Indoor flowers "women's happiness", so called by the people, keep the unwritten secrets of our ancestors. It is believed that the spathiphyllum plant really brings happiness to women: young girls - mutual love, women who dream of a child - a long-awaited pregnancy.

By purchasing this magical flower for your home, you invite love and understanding to your home. It is said that the houseplant spathiphyllum dies in those families where there are constant strife and evil.
Growing a magic flower at home will not be difficult, since spathiphyllum is a picky plant. And yet, you should know a few simple recommendations for caring for a "female" flower. If you properly care for the flower of happiness, then it will delight you with its abundant flowering for a long period.
Indoor flower "women's happiness": leaving
Spathiphyllum is a beautiful ornamental plant native to tropical rainforests, so it needs moist air and high temperature - within 18 - 25 degrees Celsius. That is, the conditions of an ordinary city apartment are quite suitable for him. The plant attracts flower lovers precisely with its snow-white, unusually shaped flowers like a sail.

Flowers appear on a long stem and decorate the plant for quite a long period. Depending on the variety, flower stems can be dwarfed or up to a meter long. Such giant stems bear large colorful flowers that decorate the room for up to six months!
Indoor flowers "women's happiness" need timely watering and daily spraying with water at room temperature. Since spathiphyllums are inhabitants of moist forests and river banks in the wild, the soil in the pot should always be moist. If the plant is in dire need of watering, its leaves look drooping and begin to turn yellow. But the flower cannot be brought to such a state. The plant should also not be flooded, as root rot is possible.
Spathiphyllums should be transplanted as the space in the pot is filled with roots. It should be remembered: the more will the roots in the pot and space, the less often you will see snow-white flowers. Indoor flowers "Women's Happiness" should be transplanted every year in the spring into a pot a little larger than the previous one in diameter. Be sure to pour drainage from crushed stone, pebbles or broken bricks at the bottom. The plant doesn't like it when

water stagnates in the tank.
Many lovers ask why they don't bloomspathiphyllums. There are several reasons. Indoor flowers "female happiness" have several secrets of ovary buds. Firstly, the plant will not bloom if it is in a pot that is too spacious. Until the roots are braided with an earthen lump, there is no way to wait for flowering, because the plant already lives well - it grows with new shoots, leaves, but by no means buds. Secondly, timely watering and regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers contributes to the growth of flowering shoots. Thirdly, if spathiphyllums lack diffused sunlight, it is very difficult to wait for them to form buds.
Therefore, if you want your plant to look like indoor flowers "female happiness", the photos of which you see, be sure to use our tips. And the snow-white sails of flowers against the background of dark greenery will delight you again and again.