How to align wall corners: materials, tools, technology

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How to align wall corners: materials, tools, technology
How to align wall corners: materials, tools, technology

Video: How to align wall corners: materials, tools, technology

Video: How to align wall corners: materials, tools, technology
Video: Easy Fit to Irregular Surfaces Carpentry Tip 2024, October

If you want the repair in an apartment or house to be of the highest quality, it will be necessary to level all surfaces in the premises, including ceilings, floors and walls. These works provide for the need to align the corners, and everyone can do it on their own, but only if they do not first familiarize themselves with the technology of the work. It is important to prepare the entire set of tools and select materials. These manipulations may involve the use of plaster mixes or drywall, as well as special corners. If you do not have certain skills, then the corner should be displayed only visually so that it does not go in waves along the height of the wall.

Using drywall

how to straighten wall corners
how to straighten wall corners

If you are thinking about how to align the corners of the walls, you can use drywall for work, which is dry gypsum plaster. Cloths of material will need to be strengthened on a pre-installed frame or on a wall using dowels or adhesiveplaster mix. Aligning corners using this technology has many advantages over the wet method. Firstly, the installation of drywall sheets on the frame does not involve the removal of old finishes, including whitewash and wallpaper. Secondly, there is no need to knead plaster solutions, which means that the process will not be accompanied by the formation of a large amount of dust. Thirdly, the plasterboard surface can be puttied immediately after installation, while the plaster layer requires drying. But this method also has its drawbacks, they are expressed in the high fragility of the material and the inability to use sheets in rooms with high humidity.

It is important to remember that the corners after such alignment will not be resistant to mechanical damage. If the walls are properly lined with drywall, then you will not have to adjust the corners, and the internal surfaces can be puttied using reinforcing tape. To remove the outer corners, install perforated corners, and then cover the surface with putty. If you are faced with the task of how to align the corners of walls that are heavily littered, then you will need to apply a very thick layer of plaster, while it is convenient to use the combined method. This technology consists of gluing drywall to that part of the wall that is unnecessarily deviated from the vertical. Once the adhesive has set, the corners and the wall can be leveled with a layer of putty.

Application of plaster mix

aluminum corners
aluminum corners

If you plan to ennoble your home, you will need tostraighten the corners. At the same time, repairs will not be accompanied by difficulties if you have previously been engaged in work on plastering walls. At the first stage, it is necessary to clean the surface, and then cover it with plaster. At the final stage, putty is applied to the walls. If you are still thinking about how to align the corners of the walls, then when using plaster, you need to use beacons, only then the corner will turn out to be as even as possible. To plaster one wall, you must wait until the layer is completely dry, then you can proceed to the installation of beacons on the second wall to apply a layer of plaster. It will be possible to get rid of minor errors with putty.

Specialist recommendations

decorative wall corners
decorative wall corners

Once the two walls that form the corner are covered with plaster, you will need to slightly touch up the corner by applying putty. But it will be difficult to align the corners if the master does not plan to cover the entire wall with plaster. In addition, leveling the inside corners is more of a challenge, because when working on the outside corners, you can plaster both walls. If we are talking about an internal corner, you will first need to wait for one wall to dry, only after that it is permissible to proceed to the second.

Preparation of tools and materials

wall corners
wall corners

Before you align the corners of the walls, you need to make sure that you have all the necessary materials and tools in your arsenal, among them:

  • level;
  • capacityfor plaster mix;
  • rule;
  • primer;
  • drill with mixer;
  • spatula;
  • dry plaster;
  • putty;
  • perforated corners.

If you want to complete the work in a shorter time, then it is best to use gypsum plaster, as it sets faster and does not slide along the surface of the wall. Internal corners can be aligned in one of two ways, but the preparation technology remains the same. At the first stage, the surface must be cleaned of old coatings, including whitewash, wallpaper or ceramic tiles. The next step is to apply a primer to the base, then the master can proceed to plastering. If we are talking about cement mortar, then the corners must first be thoroughly cleaned of dust, before applying the plaster they must also be moistened.

Use perforated corner

corner alignment
corner alignment

Aluminum corners are called counter-shuls by specialists. They are intended for internal and external corners and serve as a mechanical surface protection. They can make your work much easier. Even if it is not possible to install products strictly vertically, the angle will be as even and devoid of bends as possible.

Work methodology

corners repair
corners repair

If you decide to use aluminum corners, then initially they must be cut to length, and then prepare the plaster mixture. The composition is applied to the corner, and the inner surface is completely filled with the mixture. If abut we are talking about the outer corner, then the mixture is applied to the base with slaps. The next step is to install the corner, while it is important to check the verticality using the building level. Excess plaster mixture is removed with a tool, and the base is left to dry. After the wall corners have been installed and the mixture has completely dried, the elements can be leveled with the wall. In order to avoid a sharp transition, the plaster mixture should be applied from an angle of 80 cm. Smoothing should be done with a wide spatula, the mixture must be reduced to nothing. As soon as the plaster layer is dry, the surface is treated with a primer, further leveling can be done with putty, which will hide small irregularities.

Alignment of corners by mark

corner plastering
corner plastering

Now you know how to align the corners of the walls with a perforated corner, technology can be replaced by a technique that involves marking and using a level. This method is common for leveling internal corners; at its first stage, it is necessary to apply markings on one wall using a plumb line or level. The master prepares the mixture and fills the corner with it at the mark. The distribution of the composition is carried out with a wide spatula, and after the surface has dried on the first wall, you can proceed to the second one using the scheme described above.

For reference

Plastering corners does not in all cases achieve perfect evenness and a right angle. Opposite walls may differ in length by about 10 cm. In order toto achieve a rectangular room, it is necessary to use a large amount of plaster. But such accuracy is not always required, it is only necessary if you plan to tile the walls in the future. The main requirement for the above work is the verticality of the corners.

Installation of decorative corners

Decorative wall corners are also used for leveling. They can be made from different materials and are designed to protect walls that have been painted, finished with a decorative coating or wallpapered. With success, such products can be used for finishing door and window slopes, as well as for decorating panel joints. Corners are made in different colors and can even be transparent, their width varies from 10 to 100 mm, and the length can be equal to 1.5; 2, 3; and 3 m.

Decorative corners for walls can also be curved, they are used for installation in arches. The fastening of such elements is carried out using liquid nails, however, on sale you can find products that have a self-adhesive layer on the inner surface. It is protected by the manufacturer with release paper. It is worth remembering that plastic corners can only be installed at fairly even corners, otherwise the gaps will worsen the appearance of the surface. You can check the error of the walls using a rule or a long ruler. But if you do not want to think about leveling the corner using the wet method before installing the decorative corner, then you can use PVCproducts that are flexible. If the vertical deflection is smooth enough, then gaps can be avoided.


Decorative wall corners can be made from a variety of materials, but PVC can imitate wood, and its use can reduce the cost of construction work.
