Why do I need to ground a gas boiler?

Why do I need to ground a gas boiler?
Why do I need to ground a gas boiler?

To safely use a gas boiler, it must be grounded in accordance with current regulations. It is allowed to put the unit into operation only after the execution of the acceptance certificate. All data on the preparatory measures taken are entered into such documentation.

Why do I need to ground a gas boiler? Is it possible to do without it? What is the reason for not doing such work? We will try to answer these and other questions in the material presented.

What is grounding for?

resistance measurement
resistance measurement

Obviously, the gas boiler does not belong to the category of electrical appliances. However, in the course of functioning, it collects static on its metal casing. Over time, this causes the formation of a strong field, which can render the elements that are designed to control the boiler unusable. Most often, the electronic board, which is responsible for adjusting the functions of the unit, suffers from this.

To understand why you need to ground a gas boiler, just imagine its diagram. The device is mounted on the floor or mounted on the wall, which does not conduct electricity. Pipeshere are made of propylene.

It is quite obvious that the accumulated static electricity tends to go somewhere. Therefore, for him there is no other option than to close on the radiator. As a result, water, which is a coolant, begins to conduct current. As soon as severe cold sets in, and an elevated temperature is set on the boiler, the water ceases to cope with the removal of the increased charge. In this case, the operation of the boiler becomes unsafe.

The reason for stopping boilers that operate without grounding

gas boiler grounding
gas boiler grounding

What is grounding for? Everything is quite simple. The static charge that accumulates on the metal elements of the unit creates a magnetic field. The latter affects the electronic circuit of the boiler, in which a kind of confusion occurs. The boards lose their signal, the equipment starts to display erroneous data that does not correspond to the real, obvious state of affairs. Attempts by the user to change the situation by adjusting the settings only cause additional complications.

About loop resistance

Before grounding the boiler, it is necessary to measure the resistance. The characteristic will depend on the type of unit available, as well as on the nature of the soil. So, on clay soil, the measurement of resistance should give a value that does not exceed 10 ohms. When grounding the boiler on sandy soil, the maximum allowable resistance is no more than 50 ohms.

How is a gas boiler properly grounded?

earth connection
earth connection

Works are performed in the following sequence:

  1. A meter from the wall of the building in which the gas boiler is installed, markings are made on the ground. It should have the shape of an equilateral triangle with an edge of 2 meters.
  2. According to the plan, a trench is dug in the ground. Its depth should be about 50 cm.
  3. Pit holes are being drilled at the tops of the triangular recess. Earthing conductors are driven in here, which are steel corners.
  4. Further installed elements for grounding are connected by strips of metal.
  5. The next step is to join the fabricated circuit to the plinth of the house by welding. To do this, use metal rods.

At the end of the external work on the site, it is necessary to connect the ground to the power shield. For this purpose, a copper conductor is used. The specified element is fixed on one side to the basement of the building using bolted connections. On the other hand, the conductor is brought to zero on the shield.

In fact, the above operations can be greatly facilitated. To do this, it is enough to purchase a ready-made factory modular kit, specially designed for grounding a gas boiler.

In the end

what is grounding for?
what is grounding for?

So we found out what the grounding of a gas boiler is for, how it is done. Finally, it is worth noting only that after the completion of all activities, it is necessary to call the master who will carry out commissioning. Forputting the gas boiler into operation legally, you must notify the safety inspector, who will register the unit and issue permission to the owner to use it.
