Among the huge variety of heating equipment is a camp stove, which is also called a tourist stove. Such devices are used for cooking outdoors, you can operate them in a suburban area, as well as during long car trips. You can use everything that is at hand as fuel for such units: cones, brushwood and branches. With this appliance you can cook food and keep warm.
Description of the tourist stove "Dymok"

The camp stove today is presented in stores in a wide variety. You can choose the most suitable model for yourself, which will differ in a certain set of functions and characteristics suitable for the relevant conditions. It is important to decide before purchasing such a device whether its dimensions are suitable for the trunk of a car, if the oven is planned to be transported in this way.
Tourist oven "Dymok" has the following dimensions: 440 x 285 x 320 millimeters. Volumethe pot is four liters, which will be quite enough to feed the whole family with dinner. The described camping stove should only be used in open areas; indoor operation is strictly prohibited. It is important to use the design in conjunction with the spark arrester and mounting feet. Fuels and lubricants such as kerosene or gasoline are not suitable as fuel. Fire safety will ensure installation on a non-combustible base.
User Tips

It is forbidden to stack fuel in front of the furnace opening, as well as to pour unextinguished coals out of the furnace. The camp stove during operation must be removed from combustible materials by 0.5 meters. On top of the structure, free space must be provided within three meters or more. The user must leave a distance of 1.5 meters in front of the door. Hooks will be needed to open the door or remove the lid. If surrounding objects or materials suddenly catch fire, then improvised materials can be used to extinguish, namely sand, water, and also earth. If you are traveling by car, then you must have a fire extinguisher available, with its help you will be able to cope with the fire most efficiently.
Varieties of camp stoves

If you need a camping mini-oven, then you can consider the varieties of such equipment presented by modern manufacturers. For example, at a relatively low cost, you can buy a touristfolding stove brand "Vlada". The device is intended for heating and cooking. You can operate the design on a hunt, in the country, on a fishing trip or on a hike. The furnace consists of a metal box, as well as a stand, which has an opening with a door for loading fuel. There is another hole with a pipe - for attaching a chimney.
Transportation of the oven is quite simple, as the supplier company provided the design with a collapsible pipe that can be laid inside the product. These camping folding ovens are compact.
Another alternative model is Housekeeper. The purpose of the design is the same, but the main advantages are the duration of burning, which reaches ten hours. The time will depend on the fuel used. A spark arrester is built into the stove, which is indispensable when operating the structure in a tent. The flame arrester is also responsible for increasing the efficiency, since the heat does not fly directly into the pipe. In addition, the spark arrester acts as a stiffening rib on the upper part, so that the hob quickly heats up over the entire area.
At the heart of the case is stainless steel 0.8 mm, which increases the life of the structure. The oven is resistant to temperature and mechanical stress.
And for lovers of outdoor recreation, a camp stove for a tent will become indispensable. As an example, consider a small oven. It has the following dimensions: 22 x 22 x 33 centimeters. The weight of the kit is equivalent to 3.5 kilograms, so the design can be easilyeven take it on a hike. The kit includes five straight tubes, an elbow tube, a stand leg, a non-separable body, a bag-case and a metal cutout for the tent.
The structure is made of stainless steel. If you want to choose a more voluminous stove, then you should pay attention to the thirty-liter small pot, which weighs five kilograms. Its dimensions are somewhat larger: 25 x 25 x 50 centimeters. This long-burning device is intended for heating tents, garages, greenhouses, cars and cottages. You can count on eight hours of smoldering work. In this case, you will have to lay firewood only once. An additional advantage is the possibility of cold and hot smoking.
Description of the "Robinson" rocket furnace

Robinson camping stove is a fairly popular device among fishermen, hunters and hikers. With a small amount of dry wood, such a stove can boil water in just seven minutes, even at low ambient temperatures. The design is multifunctional, as it can be used to fry fish, meat and heat up food. The stove does not produce soot and smoke, unlike gas burners, the flame does not go out when exposed to wind.
Ease of use

providing protection against high temperatures. The heating element is conveniently located in the body, the design is stable, it can be installed on any surface.
Description of the stove for a camping bath: Big housekeeper model

