Those people who own a house with several floors were faced with the question of which staircase to choose in order to harmoniously fit it into the interior. The optimal design is a spiral staircase, the dimensions of which will be mentioned below. You should be prepared for the fact that such a design is quite difficult to install; in the manufacture of individual elements, you may encounter some difficulties. Among other things, the master must have certain skills and knowledge. The main feature of such products is vibration, it will be completely impossible to get rid of it. During operation, under the influence of vibration, some fasteners can become loose, and also cause the destruction of the walls. But for the problems described, there are solutions that can minimize the disadvantages of the screw design.
Design Features
If you are interested in spiral staircases for your home, then at the initial stage you should choose a place. Sometimes these structures are installed outside or inside unheated premises. These options can cause injury, ashow metal freezes at low temperatures and becomes slippery. In the summer, such a structure heats up, and it becomes almost impossible to move along it. The next step is to create a drawing, taking into account the depth of the steps, as well as their width and step height. It is also important to choose the right materials.

In addition to steel, you will need decorative elements. The most economical option would be a steel sheet, the thickness of which is 4 millimeters. With an angle grinder, you can cut individual parts. The design is recommended to be made hollow, then the plane of the steps can be filled with wood. This will reduce the overall weight of the product. In addition, as practice shows, it is quite convenient to walk barefoot on wood.
Preparation of tools
Spiral staircases for the home are made with a certain set of tools, among them - a grinder, a hammer drill or a drill, a set of wrenches, and a building level. If you decide to use steel in your work, then you will need a welding machine. Depending on the type of floors and walls, you need to purchase anchors or a set of dowels. You can not do without a tape measure during the installation of this product.

Stair dimensions
Production of spiral staircases should be made only after careful calculation of the dimensions. When determining the height of a structure, it must be taken into account that there are two values, namely the distance from the floor to the ceiling, as well as the distance fromfloor surface to the opening. The support post must be fixed at the top and bottom, otherwise the structure will only have 50 percent strength.
The described type of stairs has the shape of a circle, it is important to take into account the diameter of the opening. For a minimum 50 cm wide passage, the diameter should be 105 cm. It is also important to take into account the diameter of the support column. If you plan to bring furniture to the second floor, then the diameter of the opening should be equal to 305 centimeters or more. When wood spiral staircases are made, the same dimensions can be used.

For example, the width of the step at the contact point will be 10 centimeters, otherwise the climber can easily stumble and fall. The greater the step height, the more comfortable it is to use the stairs. This parameter can be calculated by dividing the distance from the floor to the opening by one of the numbers that starts from 5. The step between these values is 0.5. The main thing is to come to an integer value.
Example of step height calculation
A spiral staircase, the drawing of which you can make yourself, must be made taking into account a certain step height. It is important for this to determine the distance from the floor to the opening. If the figure is 312 centimeters, then it can be divided by 5, which will give 62.4; by 5, 5 (56, 7) or 6, which will give 52. The last calculations determine the optimal number of steps, each of which should be 6 centimeters high.

Preparing the details of the stairs
A spiral staircase, the dimensions of which were mentioned above, can be made by you yourself, while you must follow a certain technology. And having drawn up a diagram, you can calculate the total area of \u200b\u200bthe structure. For this, the following formula is used: the width of the step in the middle part is multiplied by its height, as well as by the number of steps. Based on this, the master can purchase 4 mm sheets of metal. If the staircase leads to the basement or to the attic, then 2 millimeters of thickness will be enough. Because the steps are wedge-shaped, you should be prepared for a lot of trimming. That is why you need to purchase an additional sheet.

When a spiral staircase is being made, the dimensions of which will be individual in each case, the pillars are made from metal scraps connected to each other. A more time-consuming method is the creation of hollow steps. To do this, prepare strips with a width of 2 centimeters. Four of them will be lateral, the same number will be needed for the end parts. The strips are welded into a corner, and after the step they are filled with wood or forging elements.
Alternative material options
Spiral stairs in a private house are sometimes made of galvanized steel. Masters resort to such a solution for the reason that sheet iron undergoes corrosion during operation. However, it is possible to work with galvanization if you have a specialwelding equipment.

Another solution is aluminum, which is easy to machine. However, its cost is higher, but the design will be almost three times lighter. Aluminum dampens vibration and will not cause the destruction of the walls. During the assembly process, you should use the same technology that was described above, but argon units will have to be used for welding.
Installation process
Metal spiral staircases are installed in four stages, the first of which will be the installation of the support post, then proceed to the steps and handrails. The final step will be decorative work. If the staircase is assembled during the construction of the house, then the lower edge of the support column can be concreted, and the upper edge can be fixed to the ceiling with dowels. The depth of concreting should not be less than 40 centimeters.
If there is no opportunity to make concrete work, then it is best to use dowels. In some cases, sleeves are put on the support column, to which the steps are welded. They are made from a larger diameter pipe. In practice, this allows you to adjust the angle of elevation, but adds extra weight to the structure and makes the master face difficulties when fixing the elements.

Working on steps
A spiral staircase, the dimensions of which must be calculated by you individually, provides for the presence of steps. Work on them should be carried out at the next stage. If it is possible to fix these elements not only onbasis, then manipulations must begin with the installation of clamps. To do this, use bars of square section with a side of 5 centimeters. They are cut into separate pieces equal to the largest width of the step. The elements are leveled and fixed with dowels to the wall. The step is welded to the support post, and its second edge lies on the latch. Greater solidity can be achieved by welding steps together. For this, strips of metal are used.
Production of concrete stairs
After you have learned what technology is used to make metal spiral staircases, you can familiarize yourself with the method of erecting a concrete structure. To carry out the work, you will need 20 mm waterproof plywood, which is sometimes replaced by a 3 cm edged board. Prepare a 10 cm square construction beam, which is needed for the props and posts. When shaping curved surfaces is required, 9mm plywood or edged board is used. There should be no gaps and cracks in the formwork being created, so the connections should be made using phosphated self-tapping screws. Steel corners are installed at the end. After the solution hardens, all elements are removed. Steel bars should be laid in the finished formwork. Concrete is being poured, the grade of which should not be lower than B15 in strength. Start work from the top step, gradually moving down.
It is worth considering that concrete spiral staircases are quite heavy, so it is best to analyze before starting work whetherwhether the ceilings and the floor are able to withstand such a load. Such products are often finished with wood or plywood, which will depend on financial capabilities. Concrete spiral staircases can serve the owners for a long time.