Orchids belong to the largest family in the world. There are more than 25 thousand species of Orchids. Currently, you can buy an orchid at any flower shop. Many novice flower growers are afraid to settle this exotic beauty at home because of her capriciousness.
Actually, if you really want to start an orchid, then you should try it. The most important thing for this flower is lighting and watering. With proper care, it will certainly bloom for the second and third time. Let's take a closer look at the conditions these exotic beauties need.
First of all, the plant must be provided with sufficient lighting, but it must be protected from direct sunlight. Since the delicate foliage will instantly be covered with burns. The second main factor is watering when caring for such an exotic and capricious flower as an orchid. How to water it correctly? Orchids are watered in the usual way from above into a pot or a container with a flower is placed in water and left for several hours. The second method is used for flowers growing in sphagnum or tree bark. When the pot is in water, the bark becomes soaked and retains moisture for quite a long time.

Orchid: how to water a flower at different times of the year
The amount of water when watering depends on the temperature in the room, the size of the plant, and also the season. For example, at a temperature of about 15 degrees, it is advisable to stop watering completely, since excess moisture can lead to decay of fragile roots.
It is important to remember the capriciousness of such a plant as an orchid. How to water it so that it grows well and blooms? During the dormant period, the flower is watered much less frequently, in addition, you should be aware that small plants require much higher air humidity than large ones.
What water to water an orchid so as not to harm the plant Water should be at room temperature. Do not pour water from the tap, even if it is warm. For irrigation use water that has been settled for at least a day.

If, when growing a plant such as an orchid, care, transplantation, watering are carried out in accordance with all the rules, it does not cause much trouble to its mistress, it blooms for a long time and beautifully and does not get sick.
Another important factor: For permanent flowering, do not transplant the plant into a very large pot. For some reason, almost all orchids like it when the roots are a little cramped in a pot. When transplanted into a large container, all its forces will be thrown into the development of the root system and the capricious orchid will not bloom. How to water a flower during the dormant period so as not to flood the roots? Many people ask this question when purchasing this plant. Watera little and watch the temperature.
If you are still afraid of the whims of the orchid and think that you can not provide the plant with the required care, try to get a less whimsical look, for example, phalaenopsis. This flower is also very beautiful, but much less whimsical than exquisite types of orchids. So start small and simple.