The stove for a camping bath is a real find for some tourists. An excellent example is the "Big Housekeeper" from the company "Invent-Group". This device costs a little more than the analogues described above. The device is intended for cooking, as well as heating. You can install the structure in the bath. The user may not be afraid that difficult conditions will quickly put the furnace out of action. The manufacturer took care of this, using thick high-quality steel as the basis. Among other things, plates are installed at the corners at an angle of 45 degrees, which not only improves the intensity, but also long-term burning.
Coals in the process of burning firewood are shifted to the center of the stove. The described addition acts as a stiffener of the side walls and bottom, preventing strong heating of the lower part. This improves fire safety. The dimensions are: 300 x 300 x 500 millimeters, while the weight is 13 kilograms. Such a camping design will be an excellent solution. A bathhouse, a stove in this way will be used by you even far from home, and you will enjoy the comfort and coziness in nature.
Description of camp stove-wood chips
This multi-fuel stove only weighs about 500 grams and measures 150 x 122 x1 22 mm. At the corestainless steel construction, and the wall thickness is 1 millimeter. A camp stove can be used to quickly heat food or water. This design is the leader in compactness, it consists of 5 parts, and the thickness in collapsible form is 5.2 mm. It will be possible to lay fuel in a wide window, which has the following dimensions: 59 x 58 millimeters. You can heat the device with dry fuel, small branches, tablet candles, as well as fuel pellets and dry alcohol, which makes it easier to use the device when it is not possible to find dry branches.
Making a camp stove

The easiest option would be to make a tourist stove out of cans. Instead, you can use an iron mug, which should be high enough. Several holes should be made in the bottom, which are necessary for traction. It is important that they coincide with the internal air movement channel. An alternative solution would be one large hole in the bottom. The jar is filled with wooden chocks, which should not go beyond the edges. After that, the element should be removed from the center, which will provide a channel for the passage of air. Paper or dry grass is laid there, which is then set on fire. A do-it-yourself camp stove can also be made from other materials, but it is quite simple to make such a design, its volume is approximately 500 milliliters, and it will burn for about half an hour. At the same time, the territory will not smoke.
DIY folding oven
If you are not afraid to spend more time and effort on the manufacture of the furnace, then you will definitely be able to complete a design that will be ready to last for more than one year. To do this, you need a grinder, a file, knitting needles from a bicycle, a millimeter sheet of metal, a tape measure, an electric drill, pliers, and also piano loops. In order to make a folding stove, you can use iron sheets borrowed from the body of a gas stove or refrigerator. The side walls can be formed from the system unit of an old computer.
Work methodology
Elements of the future design are marked on the sheet metal, after which they will be cut out using an angle grinder. Holes are made in the future bottom, and after the edges are processed with a file to get rid of burrs. The side walls are connected to each other, riveted piano hinges are perfect for this, in the end you should get a kind of box. Along the perimeter of the bottom and on the lower edges of the side walls, special ears must be provided, which should be bent in one direction.
A part is placed under the box, which will act as a bottom, the ears of the two elements are combined on each side and form a tube, pins from the knitting needles should be installed in it. Such a trick will make the oven stable. On the grate, additional protrusions are made installed in the hole. In the side part, another hole is made, which is necessary for loading fuel. Cut-outs at the top of the box will increase traction, they can be used for layingskewers.
Easy solution: oven from a pan
Those craftsmen who do not want to spend a lot of money on the implementation of the furnace quite often use pots as the basis. In this case, the device will have two layers, for which you need to prepare containers of different sizes, one must fit into the other. In the side wall of the outer one, an opening and holes in the bottom are cut out. The opening should be at the bottom, its shape is rectangular. On this we can assume that the budget stove for the trip is ready. To improve traction when using the stove, it should be placed on stones so that there is space below.