Road repair is a burning topic that affects absolutely everyone. Drivers are complaining about the lousy coating that ends up ruining their cars ahead of time. Public transport passengers - on the quality of transportation and violations of the schedule. Officials - on the lack of funding, which makes it impossible to carry out high-quality repairs.

You can look for the guilty for a long time or try to find an economical and effective solution to the problem. A step forward in resolving the current situation will be the use of secondary raw materials, namely the laying of asph alt chips.
What is asph alt crumb good for?
Roads at all levels are in distress, from federal highways where resurfacing is needed to local roads. The latter often remain neglected by the authorities and over the years become completely unsuitable for traffic.
Recyclable materials obtained from the processing of old asph alt - a universal resource for the construction of highways. Asph alt laying technologyallows you to solve a number of problems, spending a minimum of money. Crushed asph alt is suitable both for the construction of new modern roads and for filling roads with low traffic load.

The production of crushed asph alt is a simple process, and in operation it shows itself better than crushed stone. Such raw materials retain all the driving characteristics of the asph alt pavement. Mechanical grinding of large layers does not affect the fact that bitumen is present in the composition - a substance that is both astringent and creates additional density. This greatly extends the life of the road.
Another plus of laying asph alt chips is that over time the quality of the road only improves: fragments of the old coating are crushed and pressed so that a fairly even and durable coating is obtained. This makes asph alt crumb a real panacea for villages, dacha cooperatives and other places where new roads will not be laid in the foreseeable future.
Laying asph alt chips yourself
The indisputable advantage of this raw material is that special qualifications are not needed to work with it. The product of processing of the removed asph alt every day becomes more and more demanded material. The popularity of raw materials is also added by the fact that it has become possible to lay asph alt crumbs with your own hands.
If we are talking about a small area and there are no time limits, then even one person can cope with such a task. In the case of a significantarea is better to hire a team of workers.

Work order
So, the qualification of a builder for laying asph alt chips is not needed. All you need to know before starting work is the calculation of the material. Taking into account the characteristics of the area, the consumption of raw materials will be approximately equal to 15 tons per 100 square meters. m. From the supplier of asph alt chips, you need to rent a skating rink, weighing 10-14 tons.
Preparatory measures that will require the laying of asph alt chips are the removal of shrubs and grass and leveling the road. If possible, it is better to cover the prepared, even surface with bituminous mastic. This will secure the material and prevent the crumb from spilling out at first, until it is compressed under the constant pressure of the wheels.

The technology of laying asph alt crumbs with your own hands is not complicated: the work is carried out in 2 stages, pouring each layer of raw materials and pressing it down with a roller. One layer should be approximately 10 cm thick. After the final compaction, the road is ready for operation.
Working with asph alt chips is easy. Compared to other loose pavements, it wins because over time it becomes stronger and holds better, while sand and gravel disperse along the shoulders. In addition, the advantage of recycled materials is their low cost. And while it doesn't perform as well as new asph alt, it's a real lifesaver for roads that haven't been around for years.can wait for funding.
Thus, in the case of the construction of roads from asph alt chips, a very dense and strong surface is formed, which is further rolled by the wheels of cars, becomes harder, does not collapse or erode.