Residents of big cities do not often pay attention to the roofs, because the roofs are too high. In private homes, their shape and features are more important, so many devote a lot of time to their selection. People do not limit themselves to the shapes and colors of roofs, making them elegant, simplistic, complex or antique. Everyone chooses the type that is suitable for a particular building and corresponds to personal preferences.

Flat roofs
In Russia and the CIS countries are used very rarely, although I have a simple form. They can be called popular only in the B altic states, since the climate there allows the use of this type of structure. Often people do not prefer flat roofs due to the fact that they generally cost more than conventional gable roofs. You also have to pay a lot of attention to giving strength to shed roofs, since with a largeload from snow or accumulations of melt water there is a risk of failure of poor-quality construction. These are not the most popular varieties of the roof of a private house.
Frame buildings in Russia are not popular, so for modern houses it is necessary to use a reinforced concrete coating, which, with great strength, is very expensive. Many people choose a wooden truss system, since its construction does not take much time and effort, and the entire structure is much cheaper. This is how the roofs of houses appear. The varieties, whose photos reflect numerous design features, include a large number of ideas, so everyone can choose the appropriate options.

It should be remembered that the durability of reinforced concrete is much higher than wood, moreover, this material is completely safe, as it does not support combustion processes. The flat roof can also be used as a sports ground, balcony, garden or even a solarium. In many countries, this type of roof is the most popular, as it is convenient for creating various additional objects in the room.
Pitched roofs
If the slope of the roof is more than 12 °, then officially it is sloping, that is, pitched. This type of roof has a large number of different variations, and the execution and availability of additional elements is limited only by the imagination of the developer and the funds allocated for the installation of the roof. The more advanced the shape of the structure, the more expensive it will cost. There are many varieties of sloped roofs that requiremore careful consideration. These designs make up a wide range of options that determine the types of roofs of houses.

Shed roofs
In Russia, buildings with shed roofs are very rarely built. It has recently been determined that they are great not for the construction of the house, but for other buildings located inside the yard. In Scandinavia and Germany, that is, in countries whose climatic features are similar to Russia, this type of roof is also practiced for main buildings, as it is a budget and convenient option, characterized by durability and simplicity of form.
A higher overhang is usually placed on the side where there is more sun. Also, if necessary, do the opposite, then you can limit the room from excessive illumination. Usually living rooms are placed at the top, since it is there that the sun shines most brightly. Below you can place bathrooms, stairs and other elements. This helps to make the building volume more optimized, accurately distribute the distance between the rooms and their position in order to add more light to the room. There are no difficulties in the design of a shed roof, so you can build it without large material costs.
If you make stained glass windows, any view outside the window will change, but it is advisable to choose or create a picturesque landscape. Then the shed roof will look fabulous. This option is also included in the varieties of roofs of private houses with a garage. Photos indicate their relevance. Your own garden will replace such an excellentthe view is like an ocean or a lake, a forest valley outside the window. When arranging a shed roof, it is advisable not to put the structure of the house close to the fence.
Gable roof
Often this type of construction is associated with the expression "the roof of the house." This is the most popular type of roofing in Russia, so you can find such options even in children's drawings. Usually in landscapes, they are complemented by a pipe that removes a small trickle of smoke.
The popularity of the gable roof is due to its presentable appearance and cost-effectiveness during construction. Also, even a non-professional developer can perform it. If housing is built according to the traditional scheme, it will most likely be endowed with a gable roof. This is how many roofs of houses look like. Varieties of this design can also be quite interesting. This option represents the views of the roofs of private houses with gables.

Sometimes the design gets a little complicated. This happens if the owners decide to improve the appearance of the roof with a double glass door or a balcony. When these elements are done correctly and accurately, the design of the house is transformed.
When gable roofs are made, you can count on the fact that wood consumption to create a truss system will be minimal. This is used by many developers and prefer this particular type of roof. The whole construction is carried out simply and quickly, since there are few manufacturing steps, and additional details are not always present. The side gables are often referred to as tongs. They canembed in windows or special openings for ventilation.
Hip Roof
This type of roof has a slope on each side. This type of roof is called a hipped roof. If the developers make the appropriate decision, more edges can be made, but in this case, the designers will have to make false calculations to ensure not only the beautiful appearance of the roof, but also its high quality.

