Barrel for water in the country: which one to choose?

Barrel for water in the country: which one to choose?
Barrel for water in the country: which one to choose?

The basis of life of any organism is water. When going to a dacha or a suburban area, it is always necessary to provide a supply of drinking and technical water for a comfortable stay, regardless of the presence of a centralized water supply. The best solution for these cases would be a barrel for water in the country.

Barrel for water in the country
Barrel for water in the country

The industry makes such containers from food-grade plastic, safe for humans, with a guarantee of preserving the taste and freshness of the contents. They are not subject to corrosion, and also have a wide variety of colors, which allows you to match the tank to the color of the house.

In order for the barrel for water to the country house to fit perfectly, you need to take into account some factors:

- the number of people staying at the site;

- the amount of fluid consumed daily.

In addition to drinking water, it is necessary to have it for domestic needs: watering flowers, plants. Many gardeners collect rainwater. In this case, it is better to purchase a black container to protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. For drinking water, it is better to use a two-layer polyethylene tank. Outside itpainted blue and white on the inside.

Water barrels 200 liters
Water barrels 200 liters

200 liter water barrels, already in use, can be used for technical needs. They are less expensive, but you don't know what was stored in them before. Well, if there was sour cream, but if there was a strong chemical liquid reagent? Then it can only be used for sewage or any other technical purposes. A barrel for water in the country, designed to store drinking water, must be new. The material can be polypropylene or polyethylene.

Polyethylene containers are made by rotational molding, have sufficient flexibility. There are rectangular, cubic or cylindrical shapes. It is very convenient to use tanks of small diameter, especially if they need to be carried through narrow openings. The plastic is light weight, the container can be horizontal or vertical.

Barrels under water
Barrels under water

Production technology allows the production of water barrels of any configuration, while maintaining their integrity, solidity, high strength and chemical resistance. The service life of the product is up to 30 years or more, it does not decompose, so it can be installed in the ground and make a large supply of water. In this case, the intake and filling of the liquid is carried out using a pump.

The simplest and most reliable device can be a barrel for water in the country, which is installed at a height. Then there is no need to use a pump, there is no connection to the power supply.

Forinstallation of the tank, a flyover up to three meters high is being built. A ladder is mounted on the back side of it. The barrel can be connected to the main pipeline running in the ground near the overpass. Branches are constructed from pipes with a section of 15 mm. A float valve is attached to the tank, which allows you to fill it to the maximum level, then it will never be empty. A metal lid covers the top of the tank to keep out debris and leaves.

In winter, water is drained through a pipe with a stopcock. It is enough to open it, and the liquid flows out of the barrel.
