Mandatory universal component of the fireplace is a smoke exhauster. This element ensures absolute safety and more productive operation of the heating installation. Smoke exhausters for stoves and fireplaces effectively and quickly remove harmful and hazardous to he alth smoke masses that form during combustion and burnout of fuel. This device allows you to organize the work of the traction device.

Features of operation
Regardless of the type of construction, all models for the most part have a similar structure and principle of operation. The main structural parts are a reliable and durable body, as well as an engine that accounts for the bulk of the work. Of great importance are the guide and suction pipes. The principle of operation of a smoke exhauster for a fireplace is that when cold air begins to flow from the room into the inside of the stove, it passes into the combustion chamber, where in the desireddegree of saturation with oxygen. All this time, the wings of the exhauster rotate vigorously at the set speed.
While the fuel burns, smoke and combustion products are generated. With the help of a traction device, they rise up the chimney, so they do not remain in the firebox and do not penetrate into the room itself. Since the impeller runs continuously, the air masses are constantly supplied. The fireplace exhaust fan is a kind of fireplace draft booster.

Fireplace fan smoke exhauster for the fireplace is needed in rooms where:
- the smell of burning is constantly present;
- narrow chimney;
- chimney too low.
This device perfectly solves these problems. In addition, this device has many other advantages:
- high power;
- economical;
- resistance to seasons and weather conditions;
- light weight;
- lack of noise;
- easy installation;
- ease of further maintenance.
Thanks to this design, the life of the fireplace is increased. The operation of the smoke exhauster for the fireplace does not depend on the type of fuel.
This device also has disadvantages, one of which is the high cost. It should be noted that the fan will not work during a power outage. Then, in addition to stopping the provision of traction, the exit of oxygen is difficult.

There are two types of fireplace fans. The standard for installation in houses is a smoke exhauster with a vertical outlet. This variety is able to withstand temperatures above 210 degrees. Its power is enough to provide normal traction. Such a fan is equipped with several modes. This feature allows you to significantly save energy consumption. So, for example, in order for the fireplace to work normally, it is enough to use the smoke exhauster at full power only until the time when the cold air is completely exhausted, then it must be switched to economy mode.
More powerful is the horizontal outlet of the fan in the smoke exhauster for the fireplace. Such a device draws out the ashes after a strong fire, and then is able to function normally. This does not require any additional maintenance. Due to the special design, soot and soot do not clog the system for a long time. It is noted that such a fan works properly at any time of the year, even in the coldest. Often, for the sake of convenience, or following some other purpose, people do not install an overall chimney system, but prefer do-it-yourself smoke exhausters for fireplaces.
Type of smoke exhauster
There is a special classification of fireplace roof fans. There are D-type smoke exhausters, which are small appliances. In them, the wheel is located on the engine itself.
Another type of injection pump has the same design as the first option. However, the drive is more powerful, the air is sucked inone-way method, therefore it is possible to regulate the air supply. Such devices are more durable.
Electric fire smoke exhauster DPE can have a different type of engine - centrifugal or axial. The main advantage of this device, which runs on electrical energy, is that it does not need to be installed permanently. The DPE smoke exhauster is portable. This type of fan includes a trailed smoke exhauster (DP) and a fire motor engine (PDM). These designs are intended for fireplaces with a motor engine:
- centrifugal;
- axial;
- turbocharged.

Choosing a fireplace fan
Before buying a smoke exhauster, you need to pay attention to:
- how the system works;
- material reliability;
- functions.
You should purchase additional accessories, namely special fasteners, protection against overheating and weather conditions. If all the components are chosen correctly, then it will be much easier to install the system, and the fireplace will work much longer. When choosing and purchasing this device, you should familiarize yourself with the temperatures of the heated air masses and specifically the chimney. These devices can generally operate at temperatures not exceeding 260 degrees. From time to time, the smoke exhauster must be turned off so that it cools down completely. The average duration of continuous operation is from 3 to 6 hours.

Today the smoke exhauster for the fireplace isan indispensable attribute in every home where there is heating equipment. Despite the disadvantages present, the advantages of this device are much greater. Therefore, the purchase of such a fan can be considered as one of the best options for ridding the air of combustion products.