It should be remembered that this shape of the building suggests that it will be more complex than a simple rectangle. The number of its sides is usually equal to the number of planned roof slopes, so this type of roof has to be planned even before building the foundation of the house. Not all roofs of houses have such features. Varieties allow you to admire beautiful interesting examples of design solutions.
Features of the hip roof
All ramps must go down and must reach the eaves. Two of them are necessarily formed like a triangle. They perform a load-bearing function and are produced in the most reliable way. The remaining slopes in the amount of two pieces or more are made like a trapezoid. This roof complements the varieties of roofs of houses.
The hip structure, with proper calculations and high-quality construction, has high strength characteristics, is highly reliable, but it is much more difficult to perform than a gable one. The price is also higher than for a more simplified version. It should be noted that the hipthe roof is able to visually represent the house below its actual size, so it can only be used for really voluminous and massive buildings. Corner rafters are forced to withstand the greatest load, so their cross section should be as powerful as possible. This design represents the types of roofs of private houses with a balcony. Photos indicate this feature.
Multi-pitched roof
A multi-pitched roof allows you to make a living space in the attic, as well as serve as a compartment for storing certain things. The design is often made straight, but there are times when the design idea provides for broken roof contours. If straight rafters are chosen, it would be appropriate to add large overhangs. They are able to protect the walls from the negative effects of precipitation, and also help to visually increase the height of the building without violating its contours. This option includes varieties of roofs of private houses. The photos show their great looks.

Roof decor options
You can additionally put glass doors, as well as add cuckoo windows, which are often used for attics. This will help visually make the room more illuminated, since sunlight will penetrate most intensively due to the height of the building and the slope of the walls. Sometimes the shape of the hip roof is made sloping. Then it is called domed. It should be noted that the production and installation of such structures will cost more than in the manufacture of a standard hip roof.
Hipped roof
This type of roof is often associated with a hip roof, but has striking differences from it. Typically, such a roof is appropriate for buildings whose shape is close to a square. All edges should be equally inclined, or the difference should be perfectly matched so that in the end all the slopes come down to a single top point and fit snugly together. Such a roof is included in the varieties of roofs of private houses. The photos show her great looks.
There is no horizontal ridge for this type of roof. There are only inclined ribs located at the junction of the slopes. It should be remembered that a hipped roof can be either rectangular or have broken contours that make it look like a dome. This roof is special and complements the variety of roofs of houses.
Vaulted roof
If the roof is in the shape of a cylinder, it is called vaulted. Usually it is made of stone or brickwork, which makes it different from other types of buildings. When the arches are curvilinear, then the truss system or wood materials are unsuitable. The bearing parts of vaulted roofs are made from metal beams or from glued laminated timber, which is pre-shaped to the required shape. Such a roof is included in the roof views of houses with a balcony. Photos prove this fact.

Sometimes lattice forms are used, which differ in the most complex contours. The widespread use of these types of roofing is impossible, since the total cost of the structure is very high. Full range of roofing materialsnot available. It is necessary to choose from purely metal products, bitumen-polymer materials made in rolls. If the necessary conditions are met and the climate is not too harsh, it is better to use flexible tiles. If properly assessed, this design can be seen to complement the variety of rooftops.
Dome design
The production of a dome is considered more complex than the construction of a vaulted structure. In frequent construction, this type is used very rarely. It is appropriate if you have the necessary budget and the desire to give your own building an unusual, perhaps fabulous appearance. Such a roof looks appropriate only on tall and majestic buildings, so you should carefully evaluate a specific structure before deciding to build this particular type.
To make the building neat and reliable, it is enough to use a simple gable structure. Not only the appearance of the roof is important, but also the quality of workmanship, the selection of the right materials. More complex designs should be used only if there is a design taste and the necessary budget. You should also focus on the indicator of the relevance of the most complex and majestic forms of roofs, the possibility of their placement in a specific climatic region of residence. Choosing a roof is a serious undertaking, so you should approach it with all responsibility.