove burners are there?
- Portable stoves are most often equipped with ring flame burners. This modification is familiar to every person, these are ordinary round burners.
- The ceramic burner model is much rarer. Such a model does not produce noticeable flames, the whole process takes place in the burner itself, not in the atmosphere. Gas in such tiles is spent more slowly, and a lot of heat is given off, due to the heating of the burner surface itself. The indisputable advantage of ceramics is the ability to cook food right in the tent. Such a stove will help out when it suddenly rains often during your trip. At the same time, the stove will perform two functions: it will cook food and heat the air inside the tent.
Advantages of portable camping stoves

- Product weight. The plate is easy to transport, while it does not take muchplaces.
- Quiet and confident operation of the burners as long as there is blue fuel in the stove bottle.
- Clear and simple design.
- Safety when using the machine. Of course, do not forget the rules for using the device.
- It is convenient to use not only in nature, but also at home, in the country.
- Comfortable hob.
- Product stability.
Gas Camping Stove Safety Additions
The level of safety of this type of device must be at its best, despite the fact that the use of gas portable stoves occurs most often outdoors. Security features include:
- Protection against fuel leakage and control of gas flow to the burner.
- Preventing the machine from being turned on accidentally by locking it.
- Many models are equipped with a special piezoelectric element for easy and fast ignition.
- Blocking the burner when the cylinder is incorrectly installed. Blocking can occur by cutting off the fuel supply or by blocking the ignition with a piezoelectric element.
- Windproof screen.
Be careful

Beware of leaving your tiles in the open sun! Gas is an explosive element and its improper operation can lead to big trouble. Do not attempt to modify or modify your portable device yourself.
Filling up fuel bottles
You can replenish your gas supply at an ordinary gas station. smalladditional cylinders are available at any store that is suitable for the assortment. You can find refill cartridges for stoves in supermarkets. When using the device, keep the nozzles clean. Protect them from penetration of moisture or small specks into the burner. Then your mini-tile will serve you for more than one year and all this time you will not regret your choice.
The choice of plates on the market today pleases with its diversity. You can choose democratic samples of Russian production, or you can purchase your favorite model offered by a foreign manufacturer. In each case, the tourist and the tourist tile will definitely find each other.