Methods for attaching drywall to the wall and ceiling

Methods for attaching drywall to the wall and ceiling
Methods for attaching drywall to the wall and ceiling

Currently, for the decoration of walls and ceilings in the premises, people began to use practical materials, which include drywall. It is able to provide a flat and smooth surface without the need for the hard and dirty work of plastering and puttying.

Installation Methods

Gypsum board is fixed in several ways:

  1. Mounting sheets on metal structures using self-tapping screws.
  2. Using a wooden crate.
  3. Direct installation of the finishing material on the surface with glue.

Before you start mounting, you need to make a markup. It will serve as a guide for further action.

Make a metal frame

For the arrangement of the ceiling, it is necessary to prepare a profile for attaching drywall. The latter will be installed directly on the working surface of the room, ensuring the implementation of the supporting structure. At first, work is carried out along the perimeter of the room, then comes the turn of transverse and longitudinalguides.

drywall profile
drywall profile

The result is a construction with equal gaps, in which sheets cut to a specific size will be attached. You will need self-tapping screws for fixing drywall and a screwdriver (with it they will be twisted into sheets). The heads of the screws should be slightly recessed into the material itself. This is necessary to create a smooth surface.

Metal frame

Fixing drywall to the wall with metal profiles is almost the same as the ceiling. The wall is marked, then the guides are installed (first horizontal, then vertical profiles). The frame is fastened with dowels at a certain distance from each other. The evenness of the walls depends on the correct and accurate marking. If you need a stronger connection, depending on the height of the room, additional profiles are fixed. The brackets are also strengthened, which are bent at a right angle and then screwed to the vertical guides using self-tapping screws. The most important is the angle of 90˚ vertical and horizontal profiles in relation to each other.

fixing drywall without a profile
fixing drywall without a profile

After the design is completely ready, the material is laid. The adhesion of closely stacked sheets is carried out using self-tapping screws. The latter deepen slightly, thereby providing a smooth surface.

Wooden frame for ceiling

Before finishing work(such as fixing drywall to the ceiling), you need to carry out preliminary work - carefully level the surface with a primer. The frame, made of wooden slats about eight centimeters wide, will allow you to practically not reduce the height of the rooms. It is attached with dowels. If necessary, wooden plugs are hammered into the prepared holes to improve the strength of the structure being created. However, before attaching the rails, markings must be made on the ceiling. It is performed where the joints of the sheets of material will pass. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws for wooden surfaces. They also need to be slightly recessed into the drywall. When installing the sheathing material on a wooden frame, a small gap must be left between the sheets, which is subsequently filled with putty.

Material preparation

In order to prolong the life of the structure, it is necessary to seriously consider the choice of wooden material for the construction of the frame on the surface.

self-tapping screw for fastening
self-tapping screw for fastening

It is necessary to take into account the required section of the horizontal and vertical guides. Before assembling the structure, all wooden parts must be treated with an antiseptic against the appearance of unwanted insects and a special mixture for fire safety purposes. All this will help avoid costly repairs in the future.

Wall frame

To work on the construction of a wooden frame, you will need the following tools: a drill, wood screws,hacksaw, screwdriver, level and metal corners for screed construction.

Mounting the wooden frame on the walls is carried out using horizontal rails. The latter are connected to the wall with dowels, and vertical slats are attached to them at a certain distance. And the material will be fixed directly to them.

attaching drywall to ceiling
attaching drywall to ceiling

Fixing drywall to the ceiling and walls can be carried out in various ways, including directly on the surface of the walls. The construction of simple and complex structures using drywall is very popular with both experienced builders and beginners who take on apartment renovation for the first time. This material has fairly good characteristics, besides, working with it (fixing drywall) is not particularly difficult.

Other ways

Besides the presented methods, there are others. This is a drywall fastening without a profile. Installing the material directly on the walls requires preliminary preparation: the walls are cleaned of plaster and paint that does not adhere well to the surface, then they are treated with a primer with antiseptics to prevent the formation of molds.

fixing drywall
fixing drywall

After that, it is necessary to level the surface with putty. It is not recommended to use drywall for gluing on wooden surfaces. After all, they tend to deform. Walls that are damp and covered with oil paint will not work, as the material will not adhere to them. For goodadhesion to a smooth concrete surface, it is recommended to make notches. You should pay attention to other methods of fixing drywall.

Mounting the material with glue

This method uses a certain adhesive material, mastic or a special Perlfix composition. On the side of the sheet that will be in direct contact with the wall, the agent is applied, then the drywall sheet is pressed tightly against the wall or ceiling and left to dry completely. For a tighter adhesion of surfaces, special holders are used. Drywall is distinguished by its thickness.

self-tapping screw for fixing drywall
self-tapping screw for fixing drywall

For the ceiling it is thinner. Therefore, it is more convenient and easier to glue it. In addition, the material is moisture and fire resistant. Accordingly, it is necessary to choose the one that is suitable for a particular type of room. Mounting using glue can be done in several ways:

  1. Solid. Glue is applied over the entire surface of the drywall.
  2. Lighthouse. The adhesive mass is applied in the form of lumps on the work surface and material. Installation is carried out using plasterboard strips. In this case, a number of preparatory work should be carried out.

Do-it-yourself fastening of the canvas on mounting foam and dowels

The working surface is preliminarily cleaned, but its alignment is not required, since air spaces remain during such fastening. In the sheets attached to the surface, holes are made for dowels. After that, on the back of the material are gluedsmall pieces of foam. Spacers (dowels) are inserted into the holes. After that, the sheet is combined again with the holes made and fixed. Small holes are drilled next to the fasteners, into which foam is pumped. The surface is leveled and fixed in a day with self-tapping screws and dowels.

attaching drywall to wall
attaching drywall to wall

Of course, it is easier to install the material with glue and foam than with the construction of a frame. In addition, the internal volume of the room practically does not lose in size. But for this installation, you need to have fairly even wall surfaces.


Each of the provided methods is attractive in its own way. However, the adhesive method excludes the use of insulating and soundproof materials. It is impossible to remove wiring and other communications under it.
