It's no secret that wall decoration plays a special role in the overall picture of interior decoration. Recently, wall decoration with plaster has become very popular, as this method is distinguished by its ease of use and a special decorative look.
Let's consider further the main subtleties of applying this material, as well as the reviews of builders left in his address.

General concept
Liquid plaster is a special building material that is used exclusively for decorative purposes, for interior decoration. Often this building material is called differently - liquid wallpaper, as this material is gradually replacing the usual paper wallpaper.
So great popularity of this material is ensured by the ease of use of the material during construction, as well as excellent performance in the process of living.
Liquid wallpaper is typicalspecial texture: it is always homogeneous and does not have a pronounced relief. Moreover, this tool resembles a "fur coat" in its texture.
The inventors of this material are the Danes, who were the first to use it.
Positive Features
For interior walls, liquid plaster is chosen only because this building material has a lot of positive characteristics. Let's consider the main ones below.
Liquid plaster is a material that performs not only aesthetic properties, but also provides sound and heat insulation. Moreover, people also choose this material because it is quite soft and pleasant to the touch - because of this quality, such plaster is often used to decorate bedrooms and children's rooms. For the kitchen, liquid plaster is also an excellent finishing option, but only if, after applying the material and drying, the surface is applied with building varnish.
Experts note that the material in question is environmentally friendly. In particular, its composition is completely free of toxic substances that tend to be released into the air space of the room.
A significant advantage of the material in question is that it does not attract dust - this is achieved thanks to the special technologies used to create it. In addition to all this, high-quality material is quite resistant to low temperatures, and is also elastic.
In reviews,left by builders, it is often noted that this material is excellently applied by hand and very easy to restore.
And finally, a few words about another characteristic, due to which the type of plaster in question is popular. This material is able to fill all cracks well, even the smallest ones, and also ideally fit on any type of surface. Due to this, liquid wallpaper is very often used for painting uneven surfaces.

Practice shows that even such an impeccable material at first glance has certain drawbacks. These include, above all, its high cost.
In reviews of the type of plaster in question, it is often noted that this type of coating cannot be washed, which is also its big disadvantage. Otherwise, a light spot will form at the point of contact with the liquid. The same effect can be achieved by friction with the surface.
Correct and high-quality building material has a classic composition and does not contain chemical additives. The composition of this material is quite complex, which in itself determines its cost.
The structure of the material in question includes, first of all, the adhesive base, presented in the form of cellulose glue for classic type wallpaper.
An obligatory component is an acrylic type filler, which acts as a dye. In addition, a solution stabilizer is included in the structure of the product. It should be noted that it is thanks to acrylic that a resistant protective film is formed on the surface of the dried plaster.
The composition of the plaster of this type on a mandatory basis includes fibers of two different types. The final appearance of the finished coating depends on this component. Moreover, this component plays the role of a link connecting with the filler.
And, finally, the fourth type of component is a chemical coagulant. In simpler terms, this component is a drug that is harmless to the human body, which prevents the occurrence of fungi and bacteria of various types.
Some manufacturers add opalescent pigments to the liquid plaster, which give the dried wallpaper a mother-of-pearl effect.

Types of material
Depending on what type of fibers is included in the composition of the plaster, this building material is divided into three types: silk, silk-cellulose and cellulose. Let's consider each of them in more detail.
It should be noted that silk plaster is the most demanded material, which is connected, first of all, with the beauty of its appearance. The reviews of builders say that this type of wallpaper is the highest quality and, as practice shows, the most expensive of all those currently on the market. Silk plaster has a fairly long service life, and also has an increased level of resistance to sunlight.
Speaking of cellulose wallpaperliquid type, it should be noted that their composition is based on cellulose - a material that does not have such high resistance to various factors as silk. The pricing policy of such a building material is much lower than that of the previous one.
It's easy to guess that silk-cellulose wallpapers have a mixture of characteristics typical of the species listed above. Their price belongs to the middle segment, which is why the construction product is quite popular.
How to prepare material
Choosing the material in question in the store, it is easy to notice that it is significantly different from the usual paper wallpaper. This version of the plaster is presented in the form of a powder, which must be diluted with water.
This process should be carried out only using warm liquid (about 40 degrees) and strictly in accordance with the instructions on the package. After dilution, a homogeneous mixture should be obtained, without the presence of lumps in it, in its consistency it should resemble thick sour cream.
Experts recommend mixing the mass manually. Otherwise, the painted walls will soon begin to crumble and will need restoration.
Before using, the prepared solution must be infused, which will take at least 12 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, it must be mixed again, and only then used for its intended purpose.

The process of finishing with liquid plaster is very simple. To implement it, you need to get a wide spatula. With its help, it is necessary to evenly distribute the solution prepared in strict accordance with the instructions on the wall. After that, it is necessary to go over the entire covered area with a roller in order to make the coating more even.
Specialists in the field of repair and decoration of premises notice that some modern types of liquid wallpaper can be applied in a simpler way - using a Hopper gun.
In accordance with the technology, it is necessary to apply the product from one of the edges of the wall or from any of its corners. In the process, you need to make your movements with the same pressure force - only in this way the thickness of the staining will turn out to be uniform, as a result of which the entire wall will dry out at the same time.
Which layer of material should be applied? Repair specialists note that the characteristics of the coating do not change depending on the thickness of its application, so material savings are welcome in this case. In various recommendations, the opinions of builders come down to one thing - the optimal thickness for applying liquid plaster is 2 mm.

How to restore liquid wallpaper
In reviews of the building material in question, left by users, it is often noted that liquid wallpaper can be restored quite easily. This process is performed by cutting out the damaged area. Next, a fresh layer of the prepared solution is applied to the empty place, which should be leveledspatula and smooth it well with the rest of the surface. Practice shows that after the final drying, the newly applied layer becomes completely invisible.

In reviews of liquid plaster, it is often noted that this building material is an excellent option for finishing the interior of a room, if we regard it from the standpoint of the ratio of quality, practicality and price. The cost of this material in a specialized store can range from 500 to 2800 rubles for standard packaging, depending on the manufacturer. Prices for goods presented by VIP-class firms, of course, will be much higher.
Construction experts strongly advise against purchasing material offered at a low cost. To date, the purchase of wallpapers put on the market by Turkish and domestic manufacturers is most often recommended. Also leading positions are occupied by French manufacturers, but such goods, as a rule, are in a high price category.

Which companies offer the best wallpapers? To date, these include:
- Senideco (France);
- Cotex (France);
- Silkcoat (Japan);
- Wema (Germany);
- Poldecor (Poland);
- Bayramix Koza (Turkey);
- Silk Plaster (Russia);
- Casavaga/Ekobrik (Russia);
- "Limil" (Ukraine);
- Bioplast(Ukraine-Russia).
For external walls, liquid plaster can also be used, but in this case, the use of building material with a special mark is recommended.