A delightful flower that brings the warmth of the south and the flavor of the Mediterranean into the house - this is all a catharanthus, home care for which is simple and pleasant. This plant is completely undemanding. But how it pleases the eye with its spectacular flowering! In addition to its adorable appearance, catharanthus (pink periwinkle) has long been used to treat certain cancers in alternative medicine.
Periwinkle pink: a brief description of the plant

Decorative shrub belonging to the Kutrovye family - this is how the catharanthus is characterized. The flowers of the plant are distinguished by a wheel-shaped corolla with 5 petals, 3 cm in diameter. They have a striking resemblance to phlox flowers. Their distinctive feature is that they are not collected in inflorescences.
Basically, the pink color has a catharanthus. The flowers of his hybrids may be of a different color. The most amazing of themis a blue-violet coloration.
Kataranthus is a plant with a maximum height of 60 cm. It is distinguished by erect stems and long dark green leaves (7 cm). They are shiny and have white veins in the middle. Flowering period: from early May to early October.
Kataranthus: home care

Fans of this plant who are going to grow it, it is important to follow some rules in order to grow a wonderful and he althy catharanthus. Care at home consists in following the following recommendations-tips:
- Lighting. The plant prefers diffused light, although it will take root well on the windowsill. It is only important not to forget to protect it from the direct rays of the sun in the morning. In winter, it is also necessary to provide a warm place for the catharanthus. In case of poor lighting, the plant will stretch its stems up.
- Temperature. The ideal temperature for pink periwinkle in summer is a maximum of 25 degrees Celsius. In winter, this figure is only 16 degrees.
- Water. It is strongly not recommended to bring the catharanthus to dryness. At home, it is necessary to provide the plant with watering three times a week. With excessive flooding of pink periwinkle, there is a risk of rotting of the roots of the plant. Therefore, after 15 minutes after watering, it is important to drain the water from the pan.
- Pruning is an important stage in the life of a plant such as a catharanthus. Care at home in this direction should be carried out every spring.
- Introductionfertilizers. It is advisable to feed the plant three times a year: in summer, spring and autumn.
Compliance with the above recommendations will ensure that the catharanthus looks fresh, he althy and lovely.
Katarantus: cultivation and care

There are two ways to propagate pink periwinkle:
- seeds;
- cuttings (vegetatively).
Special attention should be paid to soil preparation. For her, a mixture of peat, humus, soddy soil and coarse sand would be an excellent option. Each component is taken in the same amount.
It is recommended to take a pot for planting with a hole. It is also important not to forget about drainage, which can serve as stones, pebbles or expanded clay. This solution will remove excess water and prevent root rot. To prevent the hole from becoming clogged, it must be cleaned regularly.
Propagation of catharanthus by cuttings
Green cuttings from the top, which are often rich in catharanthus, are perfect for this purpose. Reproduction is carried out in two ways:
- stalk put in water for germination;
- the stalk is immediately planted in moist soil, while covering with a bag to create the effect of a greenhouse.
Best time to take cuttings: spring (after pruning). You can also plant them in the fall. The optimum temperature for rooting cuttings is at least 20 degrees Celsius.
Cataranthus transplant

Spring is the perfect time to transplant a plant. Some recommendations on this matter:
- The pot is selected several sizes larger than the old one.
- It is important to disinfect the planting container, at least pour boiling water over it.
- The roots of the catharanthus are too delicate, so it is very important not to damage them.
- The root system must be carefully inspected before transplanting to identify dead roots. If they are found, it is necessary to remove this area (4 cm above the diseased part). It is also advisable to disinfect the blade or scissors to avoid infection of another part of the root system.
- The root wound is sprinkled with charcoal crumbs.
These 5 rules for a successful catharanthus transplant are fundamental to the process.
Problems with growing pink periwinkle

Pests that encroach on this plant are aphids, scale insects and spider mites. Therefore, when taking a catharanthus from the garden to the house, it is important to carefully examine the plant to detect these "enemies". In the event that they still exist, you need to do the following:
- take a brush, soak it in alcohol, then gently remove pests;
- treat the leaves with soapy water.
If you do not provide the plant with reliable care, then soon the catharanthus may have problems, such as:
- yellowing and death of leaves (from direct sunlight);
- observing the trend of decreasing flowers - the air in the room is too cold;
- yellowing of leaf tips - insufficient moisture in the air.
It should also be remembered that the plant must be transplanted on time, otherwise it will completely stop blooming.
Healing properties of pink periwinkle

Drugs are prepared on the basis of a plant that bears the proud name of catharanthus. Its medicinal properties are used in both alternative and official medicine.
It is the aerial part of the pink periwinkle that is used to create preparations. It is harvested during the flowering period.
Kataranthus has the following therapeutic effect:
- anti-inflammatory;
- wound healing;
- antimicrobial;
- hemostatic;
- antidiabetic.
Periwinkle pink successfully fights the symptoms of the following diseases:
- acute leukemia;
- diabetes diabetes;
- tumors of various etymologies (thyroid tumor, fibroids, polyps, cyst, prostate adenoma);
- enlarged lymph nodes;
- blood diseases;
- trophic skin ulcer and other non-healing wounds on the skin;
- eczema and psoriasis;
- some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
It is necessary to use this plant under the strict supervision of a doctor, since the pink periwinkle is, first of all, a poisonous plant. It is contraindicated to use it for medicinal purposes for people suffering from low blood pressure.pressure and patients with vegetovascular dystonia. It is strictly forbidden to give decoctions of catharanthus to children.
Kataranthus is a wonderful ornamental plant that is easy to grow at home. Only the use of an integrated approach in the process of caring for it contributes to the successful growth and flowering of pink periwinkle.