Currently, the plaster facade can be attributed to the middle price category among the methods of external cladding. This finish is much more often chosen by the owners of panel-frame houses. The building after the work looks solid and very aesthetically pleasing, while there are no restrictions in terms of color scheme. In addition, the use of such a system allows for additional insulation. However, first you will have to buy materials for plaster facades, which are fixed not on rigid structures, but on insulation. Thus, it is necessary that the product for thermal insulation does not deform and slide down.

When making a plaster facade with additional thermal insulation, you will have to use a special insulation, the strength of which is more than 15 kPa. The most commonly used polystyrene foam or stone wool. This product also has a low thermal conductivity, acting as an efficient material. The adhesive composition can be applied to heat-insulating boards in two ways. In the first casethe solution is evenly distributed over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe insulation. This is true with perfectly flat walls. Well, with another option, the glue is applied along the edges of the plate and with dots in the center.

When such facades are made, the photos of which delight with their beauty, the decorative coating also acts as a reinforcing layer. Its task is to form a rigid surface and close the heat-insulating material. It includes a special fiberglass mesh and the plaster itself. As for the first component, it has a high resistance to alkalis. Due to this, it does not dissolve upon contact with the finishing material itself.

The advantages that a plaster facade has are quite obvious. Thermal insulation of walls is carried out with minimal financial and labor costs. Lightweight and efficient insulation makes it possible to refuse the construction of bulky brick structures. Therefore, the load on the base is greatly reduced, and the internal space is increased. Inside the dwelling, due to the constant temperature, a comfortable microclimate is maintained, despite the weather conditions outside. When combining a breathable finish with stone wool, excess moisture is removed naturally without additional ventilation.
Any plaster facade is made using products modified with polymer additives. It is from them that the basic characteristics of the lining will depend. All materials forit is recommended to buy devices of such a facade from one supplier, since the components must be similar in physical and chemical properties. Vapor permeability can only decrease with advancement into the interior. The finish has a large number of color options. There are almost two hundred tones in the main palette.