There is an opinion that spathiphyllum will bring good luck in personal life and give long-awaited female happiness that comes to the house during the flowering of the plant. Therefore, spathiphyllum must be cared for with love!
For a long time, girls hoped and believed that the spathiphyllum flower would give them good luck and long-awaited female happiness. This plant is necessary and can be given only to those women to whom you wish great luck, and men with the help of it will hint about their feelings. It can be presented both in a single copy and in a combined composition. Spathiphyllum why "women's happiness" has a second name? Among the people, this very beautiful plant has gained fame among girls and unmarried women. They were sure that this flower would give them long-awaited happiness.
Is plant care difficult?

Spathiphyllum "women's happiness" is a perennial, original,An interesting tropical plant from the Aroid family. The indoor copy has oval or lanceolate leaves, but it has no stem at all. The cob-shaped peduncle ends in an inflorescence. The spathiphyllum plant, as previously mentioned, will perfectly complement any bouquet. This flower is presented to the lady whom they want to wish sincere happiness. Receiving it as a gift, the woman wonders what to do next with him? Caring for a spathiphyllum "female happiness" plant at room conditions is a rather time-consuming and difficult task. This plant is quite demanding and needs special care. In order for it to fully grow and develop, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for it - lighting, heat and high humidity.
Home maintenance
Spathiphyllum "women's happiness" will feel great in diffused or artificial lighting, as well as in partial shade. For the proper growth and development of the plant, only the right lighting is not enough. He needs a certain temperature regime. In spring and summer, it should correspond to 18-25 degrees, and in autumn and winter - 16 degrees. If the air temperature is below this, the flower will grow more slowly. Watering is of great importance when caring for a plant; it should be plentiful in spring and summer. It is necessary to moisten the ground well or pour water into the pan. It is recommended to use water at room temperature, which must first be infused for 12 hours. For long-term moisture retention, you need to put in a panput moss or sand. It is also recommended to spray flowers with warm water, but it should not fall on the cob during flowering.

Home plant spathiphyllum "women's happiness" responds well to top dressing, which should be carried out weekly. To do this, it is recommended to use alternately organic and mineral fertilizers. You can use complex additives designed specifically for such plants. With proper care, the spathiphyllum flower "female happiness" will delight others with its charming appearance as a token of gratitude.