Site drainage: planning and technology

Site drainage: planning and technology
Site drainage: planning and technology

Drainage is used in waterlogged areas to drain them. The fact is that excess water in the soil can lead to such unpleasant consequences as damage to the foundation as a result of spring heaving, basement flooding, waterlogging, washing off of the fertile soil layer, etc. Therefore, drainage of plots is a really necessary measure.

site drainage
site drainage

In most cases, it involves a preliminary drafting of the project, since it is a complex engineering system.

There are two types of drainage - deep and surface. The second is used to drain melt and rainwater. The first is to reduce the level of underground. Drainage of plots, if it is superficial, is carried out using modular elements. In this case, a gutter is installed on the roof. Flowing down it, the water enters the downpipe. Sometimes instead of it, a rope or chain is used as a guide. Further, the water enters the gutters buried in the ground under a slope. Thus, it is discharged outside the site or into catchment areas.wells. In the latter case, the collected water can be used to water garden beds.

site drainage project
site drainage project

Deep drainage is a much more complex design. This type of system is used to drain groundwater from foundations, lower their level to prevent washing out the roots of garden trees, etc. A site drainage project is preliminarily drawn up. This takes into account a wide range of factors. Usually, the layout of the elements is assigned to a specialist. When constructing such a drainage structure, special corrugated pipes are used - drains that are buried in the ground at a certain depth and at a certain angle. Water, passing through them, enters the catchment wells.

Despite the complexity of the device of such an engineering system, many would like to know how to do drainage on the site on their own. The simplest option is to dig trenches over the entire area, to a depth of about forty centimeters, and fill them with suitable material. It can be, for example, rubble or branches. The channels are arranged at an angle and usually lead to the central main one, from where they then enter the well. In order for such a simple system to work smoothly, it comes

how to do drainage
how to do drainage

getting cleaned from time to time. The branches will need to be replaced.

However, since the drainage of sites is a serious matter, it is better not to risk it and still contact a professional. If the channels are placed incorrectly, it is possible, having spent a lot of effort, not to get anyresult. In the most severe cases, ill-conceived measures (instead of draining the territory) can even lead to its flooding. Moreover, professionally performed drainage will work much more efficiently and require much less maintenance effort.

Currently, elements of such systems are produced, made of modern materials and modern technologies. Such structures are very durable, work flawlessly for many years, as they do not collect debris and drain water extremely efficiently. Site drainage is an extremely important event, and its arrangement must be approached with all possible responsibility.
