For the processing of large stones and gravel, special equipment is used, which has a loud name - a screen. It is very effective, as it can grind the presented natural material. The vibrating screen is especially commonly used.
What is this aggregate and where is it used?
The presented equipment is crushing. It is most commonly used in the mining and construction industries. The vibrating screen is used for crushing, screening and sorting stones and other bulk materials. Most often, equipment is used to separate them into fractions. With the help of a screen, it is also possible to separate ore materials from non-metallic materials, as well as free them from excess moisture. During operation, the device makes a lot of noise, which is why it got its name.
This machine can be used alone or as part of large processing plants. In addition, these devices can be mobile or stationary.
The principle of operation of the apparatus

Featuresthe operation of such a unit as a vibrating screen is understandable even to a non-professional. An eccentric of the vibrating screen is fixed on the loading part of the box. Thanks to the powerful motor, it can rotate. In this way, the loading part makes circular horizontal movements.
The material that is poured onto the sieve is evenly distributed over its entire surface. At this time, particles are screened out through holes of a given size. During operation, the sieve is periodically thrown up. This action is accompanied by a corresponding impact noise. The tossing helps the material to be sieved better.
Vibrating screen can be adjusted. That is, the vertical movement of the sieves is adjustable. This feature ensures high sieving accuracy. In this case, the material is evenly distributed.
Functional and design features of the device

The design of the presented device is quite simple. It consists of a box containing frames, a vibrator and a drive that starts the entire machine.
Now let's deal with the functionality of the unit. It should be noted that a modern vibrating screen for crushed stone is controlled using a small chip and a control panel. In addition, the device is equipped with an effective system of protection against voltage surges. Some models are able to memorize up to 9 work programs. There are screens that are additionally equipped with an auto-screening function.
The advantages of the presented equipment

This unit has certain advantages.
- Sustainability. The screen will not turn over even if it is subjected to the greatest load during operation.
- Quality sieving material.
- The ability to select the size of the sieve holes, which allows you to get the required fraction of stone or other bulk products.
- Economy. The oscillation frequency does not depend on the mains frequency in any way.
- Easy to manage. A special panel is used to adjust the operation.
- Some models are quieter.
- Long service life.
- High efficiency.
- Good performance.
Features of device selection
In order for your stone crushing equipment to work as efficiently as possible, you need to choose the right one. To do this, it is desirable to be guided by some parameters. For example, first pay attention to the power of the device. It depends on how much material you need to process daily. The larger it is, the more power will be needed. The same rule applies to the dimensions of the screen.
During the purchase, you should pay attention to the size of the cells and other parameters of the shaker. The fact is that these properties determine what materials you will process, as well as what fractions you can disperse them into.
Of course, before buying, you need to make sure that the device is well assembled. That is, it should not have a manufacturing defect or any otherdefects. In addition, all parts must be well fixed. As for the material of manufacture, it is advisable to choose units made of very durable alloys that will not break with a stone after a year of use. It is best to look at the certificates that accompany the selected item.
Now decide where exactly you will use the presented device. If you do not intend to move it from place to place, then a stationary model is perfect for you. Otherwise, it is better to pay attention to the mobile vibrating screen, which can be transported.
Well, another important issue is the cost of equipment. It depends on all of the above characteristics, as well as additional functions that the device can perform. A vibrating screen, the average price of which is 4-5 thousand dollars, can be purchased at large shopping centers or specialized points of sale.