Until recently, only owners of private houses with specially equipped chimneys could pass the evening by the fireplace. In principle, this was not available to residents of ordinary city apartments.
But biofuel fireplaces appeared on the market, and a romantic mood, warmth and comfort, embracing a person watching the dancing tongues of live fire, became available in any home.
Classification of biofireplaces
Persons who want to decorate their apartment or office space with a fireplace without a major restructuring of the air ducts, choose a biofuel indoor fireplace. The choice of the mentioned products is currently quite large. But all the proposed models are divided into a number of basic groups:

- The most popular is the classic. These are traditional furnace portals, which are most often made in the form of corner or wall hearths and are finished with special elegance. The portals of these products are made of ebony, marble and other expensive materials. Look great in rooms, the interior of which is designed in the Empire style.
- Biofuel-fired fireplaces made as stand-alone stoves are in high demand among consumers. These options are designed for use in country or modern interiors. Especially for them, they are made in metal cases with multiple finishes.
- Modern urban styles of fireplaces, characterized by the versatility and unpredictability of their inherent forms. A biofuel fireplace without a chimney, which is included in this group, is overwhelmingly minimalist. No accessories or jewelry. Simple geometric lines. The latest materials are used for production: plastic, steel, glass, aluminum. They differ in the place of installation. The best choice for high-tech fans.
- Fireplace - a candle. Such a mini-fireplace will easily fit into any, even the smallest apartment, bringing comfort and unique charm to its interior. These models are made from natural stone (most often marble) and are distinguished by a variety of colors and shapes.
Classification of biofuel fireplaces by place of installation
Biofuel fireplaces are installed by designers in almost any place. Available models:

- Fixed on the walls. These structures can be of almost any size. Their use allows you to implement such design solutions as zoning the room, decorating the ceiling, arranging through niches.
- Fitted on the floor. They are available in stationary and mobile versions, look great inthe center of any room (island fireplace) and favorably differs in aesthetics from wood-burning fireplaces.
Biofireplaces used to solve design problems

- Built into special niches. Most often they visually imitate a wood-burning fireplace and are decorated with natural stone (granite or marble).
- Fireplaces - table decoration. This is a mini-fireplace, which is most often made in the form of a box, cylinder or candle, made of refractory ceramic materials, polished steel or special glass. These products are perfect for a festive table setting for a romantic dinner, becoming a worthy alternative to classic candles.
How these products work
Regardless of the manufacturer and model, all biofireplaces have the same structural elements: a frame, which is a decorative element, a heating unit and a biofuel tank, which is used in the vast majority of models of bioethanol.
The specifics of the work is that the fuel itself is not burned, its vapors burn. They are fed through a special channel to the burner and ignite. Biofuel fireplaces have a structurally implemented ability to adjust the flame (burning force) and remote control.

The space around the burner is filled with refractory decorative elements imitating wood or coal. Additional decor is made up of colored natural stones.
Main technical parametersbiofireplaces
Choosing biofuel fireplaces, reviews on a particular model give a characteristic in the first place by such parameters as:
- power. This parameter completely depends on what kind of fuel block the fireplace is equipped with. This is explained by the fact that the length of the simultaneous burning zone depends on the length of the installed block: the longer it is, the brighter and more intense the visible torch. Therefore, in large fireboxes, several synchronized blocks are mounted simultaneously;
- the presence of electronic control systems is seen as a significant plus of the model. The presence of automation allows you to supply fuel in automatic mode, control the combustion process remotely, use CO2 and heating sensors for control;
- type of fuel used. For models of biofireplaces, helium and liquid compositions are offered today. Each of them has its own models of heating blocks. The difference in the chemical composition that this or that biofuel has, the price for it tracks clearly. The more complex the composition and manufacturing technology, the more expensive it is (the average price is from 200 to 750 rubles / l). The advantages of the first are the guaranteed impossibility of the strait. When burning, the flame has pleasant shades, there are no sharp unpleasant odors. The advantages of the latter are the complete absence of carbon deposits on the burner, as well as the possibility of using them in large fireplaces.

Efficiency value of biofireplaces
The chemical composition of the fuel used and the design of the block are completelyeliminate the possibility of sparking, smoke, flame return, hazardous gases or soot.
Each burnt liter of biofuel allows you to get about 5 kW / h, which is comparable to using two medium-power electric heaters. All this energy goes to heat the air in the room where the fireplace stands. This explains that the average efficiency of fireplaces of the mentioned design is 95%.
Benefits of bio-fireplaces
These are reliable and mobile products, easy to install and operate. The flame is reliably isolated by a door with special glass. As advantages that affect the growth of sales of these particular models, the following are noted:

- possibility of installation indoors of any area;
- when burning, soot and smoke are not emitted, and therefore there is no need to install a special hood;
- complete operational safety;
- no complex prophylaxis required;
- no possibility of getting burned;
- can be installed without prior permission, etc.
Biofireplace today is a great alternative to a classic fireplace, allowing you to enjoy the play of a live flame even in the smallest room without the complex work of installing a chimney.