Experienced builders call stairs of any type a structure of increased injury, regardless of the age of the residents. On steps that are too wide and high, it is easy to stumble, and on narrow ones you can slip. Therefore, starting the design of the house, the builder calculates in advance the dimensions of the staircase structures. With the right calculation, the risk of injury can be significantly reduced.
How to calculate a spiral staircase? Where to start?
The height of the most suitable steps for walking corresponds to 15-20 centimeters. Walking on such steps, a person, regardless of age and height, will feel confident.

Another important point is the calculation of the width of the steps. Based on the fact that the average size of a human foot is 20 centimeters, the most comfortable for walking is the stairs, where the width and height of the steps correspond to the above parameters.
How to calculate the spiral staircase to the second floor?
Top plan of such stairsresembles a circle, the height and width of which correspond to the similar dimensions of the opening between the floors. If the radius of the opening is usually indicated by the Latin letter r, then the mark r1 marks the radius of the support pipe, on which the steps of the spiral staircase are partially supported. How to calculate the radius of a rounded flight of stairs?
Advice from seasoned builders
The spiral staircase is shaped like a cone, to calculate its width, builders use mathematical formulas. A person who is far from construction and mathematics, starting calculations, will immediately encounter difficulties. With such, for example, as calculating the circumference of a spiral staircase. How to calculate everything correctly and avoid mistakes? Specialists cope with this task using the formula:
2 x 3, 14 x r (in this case, r is the width of the stairs).

The same formula can be used by a summer resident who has set himself the goal of building a spiral staircase with his own hands. He will be able to calculate the size of the circumference of the span without outside help, having determined the width of the structure.
If, for example, round the width to 100 centimeters, then the circumference of the flight of stairs is 628 centimeters.
To calculate the height of a flight of stairs (when viewed from the outside of the stairs, the flight will look like a solid structure), the circumference must be divided by the number of steps located on the flight. For example, if 10 steps are planned, then the required distance will be 62.8centimeter (628: 10).
Experienced craftsmen advise: before proceeding with precise calculations, it is necessary to determine the overall dimensions of the structure.
Structure height and other important details
If a novice builder can determine the height of the stairs without outside help (the height of the screw structure is determined in the same way as the dimensions of a conventional staircase - by the height of the room), then finding out some seemingly insignificant details can lead him into dead end. For example: at what angle is the span of a spiral staircase rounded, how to calculate the exact number of steps, which of them will be considered the first, and which - the last?

The most acceptable slope of a spiral staircase, according to experts, should not exceed 37 degrees. The minimum tilt value should not be less than 23 degrees. Climbing such a ladder, a person will not balance on the steps, but will proportionally move forward and upward. By increasing the angle of inclination, the owner of the house will significantly save the usable area allotted for the structure, but will turn the usual climbing stairs into a climb of increased complexity.
As for the number of steps. First, the builder is determined with their height (in most cases it is 15-25 centimeters) and the width of the second floor ceiling. For example, if the height of the ceiling on the first floor is 2 meters 70 centimeters, the thickness and height of the steps are 20 and 22 centimeters, respectively, and the thickness of the ceiling on the second floor is 15 centimeters,this means that the height of the entire structure will be 2 meters 85 centimeters, and the number of steps will correspond to the number 13.
The floor of the second floor will serve as the top step. The floor of the first floor is considered the zero step.